First off, I Do Not support those taking a knee, but can you show proof that America's service men and women are not serving our country to insure All AMERICANS Right To Freedom Of Speech!
I do not like it that those folks are not showing proper respect for our country/our flag or the sacrifice Americas Service Men and Women have made over the decades to keep America/Americans FREE, but what kind of slippery slope will our country find itself on if we start putting limits on such concepts as Freedom of Speech?
Originally posted by Crazyhorseconsulting: First off, I Do Not support those taking a knee, but can you show proof that America's service men and women are not serving our country to insure All AMERICANS Right To Freedom Of Speech!
I do not like it that those folks are not showing proper respect for our country/our flag or the sacrifice Americas Service Men and Women have made over the decades to keep America/Americans FREE, but what kind of slippery slope will our country find itself on if we start putting limits on such concepts as Freedom of Speech?
To find faults with this clip makes you one miserable asshole. Get a life.
Posts: 8274 | Location: Mississippi | Registered: 12 April 2005
Originally posted by NormanConquest: I have fread that Budweiser was considering loss of sponshoreship.Now That would bring a clear message.
Except Budweiser is owned by Inbev which is a Belgian/Brazilian corporation to whom I'm sure bottom line means more than our flag, although their PR folks may have run the numbers on which would be more $$$ beneficial.....a patriotism play via dropping sponsorship vs. standing pat.
Posts: 2717 | Location: NH | Registered: 03 February 2009
To find faults with this clip makes you one miserable asshole.
I did not find any fault with that clip, I merely stated a FACT. Ever since the Revolutionary War the Men and Women that served/fought and died in our countries Armed Services, did so to maintain the Freedoms all Americans are entitled too.
I do not agree with the protests during the playing of OUR countries National Anthem, YES I am an Asshole and do not deny, never have, but I am an American an damn proud of it, but as an American I do not want to see Our Right of Freedom Of Speech weakened or curtailed in ANY MANNER.
I do not have to agree with anything anyone says including you, but I damn sure do not want to see you, me or any other American lose or have their RIGHT to speak their mind/state their opinion curtailed simply because some may not like what is being said.
The NFL is like every other business. MAX PROFITS, MAX PROFITS, MAX PROFITS..... They have just swamped the market with their product. The NFL is on Sunday night, Monday night, Thursday night, Saturday night...Then there is all day Sunday.....Oh, and on other nights and other channels they replay, in full, some of the games. As the ratings fall, they will take some action, I suspect eliminating the Thursday night game.
My attention span won't let me sit and watch a full NFL game more than about twice a year. Take a knee, don't take a knee; I don't care.
I'm surprised at the people here who act like they never miss an NFL pre-game activity. REALLY!!! Man, get a life.
Posts: 13923 | Location: Texas | Registered: 10 May 2002
I got less than a minute in. This reminds me a dipshit sergeant who told me to stand atvattention for a god damned country music song once in the Army. Yes, of course it was that Lee Greenwood drivel.
Who gets to choose what free free speech gets limited? Will the power to limit free speech end when Republican administrations leave office? No. They won't. What's next; limiting what Neo-Nazi assholes can preach about? I know plenty of people here love some Nazis.
Freedom of speech does not mean the freedom to lick Rush Limbaugh's balls. It means people have the freedom to express opinions and beliefs that others may disagree with. Get the sand out of your vagina.
Posts: 7672 | Location: near Austin, Texas, USA | Registered: 15 December 2000
None of us have to like or agree with what the players are doing, but we ALL have to understand that Americans RIGHT to Freedom of Speech applies to ALL Americans.
I was about to watch the Cowboy / Raider NFL game last night and just happened to catch the studio hosts call on Michele Tafoya for her pregame comments. The camera was on her but then panned down the Raider sidelines, with the stands in the background. One guy on the sidelines had taken his ball cap off and was standing quietly as the Anthem played. I saw no one else "honoring" the Anthem. Not the players, not the coaches, not the paying customers, not the support people running around getting ready for the kickoff.
The only people taking heat are the black players that kneel during the Anthem, not the ones milling around talking, or the coaches doing the same, or the broadcasters that are talking during the Anthem. What's with THAT? Why was Michele asked to do her analysis in the middle of the National Anthem. We are screwed-up in the head on this one.
