I shot him at about 60 yards with my sako 300 wsm. He ran 50 yards and climbed into a tree about 20 feet up and fell dead about 15 seconds later.
He is now at the taxidermist in the process of becoming a nice rug.
The bear is Chocolate in colour and about 6 feet, I dont know how heavy it is but it took three of us to get in the truck box. It is a fairly big bear for Southern alberta, Canada.
There is an ear tag and i called fish and wild life but they had no info on this particular bear yet. It must have been tagged recently I have to call a specific person tomorrow and will be able to find out. There is a national Park about 25 km from where i shot it. i figure he must have scared a few campers or something like that lol.
Posts: 60 | Location: Alberta Canada | Registered: 23 June 2004
The bullet i used is just a generic winchester 300 wsm 180 grain power point that i picked up at canadian tire a few days before the hunt. The god darned things gave me .75 inches at 100 and an honest 2.8 inch 3 shot roup at 400 yards. I picked up the gun about a month ago and havent had real time to work up a load for it.
The bullet performed flawlessly i did not recover it though. It went through right behind both shoulders and left the internals pretty damaged. the bear din't even run 50 yards.
I have all the fancy bullets, accubonds, partitions, bear claws, but havent worked up a load yet. Will keep them for Elk.
I new that the power points were designed for quick expansion and would be fine for Bear.Shure was an impressive sight though...
The cool part about this hunt is that we came within 50 yards of a Grizzly just a few minutes before on a fresh kill, So we got the hell out of there mighty quick. Meanwhile, a buddy was spotting a bear on another mountain a few miles away. He called me and we rushed over with the truck. you dont see a Grizzly and a black bear within 15 minutes every day. It was an awesome day.
Posts: 60 | Location: Alberta Canada | Registered: 23 June 2004
Nice Bear, congratulations. Yes they are indeed difficult to load without a short "ramp" from the ground to the tailgate. Many folks don't realize how difficult it is to get a grip on them.
If you have not done so, you might want to verify your SAKO is not one inside the "Exploding" Serial Number range. It was posted on the Gunsmith Board at one time.
Nice flicks. Beautiful shot of the mountains.
Posts: 9920 | Location: Carolinas, USA | Registered: 22 April 2001
Man, nice bear! I never really had a real desire to hunt them before last year, but I have to admit seeing one like that gets the juices flowing pretty well. Congrats.