I found this article and put in bold an interesting tidbit.....
Reddit User Posts $55,000 Hospital Bill for Appendectomy ABC News By SYDNEY LUPKIN | ABC News – Jan 1, 2014
When a 20-year-old man got over the pain of having his burst appendix removed in October, he got hit with a hospital bill he wasn't expecting.
The bill from Sutter General Hospital in Sacramento, Calif., said the total charges were $55,029.31 but that the patient owed only $11,119.23 because his insurance had covered the rest.
Shocked, the patient took to Reddit to post the bill and vent his frustrations. "I never truly understood how much health care in the U.S. costs until I got appendicitis in October," he wrote on the social media site. "I'm a 20-year-old guy. Thought other people should see this to get a real idea of how much an unpreventable illness costs in the U.S." The recovery room alone cost $7,501.00, which the man said was surprising because he spent only two hours in there. The surgery cost $16,277. "I think you can see how outrageous some of these costs are," he wrote.
But the bill was not so unusual, given recent studies that showed how the cost of medical procedures could vary from hospital to hospital, said Timothy McBride, a professor and health policy analyst at Washington University in St. Louis.
In April, University of California San Francisco researchers set out to find out how much an appendectomy cost among 19,000 patients in California. An appendectomy varied in price from $1,529 to $182,955, the researchers wrote in the study published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine.
"For some reasons that are probably quite legitimate, they pad these prices to cover what economists might call fixed costs," McBride said. These include such items as uncompensated care and staff costs, he said. Hospital prices can therefore vary depending on whether the hospital is a teaching hospital, sees more patients with chronic disease or offers only basic care. As a result, patients shouldn't be afraid to ask questions, and -- if necessary -- ask for a price reduction, McBride said. "It's kind of like an opening bid if you went into an auto store," McBride said of hospital billing. "Very few people now pay the sticker price."
Sutter General Hospital spokeswoman Nancy Turner said hospital billing is complicated, and that the hospital has people available to help patients navigate it. She said hospitals often serve many patients who don't pay at all or don't pay the actual cost of treatment because they are on Medicare or Medi-Cal, California's version of Medicaid.
"Sutter Health agrees that an improved billing structure is needed, where published charges are more closely aligned with actual costs," Turner said. "And a more straightforward pricing system is only possible when reimbursement from government-sponsored patients covers actual costs."
xxxxxxxxxx When considering US based operations of guides/outfitters, check and see if they are NRA members. If not, why support someone who doesn't support us? Consider spending your money elsewhere.
I have come to understand that in hunting, the goal is not the goal but the process.
Posts: 17099 | Location: Texas USA | Registered: 07 May 2001
If each and every hospital bill is detailed to the individual charge many of the charges turn out to stem from incompetent and lazy billing practices to outright fraud.
I had a $30,000 bill for a scope trim of a torn meniscus. Having worked a long time in orthopedic joint implant manufacturing I audited my own bill and found 2 cadaver grafts and 8 bone screws in the bill that were totally bogus charges. Bogus to the tune of $11,000.
Posts: 13978 | Location: http://www.tarawaontheweb.org/tarawa2.jpg | Registered: 03 December 2008
That is why there will never be true healthcare reform. You need to satisfy the shareholders. Wall St. and the Big Banks (ie the guy's who really run the world) will never allow it.
There are two types of people in the world: those that get things done and those who make excuses. There are no others.
Posts: 1450 | Location: El Campo Texas | Registered: 26 July 2004
Reviewing a summary of payments Medicare made last year on my behalf, it turns out that the Podiatry Unit at the Phoenix AZ VAMC billed Medicare for a soft cast (felt & plastic "boot") to treat my broken left shin bone, $700. And Medicare paid them for it.
Only problem with that is that I have never had a broken or even bruised shin in my life.
So I called Medicare and reported that discrepancy... Their response? "Oh, you probably didn't realize you had a broken shin". Excuse my bad pun, but GIMMEE A BREAK!!!
My country gal's just a moonshiner's daughter, but I love her still.
Posts: 9685 | Location: Cave Creek 85331, USA | Registered: 17 August 2001
The entire system is criminal! Every rational and reasonable person said in 1964 when the US government got involved in medicine that it was going to be a disaster. It has been. 70,000 + pages of "health care regulations" and a few billion in reelection campaign contributions( BRIBES later it is a night mare. It is only going to get worse until our masters in Washington get what they want which is socialized medicine mandated by the Democratic party so they will be effectively have one party rule of the US.
Oh well. I am afraid that the lure of "free healthcare" is too powerful for the average voter to with stand. Hang on and Hope. That's all we have left now.
If you own a gun and you are not a member of the NRA and other pro 2nd amendment organizations then YOU are part of the problem.
Posts: 1234 | Location: South Texas | Registered: 12 July 2005
FREE is relative. Some European countries pay all health care. It is that simple. No bullshit, no games. Show your citizen I.D. and you're covered. Income Taxes are higher there than here in the states by about 10%. But, what a plan. No providers or prescription companies to argue with, no begging for Doctor offices to send the paperwork in, no nothing. For the working person here our wages are already reduced by the benefit coverage costs paid by our employer. So, we do pay for it. Would it work here in the states like it does in Switzerland, as in full citizen coverage? Hmmm.
Life itself is a gift. Live it up if you can.
Posts: 5334 | Location: Near Hershey PA | Registered: 12 October 2012
Snakebite victim charged $89,000 for 18-hour hospital stay Dylan Stableford, Yahoo News By Dylan Stableford, Yahoo News January 27, 2014
A snakebite victim who was treated at a North Carolina hospital came away with more than just fang marks when he received an $89,227 bill for an 18-hour stay.
Eric Ferguson, 54, from Mooresville, N.C., was taking out the trash at his home last August when he was bitten on the foot by a snake. He drove himself to Lake Norman Regional Medical Center, where he was treated with anti-venom medicine.
According to his bill, the hospital charged $81,000 for a four-vial dose of the medication.
Shocked at the price tag, Ferguson told the Charlotte Observer he and his wife found the same vials online for retail prices as low as $750.
Ferguson, who is insured, said his care was "beyond phenomenal."
"It was just the sticker shock," he said.
Because the hospital has a contract with Ferguson's insurer, Blue Cross and Blue Shield, it reduced the total bill to $20,227. According to the Observer, the couple paid $5,400 out of pocket to cover their deductible and co-pay.
The hospital defended its prices, saying it has to charge prices higher than retail because of the various discounts it is required to give insurers.
"We are required to give Medicare one level of discount from list price, Medicaid another, and private insurers negotiate for still others," officials told the newspaper. "If we did not start with the list prices we have, we would not end up with enough revenue to remain in operation."
The hospital added: "Our costs for providing uncompensated care are partially covered by higher bills for other patients."
The Fergusons' case is, of course, not unique. A 2013 cover story by Steven Brill in Time magazine ("Why Medical Bills Are Killing Us") detailed the "outrageous pricing and egregious profits" destroying the U.S. health care system, noting that Americans were expected to spend an estimated $2.8 trillion on health care last year.
xxxxxxxxxx When considering US based operations of guides/outfitters, check and see if they are NRA members. If not, why support someone who doesn't support us? Consider spending your money elsewhere.
I have come to understand that in hunting, the goal is not the goal but the process.
Posts: 17099 | Location: Texas USA | Registered: 07 May 2001