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Wolves were in Yellowstone in 1992!
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From: Gray Wolf Recovery Coordinator, Helena, MT 11/16/2007
Subject: Status of Gray Wolf Recovery, Week of 11/09/07 to11/16/07
NEW WEB ADDRESS- The 2007 annual interagency wolf report [covering all 2006] can be viewed at The 2008 report will be available by March 1, 2008.

B195, captured and radio-collared as a pup in the Castle Peak, ID pack on 1/24/04 and last located in central Idaho in April 2004, was confirmed to be in Yellowstone National Park. Doug Smith [NPS] reports he was probably first seen this spring. He spent the summer with the Slough Creek pack, but after their alpha male was hit by a car a new alpha male came in and apparently kicked him out. He appears to be alone right now but still hanging around Slough Creek territory. The straight-line distance between his natal pack in ID and Slough Creek in YNP is just over 200 miles- not that far for a dispersing wolf.

But, this is the first known non-GYA wolf [besides a uncollared wolf shot just south of the Park in 1992- which was just confirmed to have come from NW MT- by the newest DNA analysis] to disperse into YNP.

Nice, so there were wolves in YNP.
Posts: 767 | Location: U.S.A. | Registered: 08 March 2001Reply With Quote
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First wolf I ever saw was in the little belts in 1992.

Posts: 9823 | Location: Montana | Registered: 25 June 2001Reply With Quote
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But, this is the first known non-GYA wolf [besides a uncollared wolf shot just south of the Park in 1992- which was just confirmed to have come from NW MT- by the newest DNA analysis] to disperse into YNP.

That was shot by Jerry Kysar here where I live. he swears that there were three the day he shot one of them. The feds took the hide and carcass, they were in a quandry, if there was a population of wolves already there, it would derail the liberal reintroduction plan. At first they denied any wolves, there are no wolves the USF&W proclaimed. Then they had the DNA done and it was a wolf! Surprise ! Suprise!

After some legal wrangling, Jerry got the hide and has it tanned, he had some posters made, black and white, with him in the pic and his wolf hide over his saddle, his quote on the poster goes some thing like this, "clinton won't raise taxes, elvis lives in Jackson, and there are no wolves in Wy.!
Posts: 10478 | Location: N.W. Wyoming | Registered: 22 February 2003Reply With Quote
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But, this is the first known non-GYA wolf [besides a uncollared wolf shot just south of the Park in 1992- which was just confirmed to have come from NW MT- by the newest DNA analysis] to disperse into YNP.

Does anyone think this was a domestic dog?

Interesting that this wolf would take 15 years to ID when other wolves found since then have taken considerably less time to ID. The wolf cross killing sheep near Jordan, MT several years ago was identified shortly after it was killed.
Posts: 767 | Location: U.S.A. | Registered: 08 March 2001Reply With Quote
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We had a wolf killed near Spencer Nebraska a few years ago. The guy was coyote hunting and said he couldn't tell the difference. DNA showed it was a Wisconsin wolf if I remember right and the guy was supposed to be in big trouble but it all kind of disappeared. I had heard that everyone involved just decided to pretend it never happened.

Lance Kuck
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Lance, I remember that wolf. It was huge. And locals claim there was more than one. The DNA is a key arguing point. If the DNA says it is from Wisc. or Canada, then it is technically a different species. My point being, the Canadian wolf is not a Wyoming wolf. And Wyoming state law says, NO NON-NATIVE SPECIES can be introduced INTO THE STATE OF WY>. Ask John Dorrance and his deer! My argument, the feds introduced a non-native species, and they should be removed! A Tule elk could not be released in Wy. Where is Gerry Spence when you need him? (No doubt in his liberal living room, watching his liberal tv, with his liberal wife)!
Posts: 10478 | Location: N.W. Wyoming | Registered: 22 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by kudu56:
If the DNA says it is from Wisc. or Canada, then it is technically a different species. My point being, the Canadian wolf is not a Wyoming wolf. And Wyoming state law says, NO NON-NATIVE SPECIES can be introduced INTO THE STATE OF WY>.

Where the heck do you come up with this stuff?? Confused

There is but one SPECIES of North American wolf -- Canis Lupus. The only thing the DNA will SOMETIMES reveal is the parental lineage -- mostly via the maternal gene string -- as long as there are OTHER samples to compare it to.