Posts: 13923 | Location: Texas | Registered: 10 May 2002
Freedom of Speech my ass. How you are to conduct yourself during the anthem is LAW. There are LAWS about flying the flag etc. If you fly the flag at night for example, by LAW it is to have it's on special light. True, you wont get arrested if you don't have a light for it, but it is LAW. So I'll protest that I was born naked and not pay income tax--that's my Freedom of Speech. Freedom of speech doesn't give permission to break LAWS.
Posts: 3811 | Location: san angelo tx | Registered: 18 November 2009
Is it an actual Law that EVERYONE must stand during the playing of the National Anthem, or is it merely a voluntary show of respect for our country and those that fought for our Freedoms???
Just to keep things moving along, check this out.
Since 1998, federal law (viz., the United States Code 36 U.S.C. § 301) states that during a rendition of the national anthem, when the flag is displayed, all present including those in uniform should stand at attention;
Non-military service individuals should face the flag with the right hand over the heart; Members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are present and not in uniform may render the military salute;
Military service persons not in uniform should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold the headdress at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart; and Members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are in uniform should give the military salute at the first note of the anthem and maintain that position until the last note.
The law further provides that when the flag is not displayed, all present should face toward the music and act in the same manner they would if the flag were displayed.
Military law requires all vehicles on the installation to stop when the song is played and all individuals outside to stand at attention and face the direction of the music and either salute, in uniform, or place the right hand over the heart, if out of uniform.
The law was amended in 2008, and since allows military veterans to salute out of uniform, as well.[60][61]
The text of 36 U.S.C. § 301 is suggestive and not regulatory in nature.
Failure to follow the suggestions is not a violation of law.
This behavioral requirement for the national anthem is subject to the same First Amendment controversies that surround the Pledge of Allegiance.
[62] For example, Jehovah's Witnesses do not sing the national anthem, though they are taught that standing is an "ethical decision" that individual believers must make based on their "conscience."[63][64][65]
This is nothing more than a conduct in the workplace issue. Freedom of speech has nothing to do with business conduct. It has to do with public speech in non-business public forums. There are old sayings that you don't mess where you live or bite the hand that feeds. In any other business if you act out publicly you will be summarily dismissed. These people were hired to play football and they should do that and shut the hell up on the field. If they have a political view then call a press conference at another time. They aren't paying for the air time during the game and their athletic prowess has jack to do with politics. That shouldn't grant them a forum. If they don't like the social order then quit and go into politics and earn their stripes.
This is the beginning of the end for professional football. I predict it will be all but gone in 10 years. Achieving the same status as professional wrestling. That also means college athletes will choose another route too. If these folks aren't reigned in universities will suffer devastating financial losses leading to increased tuition's to make it up. A sad chapter indeed.
Posts: 3896 | Location: SC,USA | Registered: 07 March 2002
Professional Football is not going to go away, it will adapt with the changes in our culture, and as us "Old Farts", 50 and older that are trying to cling to the America we grew up in die off America will continue to change and evolve.
Those of us that were born in the late 40's, in the 50's and early 60's have seen our country change and not always for the good.
Tolerance and acceptance of once forbidden behaviors has changed and will keep on changing, too fast and too much for most older Americans, but it cannot be stopped.
Too many of the values and concepts of being an American Citizen have either changed or been completely lost.
I guess that I might be vindicte but here it is. !st the player loses his job (no bennies) then his pension.Oh yeah, since he is no real use to the community,make him get a REAl JOB!
As with most folks "taking a knee" has been a topic of conversation where I live. I do believe it is, as has been stated, a work place issue. I remain convinced it is anyone's right to say what they believe....and if you include emotions, what they "feel". I also do not want that right curtailed.
I am reminded of two things. One a high school algebra II teacher always espoused. "Your swinging room ends where another man's nose begins". The second, those taking a knee and protesting the flag and the anthem are thumbing their noses at the very reason they have the right to insult both emblems and those who fought and died to give them that right. That exhibits a total and complete lack of respect and/or understanding.
Lastly, I'm a veteran, no big deal to me. They can insult me all they want and it's no sweat off my back. However, my Father spent 16 months in Korea from July 1950 until November of 1951 and my oldest son spent 9 years in the Marine Corps. When they insult my Father and my Son the line was crossed. You can urinate down my back and tell me it's raining, so what but, that will not be tolerated for my family. As far as I'm concerned those taking an knee can go urinate up a rope. Any possibility of respect for them or "their cause" or the NFL has vanished like a morning fog on a summer day.
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me". John 14:6