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Absolute Crap hunting shows - when will it end? Login/Join 
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I saw a show today on Direct TV, channel 605, that was an absolute piece of crap. "Winchester's Deadly Passion." It was a show about dove shooting in Argentina.

The camera work was terrible, absolutely terrible. Over exposed, washed out, no proportion, no depth. All you could see was a washed out super bright horizon and a dark foreground with no birds and no other features.

Audio was equally poor. Overriding background. Wind, white noise and other interference.

Two shooters who were fundamentally unfamiliar with shotguns and the concept of fast moving wingshooting. Unsafe muzzle control.

I continue to be amazed at how these "productions" get on the air. First year cinema students at the local junior college could have done a better job. This was absolutely terrible.

What amazes me the most about this particular show is that it is allegedly produced by Winchester. Really?

Posts: 1759 | Location: Prescott, Az | Registered: 30 January 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of NormanConquest
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Was it really put on by Winchester? This would'nt have happened in Herb Parson or Ad Topperwien's day.

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Posts: 17357 | Location: Austin, Texas | Registered: 11 March 2013Reply With Quote
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Unsafe muzzle control struck a nerve. I just got though watching a hunting show last week. They were hunting caribou. The "hunter" twice turned to the cameraman to impart some wisdom to the viewer. Both times he swung his rifle around and had it pointed, at gut level, at the cameraman. The first time, I jumped. Did I see what I thought I saw? Then the fool did it again. It made me wonder if they weren't cranking these shows out so fast that they don't review and edit, or teach their "professional" a little gun safety before they push him in front of the camera.

Besides that, in the old days it used to be more about the hunt, and less about, "aren't-I-wonder", and "oh my God, oh my God, I can't believe this. This is awesome. Thank you Jesus. Did you see that? I can't believe it. I'm still shaking." Why not just add, "I think I wet myself".

Give me The American Sportsman and Curt Gowdy any day.
Posts: 13923 | Location: Texas | Registered: 10 May 2002Reply With Quote

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Kensco don't forget the fist bump.

I do not watch any of these things, there is nothing to be learned and an awful lot that is just plain ignorant.

I watched a show tonight "Building Alaska" over at a friends house and she turned it off because of my commenting, LOL. It wouldn't be so bad but there are people who believe all that crap. What got the TV turned off was these people were hauling a trailer that had gravel in it, that was chained to a backhoe loader bucket. then after all this drama they cannot get the trailer to wherever it need to go so they have to shovel out the trailer (3 guys). Well first I had to wonder out loud how can a low boy trailer get out into the middle of the wilderness where there are apparently no roads, what got the TV turned off however was when I started commenting on the reasoning behind dragging a trailer with a chain, and then shovelling it out by hand with 3 guys while the tongue is chained to the loader bucket and then the angst because they cannot deliver the gravel to the work site ( "...if only they had something with a big goddam bucket on the front of it, I bet they could get all that gravel to the work site you think?...") Anyway, if these reality shows are truly a snapshot of the average American we are pretty screwed as a country for the immediate future.

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what Barnum said: "no one has ever gone broke underestimating the taste of the American Public...".
Posts: 23062 | Location: SW Idaho | Registered: 19 December 2005Reply With Quote
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I have heard smoked him one to many times.
Posts: 1305 | Location: N.J | Registered: 16 October 2004Reply With Quote
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I don't watch much TV anymore at all. It's too stupid.

1. The reality shows aren't real.
2. The competition shows are run by pompous asses that believe they are "stars".
3. The black sitcoms make Amos & Andy look like an Emmy winner.
4. The made-for-TV sporting events are totally worthless.
5. My bitch with the cooking shows is that every taste of the results starts with the taster closing their eyes, and then having an orgasm.

Don't even get me started on ghost hunters, mountain monsters, etc.

The absolute worst show I've seen in the last 24-hours is "Booze Traveler", with a fool named Jack Maxwell. The show was about Argentina. It could have been very good, but The Fool thinks he is both cute and funny. He is neither. Years back he would have been called an "Ugly American". He makes a complete ass of himself wherever he goes. I can only imagine what the local people say about him after he leaves the country.

Back when we had three TV channels, we had more quality programs than we have on the 500 channels we have now.
Posts: 13923 | Location: Texas | Registered: 10 May 2002Reply With Quote
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It seems those shows are directed to the cliff dwellers that have never been off of concrete. If I stumble onto one, it's always interesting to watch for the flubs. Here is some "back to nature" type living off the grid and while he's giving you a ration of shit about living the basic life, there is a ford 350 in the background or a power pole with leads going into his "cabin".

Aim for the exit hole
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The only attraction for that program is Melissa Bachman. I agree the quality leaves something to be desired, but she is young and learning. If it promotes women in the field, I am for it. Jerry Hoover
Posts: 372 | Location: Round Rock,TX | Registered: 15 March 2005Reply With Quote
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The question was, when will it end? Short answer, when folks stop watching the crap.

Posts: 455 | Location: Sierra Vista, AZ | Registered: 06 December 2004Reply With Quote
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Well,write me up as an old fart that wishes his T.V. still had a knob + 3 channels.I hate having the grandkids change channels.

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Posts: 17357 | Location: Austin, Texas | Registered: 11 March 2013Reply With Quote
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I think the descriptive phrase you are searching for is "Infomercials".
Posts: 23062 | Location: SW Idaho | Registered: 19 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Unwatchable because of commercials....20 minutes of em and 10 minutes of hyped up crap. There are one or two decent ones but they are rare.
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