CPA called this morning + gave me the good news that due to the covid situation that I didn't make jack last year that I don't owe anything. That's the good news. The bad was that since I didn't make that much but still contributed to my Roth IRA that I would be fined by the IRS for "excess contributions". The way out of that was to contact my brokerage house + have them replace last years contributions back into my regular bank account that has been drafted monthly for years. THey made it as hard as can be for me to get MY money transferred back into my other account, Including having a "customer service rep." who can't speak English. After this is all over I am moving my money out of Wells Fargo.
The "good" news in Texas is that we have until June 15th to file this year.
Two times of the year I hate; when I have to start providing info for the accountant (IRS), and when I have to pay property taxes. My advice:
Pay the IRS what they are due. (I like sleeping nights.) Protest your property taxes. (Save a little money, but at least get their attention.) Re-evaluate your insurance needs. (Save more than a little money.)
Posts: 13925 | Location: Texas | Registered: 10 May 2002
Originally posted by NormanConquest: CPA called this morning + gave me the good news that due to the covid situation that I didn't make jack last year that I don't owe anything. That's the good news. The bad was that since I didn't make that much but still contributed to my Roth IRA that I would be fined by the IRS for "excess contributions". The way out of that was to contact my brokerage house + have them replace last years contributions back into my regular bank account that has been drafted monthly for years. THey made it as hard as can be for me to get MY money transferred back into my other account, Including having a "customer service rep." who can't speak English. After this is all over I am moving my money out of Wells Fargo.
Had the same problem awhile back, you'll probably get taxed once for putting it in, and again for taking it back out. Nutz...
Our country, right or wrong. When right, to be kept right, when wrong to be put right.
Carl Schurz (1829 - 1906)
Posts: 15047 | Location: Moreno Valley CA USA | Registered: 20 November 2000
Ken, I thought it was July 15th but no matter for me as I intend to file before 4/15 + get it over with. I agree that the property taxes are the main point of protest. As you well know, the county/state taxes are killing those of us legal residents.
Originally posted by NormanConquest: Ken, I thought it was July 15th but no matter for me as I intend to file before 4/15 + get it over with. I agree that the property taxes are the main point of protest. As you well know, the county/state taxes are killing those of us legal residents.
Without an income tax, how else do you finance government services? Oil severance tax will only get you so far, then something has to give.
Our country, right or wrong. When right, to be kept right, when wrong to be put right.
Carl Schurz (1829 - 1906)
Posts: 15047 | Location: Moreno Valley CA USA | Registered: 20 November 2000
Tom, property taxes is what we have + they are out of sight.Especially so in the context that we have a phenomenal increase of new folks moving here, which by my rationale is that the more paying the taxes then the amounts per individual should decrease since there are more to feed the coffers. Silly me.
Originally posted by NormanConquest: Tom, property taxes is what we have + they are out of sight.Especially so in the context that we have a phenomenal increase of new folks moving here, which by my rationale is that the more paying the taxes then the amounts per individual should decrease since there are more to feed the coffers. Silly me.
Eight years ago when I was retiring from public work life to self employment/farm life I began looking for a new state to live. Texas and several others were on the list. Actually, Texas was at the top but I quickly found that land prices and taxes were too high even then.
Now that Texas and some other states are getting a big influx of people from Kommiefornia and scads of illegals I believe I would predict that situation will become worse.
Posts: 20028 | Location: The LOST Nation | Registered: 27 March 2001
Originally posted by NormanConquest: Tom, property taxes is what we have + they are out of sight.Especially so in the context that we have a phenomenal increase of new folks moving here, which by my rationale is that the more paying the taxes then the amounts per individual should decrease since there are more to feed the coffers. Silly me.
Way most of Tejas is private property, and already taxed. Adding residents who need services means more money is needed to provide them, and the amount of land getting taxed isn't increasing. Something has to give.
Our country, right or wrong. When right, to be kept right, when wrong to be put right.
Carl Schurz (1829 - 1906)
Posts: 15047 | Location: Moreno Valley CA USA | Registered: 20 November 2000
Way most of Tejas is private property, and already taxed. Adding residents who need services means more money is needed to provide them, and the amount of land getting taxed isn't increasing. Something has to give.
Tom, that is a terrific analysis.
Posts: 20028 | Location: The LOST Nation | Registered: 27 March 2001
Tom, the vast amount of our property taxes is directed to the schools. That has been a serious bone of contention for many years as those of us who have no kids in school anymore still have to foot the bill for those that do. In addition to building more schools, they are making them ostentasious beyond your wildest dreams, starting 1st of course with a new football stadium + weight room for the jocks. The onto the school (after raises of course). The last high school bond came to 82 million for our relatively small community. It went up for a vote, was rejected, but the powers that be did it anyway because that's what they wanted. And don't bother trying to find anyone responsible for the actions, they seem to be invisible. If we knew who they were we could vote them out (maybe). There is beaucoup graft in our county tax departments. I am getting sick of being forced to finance it.
Oh, + I didn't even get into the "Robin Hood" act. That is another serious bone of contention by those of us in more affluent counties being forced to finance the school districts of the poorer areas.
I have been trying to get them to add the other 5 acres that I bought 15 years ago that adjoins my current property to add onto my homestead exemption as well as my over 65 exemption but so far they just ignore me + after 3 certified mails they still claim they never got it even when I have the signed receipts.
Originally posted by NormanConquest: I have been trying to get them to add the other 5 acres that I bought 15 years ago that adjoins my current property to add onto my homestead exemption as well as my over 65 exemption but so far they just ignore me + after 3 certified mails they still claim they never got it even when I have the signed receipts.
Randy, sounds like a liberal paradise.
Posts: 20028 | Location: The LOST Nation | Registered: 27 March 2001