Has anyone ever installed a fiberglass six foot patio door that is made by Peachtree ? Will the two glass doors come out of the fram to make it lighter to handle ? I have to take it to the second story and can't get any kind of lift to the area. It was all that I and the truck drive could handle to get it off the truck.
Dose a fellow back out the track screws on top then run the door to the other end then remove final screws then tilt forward and bring it out of the fram with that plastic track also ?
Yes. That is how it is done. e careful when installing it though. Put the frame in with the fixed panel only,then before final nailing install the active panel. Be sure to have the active panel closed when you nail the lock side. this way you know that it is perfectly aligned with the panel. You are best off to be perfect on the panel.Not to telling you your business, but be sure to flash and counter flash the door. With a second story door over a balcony(I assume), your biggest worry is a leak. Good Luck
Posts: 766 | Location: Michigan USA | Registered: 27 September 2008
Thanks Chris for the info, as soon as this weather gets better I want to try and get it in. The other two come in around the 12 of June they are eight foots and they will be Andersons. I am just replacing two other older Andersons. Bill