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Marines vs Deer 2006
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Picture of Spring
As the last year went by it was accentuated by the memories of good friends and a fun 2005 hunt with the US Marine Corps as we lightly planned for a repeat in 2006. So much planning was involved with the first hunt for our servicemen that I had a bit of hesitation to re-enter that process knowing it could again become a daily effort of preparation. This all started in the summer of 2005 as I felt a deep respect for what our men and women in uniform are doing for us and I felt the need to give back. In addition, many of our Marines stationed here are sportsmen from around the country that have few places to enjoy the outdoors when living here.
As October neared and I mentioned the prospect of another hunt to GySgt Calvin Foster, I soon realized any such reluctance was completely unnecessary. Calvin and I had stayed in touch over the last year and had become good friends; my wife taught him how to cream sweet corn after he picked a load at my farm in June and my younger brother got him a new puppy that has become a part of his family. Anyway, I've heard a good Gunny can get most anything done, and I soon learned Calvin was no exception. I suggested a date to Calvin for this year's hunt and it all easily happened. It was about as simple as that.
Just like last year, nine Marines showed up at my farm last Wednesday (10/26) for this year's hunt, including two repeats from 2005, Calvin and Capt. Derwin Moody, who had recently returned from a 6-month deployment in Afghanistan. I was told others from last year had tried to come back as well, but we wanted to give some new guys the opportunity to get away from the base, particularly with so many guys on base having just returned from Iraq. Could this new crew of America's finest match the record set last year of 9 deer down on only 10 shots? Time would surely tell.
The Marines arrived and set up their "barracks," which turned out to be a nice row of shiny pick-up trucks. They had decided to scratch the idea of setting up the huge tent they brought, particularly with the forecast of rain the next afternoon and having to get it clean and dry before returning it.

Many of this year's Marines are avid bow hunters, particularly on the base itself, so sighting in their rarely used--or in some cases borrowed-- guns was very important. They drew for stands and I took about half the group out to see them as the other half tested their guns for accuracy. Several guns did indeed need fine tuning.
We then switched positions so that every hunter would have a chance to see his stand in the daylight before hunting in it the next morning.

All the while, my good friend, Billy Joe Carroll, continued his day-long efforts to cook our Marines a feast for dinner that night.

Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany’s Commanding Officer, Col Chris Haliday, joined us around 6pm after a prior engagement. He's a true gentleman and we were honored that he could join us for the evening. I think the other Marines could also then see that the Corps fully supports them, even when they are not involved in their normal daily routines.

Ribs, chicken, baked beans, potato salad, and homemade pecan pie were soon offered in abundance. We thanked the Good Lord for our many blessings, and asked Him to watch after our service men and women standing guard around the world.

Col Haliday is on the left:

After dinner, and all of us eating well more than we should, we headed back to the fire burning for us about a mile back into the farm. My son, Victor, had come home from UGA to help with the hunt and had things all ready for us there. The beer was cold, the fire was warm, and stories were plentiful as we all had a great time getting to know each other better as the night wore on. These Marines were all of the "been there done that" variety, as 2-5 deployments was told by each Marine, with the 2 Gunnys in attendance having even more. One Marine was telling of when he first arrived in Kuwait before moving on to Iraq; he told of the smell that is pervasive there, as I heard groans of agreement from every Marine circling the fire. It was then I knew I was surrounded by heroes. If there was a common theme, however, expressed by each Marine as his turn came to tell his story, it was "I love the Marine Corps." The sense of brotherhood these men have for each other, their commitment to their duty, and pride in their efforts is remarkable.
I then pulled out my hard boiled eggs. Calvin and Derwin smiled as they knew what about to come. It was egg battle time. I trophy manage my property and the guys were going to help me take out does the next morning, but I knew they'd love to take a big buck if one came their way. Each Marine selected an egg and was to tap that egg against the guy next to him, as they ultimately eliminated each hunter until one uncracked egg remained. If a nice 8-pointer came by, the winner of the egg battle could take him. Calvin really wanted to win this thing, exclaiming he "had waited 365 days for this moment!" The battle began. Here's Calvin (right) in Round One:

Cash ended up beating Calvin so he had to take on Derwin. The Captain won!

