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ML 209 primers
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Picture of Bwana1
Recently there are new 209 primers for ML.Whats the difference between them and the shotgun209 primers????Just another gimick????Thanks
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I believe they are similar to shotgun primers made for 410's. There are some opinions that a lesser powered primer still provides reliable ignition and a bit more consistent accuracy in some cases.

I've never used 209's in anything so I don't have an opinion.

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I believe their intended purpose is to prevent the ring of crud that builds up in the barrel when reg 209 primers are used. I've tried Rem, Fed and Win primers and they all leave a hard residue behind, maybe time to try some ML209's and see.
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They are a low power primer,410 primer in fancy package. As soon as these came out remington discontinued the 410 primer.Standard 209s will actually push the charge forward slightly before ignition causing the crud ring supposedly. I tried the remingtons. They sucked. Accuracy went to hell and the primers kept comeing apart after firing. I would open the action and the primer anvil would separated from the cup.
Posts: 448 | Registered: 27 September 2005Reply With Quote
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The Remington ML primers are the best out there and work as advertised. I have had ZERO problems with them in the 3 or so years I have been using them. Accuracy is great,crud ring is GONE,and they stay intact at all times. I have fired about 300 of them so far.
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What thumb small fish said!!!!!
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I've been using the new Winchester Triple 7 primers in my new 50 cal. Disc Extreme. Cannot tell you if they're any better for minimizing crud ring (getting next to none) as I haven't tried any other 209's yet. Accuracy has been very good; but have had a couple hang fires!

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I've tried the Win. T7 primers and still had a crud ring, though not as bad as with normal 209s. Had several hangfires and a couple failures to fire. About a month ago I tried the Rem. Kleanbore ML more crud ring, no more hang fires. Accuracy is much the same as before with T7 in my Encore, I'm convinced.
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They are the same as the 410 primers. Since I have never used T7, I have never had a problem with the crud ring, as others have. I don't get it with Pyrodex pellets. I still use the normal 209 primers and they work just fine for me. I also use CVA muzzleloaders (Kodiak and Stag Horn Mag) and maybe the shape of the breech plug has something to do with it, I don't know.


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Posts: 3942 | Location: Kansas USA | Registered: 04 February 2002Reply With Quote
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Remington Kleanbore ML primers are anything but clean. They foul much more than the standard Cheddite 209s I used to use. I'm sticking with Precision Rifles Variflame adapters and small rifle primers. Slightly more nuisance than a disposable 209 but no fouling and better accuracy.
Posts: 44 | Location: Winkler, MB | Registered: 16 October 2005Reply With Quote
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