It is exciting to call them into you but to have one charging up to you wanting to fight with the decoy in your hand beats the excitement of calling them in.
Posts: 20019 | Location: wis | Registered: 21 April 2001
I love spring turkey hunting! Unfortunately, I can't start until April 27. No end of frustrating as I drive by my hunting grounds every day to and from work and see tons of birds out in the fields. Congratulations!
A few years ago I called in a pair of toms. I shot one and as he was flopping on the ground the other attacked him, pecking and spurring. Then the one I shot lay still. Then he twitched again and drew another attack. This happened several times before I'd had enough. I had to literally yell at that other bird as I walked toward mine to drive him off. Crazy birds.
Posts: 572 | Location: southern Wisconsin, USA | Registered: 08 January 2009
I couldn't help but think that for a moment that tom turkey thought he had a first round knockout! And just about the time it burned through his lovestruck brain what was going on a load of #2's did too.
Posts: 3303 | Location: Western Slope Colorado, USA | Registered: 17 August 2001