About 5:45 the next morning Marines were scurrying everywhere. Though most said they slept well, some said that had slept little because of all their anticipation, though another did blame it on a coyote in the distance.
Victor and I split the Marines into two groups and we took them to their stands. After coming back to the barn, I thought about relaxing a bit, but I now had collective curiosity about how successful the guys would be. I so wanted the hunt to be successful, but you just never know with this kind of thing. It was not as cool as it had been the previous mornings and I had to wonder about deer movement. After sitting inside a while, I decided to come out, build a fire, and sip some coffee hoping to hear some shots in the distance. The hunters were scattered pretty well, yet I thought I might could hear most of their shots.
During the time I was out there, I only heard two shots. I was worried.
About 10:25 we decided to go pick up the hunters. The nearest hunter was Calvin. I saw his big grin and a video camera as I approached and soon learned the load of does that had been blowing right behind him for almost 2 hours had finally neared his patch around 10AM and he had popped one.
Here's Calvin:

I went to check on other Marines. It was then I really started to worry; not because of the lack of deer, but because I started hearing of too many misses...The terrorist might be safe after all! Some hunters had been successful, a couple had not seen a doe, and after picking them all up we had four deer, including Derwin Moody's first buck. He was really excited, and I was happy for him, too as I had the pleasure of initiating him into the brotherhood of deer hunters last year after he shot his first one.

Here's the haul from the morning's hunt:

They gutted some deer while my wife prepared lunch. The guys were hungry and we enjoyed another fine meal together, which included caramel and pound cake:

Considering we only had 4 deer and I had promised all nine some venison for their freezer, we still had a lot of work to do. With the misses in mind, would this Marine Appreciation Day Deer Hunt turn into Marine Appreciation Week?

Hunters have rituals, and Gunny Calvin lead the ceremony to clip some of the hunter's shirts.

The Marines enjoyed a bit of rest before I picked new stands for the afternoon. Five Marines had the job of improving the showing of Marine marksmanship. Could they do it?

We put them on their stands around 4:15pm. I too decided to climb into one rather than sit around just listening again. As darkness approached, I've never heard so much shooting. I thought I was on a dove shoot. Wham! Blam! Pow! It went on almost all afternoon! What in the world are these guys doing? Shooting at running deer? Missing again? Are the terrorists as safe as I began to suspect?
After dark we went around to pick up the hunters. Victor got some and I got the others. No doubt some stories were about to come our way. Smiles were soon everywhere as the reputation of fun-loving and hard hitting Marines was restored. All five Marines had downed a doe with a single shot. Each doe was dropped in its place. But the local armadillo population had now been seriously reduced!
The Marines again had enjoyed a 100% success ratio, and even though there were some misfires, they did it all in one day as compared to 8 of 9 in one day last year before the 9th got his doe on a return trip. We had a truly wonderful time together and the respect and admiration I felt for these fine men was almost overwhelming. Great guys in every respect be that sportsmanship, determination, or character.

With men like this in uniform, the terrorist had better be worried, and you and I so very proud.
Oh, and young Dunn's first deer gets its own late night celebration!

Posts: 1445 | Location: Bronwood, GA | Registered: 10 June 2003Reply With Quote
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Hey Spring, A sincere Thank You from an old MARINE!

Semper Fi
Posts: 9920 | Location: Carolinas, USA | Registered: 22 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of invader66
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Originally posted by Hot Core:
Hey Spring, A sincere Thank You from an old MARINE!

Semper Fi

Add this old jarhead to the list who thank you.

Semper Fi
STC Hunting Club
Posts: 1684 | Location: Walker Co,Texas | Registered: 27 August 2004Reply With Quote
Picture of Whitworth
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This semi-old jarhead would also like to thank you!

"Ignorance you can correct, you can't fix stupid." JWP

If stupidity hurt, a lot of people would be walking around screaming.

