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Gunshop break in Login/Join 
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Well, it was bound to happen. Thieves entered through the exhaust vent on the roof of our bluing room. They cut the burglar alarm cable and the damn thing didn't go off as designed! Broke out the glass handgun counter shelves and stole 16 handguns. Left 2 on the roof and a dozen in the parking lot. I found blood on one of the pistol cases and there was several white footprints on the floor from the one that stepped in the bluing tank. Hopefully we will get a lead soon.
Posts: 3962 | Location: SC,USA | Registered: 07 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of jimatcat
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Rough thing to happen.. Thieves broke into my shop where i had my gunshow inventory stored and got away with 115.. 2 have been recovered.. Hope that yours will too...

go big or go home ........

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Picture of NormanConquest
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yep, my own experiences also.
broken into
= stolen guns but all I got from the cops was "what do you want us to do about it?" I'll bet you a dollar to a doughnut though that I had shot that SOB then I would have been in jail.

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Posts: 17357 | Location: Austin, Texas | Registered: 11 March 2013Reply With Quote
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In some cases stay alert even after the robbery. Years ago we had a break-in at our maintenance center in Odessa. They cut themselves on broken glass entering. They stole tools and got as far as the parking lot, when something spooked them and they ran, leaving the toolbox. We had the police out, buttoned everything back up, went home that next evening. The next morning we found they had come back, broken back in and stole the tools they had left the previous night.

Guns are going to be a big deal during this situation where people are not at work. The thieves will be working double-time. I've moved loaded handguns closer to my reach, 24-hours a day. Maybe it won't matter. Maybe it will. I hate thieves. I will not hesitate to kill them if I catch them in the act. I will worry about the legal consequences later. The idea of firing a warning shot will never occur to me.

Back on that first break-in in Odessa. we were at the yard within ten minutes of the alarm sounding that night. The police were already there with dogs. They scoured the yard to see if any of the thieves were hiding on the 8 acres of equipment.

Hoping, I asked a cop if he expected to find anyone. He said an interesting thing. He said, we will if they were "Mexicans", because they "run to ground" and are hiding around or under the equipment. The dogs would find them.

If they are Black, "they take off in a straight line running", he said, and are probably home by now. If they are White, they will circle back and watch all the police "action".

They had one cruiser circling the property slowly that would stop any vehicle acting peculiar, hoping they might catch a White guy with a fresh cut. They didn't.
Posts: 13928 | Location: Texas | Registered: 10 May 2002Reply With Quote
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I hate thieves as well. In the 70s a buddy of mine in Houston was constantly getting his CB radios stolen out of his truck, after having enough he bought a new one + brazed treble hooks on the back before reinstalling it. The Mexican was still up under the dash in the morning. He wasn't going anywhere.

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Posts: 17357 | Location: Austin, Texas | Registered: 11 March 2013Reply With Quote
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