Moderators: Canuck
Peachtree - Mee Ranch
One of Us
I know that this is probably not the right forum for this but I have seen a lot of California hunters post here so I wanted to ask.... Are there any hunters who hunted the Peachtree - Mee Ranch during the mid 1970s ? The ranch is located in Central Calif. east of King City. I hunted the ranch with about 20 other people from 1962 through about 1970. We lost our lease to the now defunct American Sportsman group and I understand that during the time the Amer. Sportsman had the lease there were some really toad blacktail bucks taken. I am just interested if anyone can chime in about their hunting experience or possibly post some pics.

When our group had the ranch the lower sections planted with barley, alfalfa, and safflower. The amounts of deer we saw daily were unreal. It was common to see 80-100 deer a day and I remember some of the deer passed up were huge. The wild pig population was fantastic as was the quail and dove hunting.

Paul C
Posts: 205 | Registered: 09 September 2006Reply With Quote
one of us
Picture of Kyler Hamann
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Hi Paul,

The Mee Ranch gets hunted pretty hard by a group of guys who guide using dogs. I'll bet it's quite a bit different than when you hunted it.

I've had two ranches leased next to the Mee ranch for the last 5 or 6 years.

We just hunt pigs on them, the rancher saves the deer and small game for family & friends, although I have drooled over a couple really good bucks there.

The pig hunting had been pretty decent until this year. (This drought is like nothing I've seen in 19 years of running the guided hunting service.) While there is water for the game to drink the crops completely failed. I haven't bothered even hunting those ranches for months (this should be our busiest season, anybody want to buy a reputable guided feral pig business.... Wink). Some of the adults are still around but they're starting to get pretty skinny and they can't be patterned at all. The sows and the piglets are having the worst of it.

For the most part we'll give them a break for a while until conditions are better. I'm afraid if we hit them hard now it will take a lot longer for the populations to rebound.

So few ranches plant crops anymore I'm afraid this drought may change the pig hunting situation for a long, long time if not forever.

Great hunting with great hunters,

Posts: 2522 | Location: Central Coast of CA | Registered: 10 January 2002Reply With Quote
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