Semper Fidelis

"Building Carpal Tunnel one round at a time"
Posts: 13440 | Location: Virginia | Registered: 10 July 2003Reply With Quote
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I never served but appreciate your effots. Thank You. Buy you a beer anytime.

Posts: 859 | Location: Kalispell, MT | Registered: 01 January 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of C1PNR
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Another "Well Done" from another OLD Marine! Hands down, venison sure beats barracks chow! beer


Posts: 312 | Location: SW Idaho | Registered: 02 January 2003Reply With Quote
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You did a good thing.

Posts: 213 | Location: Wilbraham, MA 01095 | Registered: 03 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Is that Frank Hines in two pics??? He's a friend of mine. Good job with the hunt...I am sure the men at the MCLB loved it.

Take it easy.
Posts: 373 | Location: Leesburg, GA | Registered: 22 October 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Rob1SG
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I want to thank you from my heart as a Vietnam Army Grunt. It's great to see there are SOME who appreciate these young men and the work they do for us everyday.
Posts: 1111 | Location: Edmond,OK | Registered: 14 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Charles_Helm
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Outstanding job again -- very well done sir.
Posts: 8773 | Location: Republic of Texas | Registered: 24 April 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of Matt Norman
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Invite me next year and I will be the camp bitch; do dishes, step and fetch firewood, bag and remove the trash, etc. Just include me at that chow table and a cold beer and I would be happy. Heck, I'll bring the beer! I'm a fair hand at gutting stuff out too!

I have to tip my hat to combat military units as they do a much better job of integration between the races. Race takes a back seat to things like Unit and Honor. That is a very good things. Bands of Brothers put much more emphasis on the character of the warrior sharig a fox hole next to you than skin pigment.
Posts: 3276 | Location: Western Slope Colorado, USA | Registered: 17 August 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Spring
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Originally posted by Hank H.:
Is that Frank Hines in two pics??? He's a friend of mine. Good job with the hunt...I am sure the men at the MCLB loved it.

Take it easy.

Yes, that's Frank. He's a great guy, dear friend, and he helps me manage my place.
As for the Marines, I think they really did enjoy it. They gave me a Ka-Bar before they left which I will always prize.
Posts: 1445 | Location: Bronwood, GA | Registered: 10 June 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of ForrestB
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Great going Spring. It sure looks like a great time was had by all.

"Truth is the daughter of time."
Francis Bacon
Posts: 5052 | Location: Muletown | Registered: 07 September 2001Reply With Quote
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Wayto go. Looks like you need more land.
Posts: 6277 | Location: Not Likely, but close. | Registered: 12 August 2002Reply With Quote
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What an outstanding gesture on your part! This son of an old WWII Marine thanks you too! cheers

Don't let so much reality into your life that there's no room left for dreaming.
Posts: 263 | Location: SE Colorado | Registered: 24 May 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Spring
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Originally posted by Mickey1:
Wayto go. Looks like you need more land.

Thanks but I only want what touches mine... Wink
Posts: 1445 | Location: Bronwood, GA | Registered: 10 June 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of BigNate
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My hat's off to you! Very inspiring. thumb Nate
Posts: 2376 | Location: Idaho Panhandle | Registered: 27 November 2001Reply With Quote
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Great story and an even better jesture.

Even thouched this former Army man.

Thanks for what you did.
Posts: 513 | Location: MO | Registered: 14 March 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of buffybr
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As a Viet Nam Army Vet, I too thank you!

NRA Endowment Life Member
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Picture of Brad
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Fantastic... two thumbs waaaay up!
Posts: 3523 | Registered: 27 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Picture of Spring
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Here are a few more pics of our Marines:

The Finals of the Egg Battle:

Staff Sgt Jason Keys:

Coming in from the morning's hunt:

The cost of another miss miss, but at least this one was just for missing a predator:

Lunch outside is always good:

Bloodying up Staff Sgt Dunn:
Posts: 1445 | Location: Bronwood, GA | Registered: 10 June 2003Reply With Quote
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What a great story. What a great thing for you to do.


Free 500grains
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