If each different DNA determined a separate species, then you and each of your neighbors are all separate species. Roll Eyes -TONY

Tony Mandile - Author "How To Hunt Coues Deer"
Posts: 3269 | Location: Glendale, AZ | Registered: 28 July 2003Reply With Quote
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Tony, when the wolf was shot near Spencer Nebraska, the feds took it, did the DNA and confirmed it was from Wisc. Many locals, including the Nebraska Game and Parks thought the wolf was from Wyoming or Mt. and had traveled down the Missouri river. DNA proved it was from the Wisc. packs. Not from Wy ot MT. Are you doubting them? Now if they can tell if it was from Wisc and not Mt. then they sure could be able to say the wolves in Wy Mt. Id, are not Wy wolves. They are Canadian Grey wolves. But since no DNA exists from any Wyoming wolves there is nothing to compare. Considering the last wolf shot that was truly native to Wy was probably 60 years ago.

Now if you do not believe a wolf was shot near Spencer, do a search, lay off the Scotch long enough to read it. Several locals, near Spencer, two of which elk hunt with me when they draw, say that the wolf shot there was not alone. I don;'t doubt them. I have no reason to.

Now as for non-native species, why was John Dorrance forced to remove his herd of Red Deer from his property. Not much difference DNA wise, between a Red Deer and an elk. But the G&F forced thier removal.

As for parental lineage, it was never mentioned or disclosed in any of the documentation. Only that the wolf near Spencer was not from Wy. or Mt. Wolves. of which there was more than one parental group released.

We have to live with them, the feds need to manage them. To date I think they have killed over 100 this year. They are far more proficient at killing them as compared to hunters that will find them happenstance. They brought them here, they need to pay to manage them, that way you wolf lovers, can share in the expense, instead of us that have to spend our license money to manage them. Outside of the recovery zone you won't see that many any way.
Posts: 10478 | Location: N.W. Wyoming | Registered: 22 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Maybe you should reread what I wrote. Then you would know why they were able to determine it was from the Wis. pack.

>>Considering the last wolf shot that was truly native to Wy was probably 60 years ago.<<

How do you know it was "truly native" to WY? License plates? Maybe it had migrated from Canada 200 years earlier, or maybe it came north from Mexcio 400 years prior.

>>why was John Dorrance forced to remove his herd of Red Deer from his property.<<

If the law is actually written as you posted it, he would have won a court case because elk and red deer are indeed the same SPECIES.

To that point:

Did you know there is only ONE SPECIES of bighorn sheep, just like there is only one species of North American wolves?

The AZ G&F Dept decided to transplant RM bighorns to an area around Clear Creek. The USFS fought them, claiming they were a non-native species. The USFS lost the battle because the RM are the same species as the desert sheep, which were native. -TONY

Tony Mandile - Author "How To Hunt Coues Deer"
Posts: 3269 | Location: Glendale, AZ | Registered: 28 July 2003Reply With Quote
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If the law is actually written as you posted it, he would have won a court case because elk and red deer are indeed the same SPECIES.

John Dorrance is the Campbells soup heir, I think he spent close to $50,000 fighting the G&F, and lost.
Posts: 10478 | Location: N.W. Wyoming | Registered: 22 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by kudu56:

John Dorrance is the Campbells soup heir, I think he spent close to $50,000 fighting the G&F, and lost.

Yeah, I already knew that. That's exactly why I wrote what I did in my last message. The reason is simple; the statute does not actually state it is illegal to introduce "non-native species."

In fact, the law bans the import or possession of ALL wildlife, native or otherwise, into the state -- with few exceptions -- unless a permit is issued to do so. This is the way the law reads in most states. And WY's goes even further by being very specific to certain species, including listing red deer among the prohibited critters. for WY's "non-native species" ban, what are you doing to have the brown and lake trout removed from Flaming Gorge Reservoir and other waters? Tiger muskies? Northern pike?? Smallmouth & largemouth bass? Rainbow and brook trout???

How's about ringneck pheasants? Chukars?? Merriam's and Rio Grande turkeys??

My guess is nothing since they don't affect the number of targets available to hunters, right? Wink -TONY

Tony Mandile - Author "How To Hunt Coues Deer"
Posts: 3269 | Location: Glendale, AZ | Registered: 28 July 2003Reply With Quote
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