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Getting even
One of Us
Picture of MrHawg
I originally started this off as a reply in the cat forum, but then decided that this should go in this forum as a fun change of pace. I bet we all have a story or two like this from way back when...

My best high school prank:

When I was in high school, a couple friends and I had way too much time on our hands one night... We were out fishing and talking about all the things that sucked in the world. Well, that conversation led to some serious bitching about this bitch in our senior class. Sorry about the bad language, but this girl was a real cunt. And, both of my buddies had dated her, and both had been dumped by her. She was really athletic, and could whip most men at any high school gym class game, which is why my friends thought she was so cool and had to date her. I never liked her, so I was all ears when the revenge plots began to develop. Well, we gave up fishing (it was late at night) and decided that we needed a dead cat. We left our fishing hole and quickly found a fat,roadkilled cat. This cat had to weigh 20 pounds, and had been dead at least a few days. The hair was slipping and it stunk. We loaded the cat into my truck and proceeded to her house. We weren't sure what we were going to do with the cat once we got there but we knew we would come up with something. We parked a few houses down the street and walked the rest of the way to her house, and through her living room window we could see her sitting on the couch watching ESPN. In the driveway, under the shadows of a large tree was her car. And that's when we made our plan... While they stood guard watching the house, I ran back to the truck and got the cat. I grabbed it by the tail and ran towards her house, but somehow dropped it. The cat was so nasty that the skin slid right off of the tail, and I was now holding the skin of a cat tail. So I picked up the cat with both hands and carefully carried it the rest of the way to her car. We stood around for a minute or two trying to finalize our plans (we knew the cat had to go in the car, but hadn't worked out the details), and finally decided that we needed to pop the hood. We figured we'd just throw it in there and close the hood and get the hell out of there but the cat was so big and fat the the hood wouldn't shut, so we sort of stuffed it in the space between the air filter and the shroud that goes around the fan. That worked, and we got the hell out of there. While running to the truck, we all agreed that she had to be a lesbian.

Well, a few days passed and finally some of her friends (who we actually got along with) began talking... On about the third day, she was driving to school and heard a loud thumpping sound "coming from the engine area" for a short period of time, but then it quit. The next day it was a little cold, so she turned on the heater and that's when the smell hit. Now this girl could sure throw a football, but I don't think she knew how to open the hood, because she finally took the car to a mechanic due to the bad smell. Well, when the mechanic opened the hood all that was left was hair and bloody rotten chunks of cat, blown all over the place after the cat fell into the fan. I guess it did some pretty serious damage (not sure what) and the smell wouldn't go away so she got rid of the car. We never intended to damage her car, but to this day (12 years later) still laugh our butts off.
Posts: 244 | Location: Margaritaville | Registered: 08 January 2005Reply With Quote
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You are as demented as I am.

I had a guy in my class that we called squirrel. He had big teeth, he and I just didn't get along. He drove a 58 chevy with a 101" whip cb antenna. Well me and my buddy had went squirrel hunting on the weekend. And we over looked one squirrel under my tool box. We parked in the school lot and started to walk into the locker room when I ran back to my truck to get my gym bag and noticed the cold stiff squirrel. I hollerd at Dennis and asked what we should do with the squirrel.

With big grins we headed for the guys car. I took the antenna and shoved it up the squirrels butt and ran it all the way through it, tail to head. Slid it down to the base and it set there with its paws up and head erect. Actually looked cool.

Well after BB practice his dad walks in, drunk and wants to know who is teasing his kid. Pulls me and my buddy out of practice and wants to kick our butts at the same time. Then out walks the coach!!!! Man what a blow up. The coach physically threw him out of the gym. Then asked, you two know anything about that squirrel? A nope, not a thing coach. Ok he says. Now that you two are lying I want 50 wind sprints! We never did figure out how anyone found out.
Posts: 10478 | Location: N.W. Wyoming | Registered: 22 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Good one MRHawg Big Grin

I enjoy these prank stories.

