Moderators: Canuck
Help Needeed In Washington State
One of Us
Please give us a hand.

We need your Help. We in Washington have worked very hard to overturn an Initiative that ended trapping of all animals in the State. For three years we have lobbied, threatened, written letters and generally carried on to overturn this Initiative. We have gotten it passed thru the House and the Senate and it sits on the Governors desk waiting for a signature or a Veto. HSUS and the other ARs are putting up a tremendous effort to influence the Governor. Please put this out to your groups and friends and have them contact Governor Locke at the numbers below and urge his signature. When we succeed it will be the first initiative overturned in this state by the Legislature or the People in over 50 years. Please give us a hand.

Mike Westad
Past President, HHC.

----- Original Message -----
From: Hunters Heritage Council
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2003 4:35 PM
Subject: HHC ALERT SSB 5179 - Call Governor Locke

Dear HHC Members and Friends,

We aren't energizing our members, we aren't getting anywhere near the response we need to pass this bill. If we can't get our memberships to call/fax/email Governor Locke with the message to PLEASE SIGN SSB 5179 we are going to lose. It's as simple as that.

There aren't more animal rights activists than sportsmen in Washington, there are simply more of them that want to end trapping and hunting than there are sportsmen that want to save it. Right now, as evidenced by communications to the Governor, they out number us 30 to 1.

We must start calling our members one at a time and ask them make the call to the Governors office. We have to let them know that without them we are going to lose this opportunity.

Please see the message at the end of this of the email. If you have not already done so, please forward to your membership ASAP!


Jamey Layman
HHC President


From: Hunters Heritage Council
Date: 4-28-03
Subject: SSB 5179

SSB 5179 - Make the call!

As you know SSB 5179 has been sent to the Governor's office. He can sign the bill into law or veto this important bill at anytime. But the word is the Governor has received upwards of 6000 contacts from animal rights extremists and only a few hundred in support of the bill. We are going to lose this fight if we can't generate more contacts. Period -- It's just that simple.

It absolutely imperative that you call, email, or fax Governor Locke right now and ask him to SIGN SSB 5179.

It is important that you have your wife, husband, family members, and friends contact the Governor's office and ask him to SIGN SSB 5179.

If you belong to a group or club help energize the membership to contact the Governor in SUPPORT OF SSB 5179.

Email everyone in your address book, call everyone you know, URGE THEM TO TAKE ONE MINUTE AND CALL OR EMAIL THE GOVERNOR.


The amount of work it has taken to get to this point is staggering. The time is now. Please help restore responsible management practices to our furbearers -- Help give the WDFW the tools they need to properly manage our wildlife -- Help bring much needed relieve to those that are being damaged by I-713 -- Help hand the animal rights extremists a loss -- Show them that the Sportsmen and women of this State refuse to standby while they destroy wildlife management based in science.


Email The Governor: (fill out the web form)

Telephone the Governor: 360-902-4111

Toll Free 1-800-562-6000

Fax: 360-753-4110
Posts: 6277 | Location: Not Likely, but close. | Registered: 12 August 2002Reply With Quote
I'll do it today!
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new member
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I am also in Washington, can I repost all this info on other sites to help get the word out?
Jason Smith
Posts: 24 | Registered: 25 April 2003Reply With Quote
One of Us
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Originally posted by low-tech:
I am also in Washington, can I repost all this info on other sites to help get the word out?
Jason Smith


Please do that. We need all of the help we can get. The AR's are flooding the Gov. with out of State emails and Hunters need to respond. Unfortunately too many of us are too self involved to bother.
Posts: 6277 | Location: Not Likely, but close. | Registered: 12 August 2002Reply With Quote
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