We messed around with dead stuff. Squirrels, muskrates, badgers,etc.
I would love to tell some of the pranks we did, except I am not sure of the statute of limitations is.

A friend and I were driving down this freeway not far from the highschool. Up ahead, on the shoulder of the road was this bag of McDonalds food that someone had most likely thrown from thier window. My pal,who is driving, takes aim and steers his car towards this bag and runs it over.
Well, this gives me an idea.
We go and get a brown bag and put a block of cement in it. We set the bag up on the far outside shoulder of the road. Only an idiot like us would swerve to hit that bag. We knew there was lots of them around. At lunch hour, we would watch from a hill nearby. It was funny, because you could see them lining up on that bag from way back.

One night we ended up with a case of pallet shrink wrap. We went around and wrapped up a couple of different girls cars. Wrapped them up real good.

I would cut the scent glands off of mink and stick them through the vents of the locker of some prick I did not like.

Grease on the car door handles of teachers cars.

Posts: 536 | Location: Whitehorse, Yukon | Registered: 28 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Old Elk Hunter
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Two tales of female revenge.

Somewhere in Oregon in the middle 1960's there was a girl that got dumped by a very arrogant highschool
guy. He had a nice convertible Ford and parked it in front of the school with the top down. One day
she comes to school driving one of her dad's cement trucks, backs up to the convertible, and fills it with
concrete and leaves. We didn't realize what she had done until lunch time when we headed out to our cars
to go get lunch. The arrogant guy was sitting on the ground in front of his car in shock. The concrete was
now two hours old and firmly set up.

The next year was our senior year and a guy was supposed to take a particular girl to the prom. She was
a really delighful pixie of a girl and everyone liked her. The guy stood her up and took a girl from
another school to the prom. This was a big deal 40 years ago. The nice girl was furious. She quietly
let the other guys know to not park next to the offending guys car on a specific day the next week.

During our first period class we were all waiting to find out what was going to happen and we finally
hear several blasts from a very loud set of air horns and rushed to the windows facing the parking lot.
The nice, pixey of a girl was driving her brother logging truck without a trailer. She keep hitting the
air horn as she made a bee-line for his car and did what today's monster trucks do - rolled up on it and
crushed it. Never piss off a little woman.

Posts: 1297 | Registered: 29 January 2005Reply With Quote
one of us
Picture of 8MM OR MORE
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I don't normally talk about this often, but the coach's Iseta (Miniature front opening Euro car) did hang on the flagpole rope OK, and was found on the second floor hallway once. I have no idea!!

Sacred cows make the best burgers.

Good Shooting!
Posts: 1944 | Location: Moses Lake, WA | Registered: 06 November 2001Reply With Quote
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While on a hunting trip up in eastern Oregon, we had access to some private ground that had an old barn on it. When we got there, a fellow and his wife had set up camp in the barn which w were supposed to have the use of. Theyw ere very nasty about it and stuck a rifle in our faces. Now we were not about to drive all the way to Portland to contact the owner of the property, but something had to be done.
It seems, that while the jerk was out elk hunting, he'd leave his wife at the barn to make sure we didn't evict them.
One night, sitting around the campfire enjoying many sips of Yokon Jack, we hatched a plot. One of the hunters in our group was a huge individual, and very hairy. he was also the type to try anything once. We snuck up to the barn and saw that our intrepid hunter had not yet returned so out large fellow stripped down buck nekkid and screaming and hollering like some critter from hell ran into that open ended barn waving his arms frantically then disappeared into the woods.
Of course, us "heros" ran to the poor screaming woman's aid with rifles in hand.After we got her calmed down, she told us BIGFOOT had run right through the barn. You have no idea of how hard it was to keep a straight face. Finally, her old man came home and demanded to know why were invading their privacy by being in the barn. His wife told him about BIGFOOT and insisted that they leave this horrible place immediately.
This happened over 25 years ago, and when we get together, we still bust a gut over the BIGFOOT incident.
Paul B.
Posts: 2814 | Location: Tucson AZ USA | Registered: 11 May 2001Reply With Quote
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