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Picture of MrHawg
I've noticed participation in this forum has declined since AR was rebuilt or whatever Saeed did. I'm also sick of talking about wolves. So, I thought I'd just talk about myself for awhile and with some luck get an interesting thread going. There seems to be so many "experts" here but most of us don't buy it. I don't claim to be an expert at anything. So, here's my view in the hunting world....
I like to hunt. That includes does. I have dead stuff mounted on the walls and have never bothered to score any of them. That's because they are not huge. I don't care.

If I see the buck of a lifetime, I will shoot it. If not, I'm happy with a yearling.

I've passed up shots on big deer, because an ass shot was not acceptable.

I've shot animals in the ass. Then I went to the range for more practice.

I shot a polt turkey, with a rifle this fall.

I experienced growing up in Colorado. When it went to hell I moved to Wyoming.

I like big guns, but I shoot smaller ones better.

My hunting dog is kind of dumb, but he's my best hunting buddy.

I fear the commercialization of wildlife and what it will mean to the future of my hunting as well as that of my children. Outfitters are partially to blame.

I'm only 30, but I've seen the average hunter become a slob. I will never own an ATV.

I was an NRA member, then I quit, then I joined again, then I quit, now I'm again a member.

I'm afraid of grizzly bears, but have no desire to shoot one. I think mountain lions are very cool, and have went on several hunts with other people and had a blast. I have no desire to shoot one. I'd like to shoot a wolf, but that will not happen in my lifetime.

I voted for Bush, but wonder what he will screw up next as far as wildlife and habitat.

I like being checked by the game warden.

I think purest flyfishermen are assholes, even though I like flyfishing. I support catch and release, but I also like to eat fish. I've caught trout on worms.

I finally got over my brain washing childhood and bought a Toyota Tundra. It's just as american made as any other vehicle and it's built better.

I'm a member of Ducks Unlimited, not the RMEF. Not because I dislike RMEF, but I just think ducks are cool. I believe in picking ONE cause and donating to it.

In a weird way, I miss MORTIE and RMK. At least they got people excited here...
Posts: 244 | Location: Margaritaville | Registered: 08 January 2005Reply With Quote
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I'm glad someone else is sick and tired of hearing all the bitching and moaning about the wolves! Lets get back to some hunting threads!!

You make some very good makes me wonder where the sport of hunting is going to be in 20, 30, or even 50 years. I probably will be paying out the ears to hunt a doe...if we can even hunt at all.


Posts: 1029 | Registered: 29 January 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of Dutch
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Yup. Here's some more truth-isms.

Sometimes I go shooting just so I'll have empty brass to reload.

It's more fun to buy a gun for the kids than for myself.

It's more fun to watch my kids kill a bird than to kill one myself.

It's more fun to watch the dog work birds than to kill birds.

I hate it when the dog is smarter than I am.

I didn't buy a range finder until my wife wanted one for her antelope hunt.

I turn in every illegally operated ATV.

I turn in poachers.

I hate having to buy meat at the store.

You don't need a fifth wheel camping trailer to go hunting, nor an ATV, nor a GPS, nor a magnum.

Boots are a hunter's best friend.....

I don't have a 4wd -- but I can put on chains blindfolded, with one hand tied.

I support the RMEF and Pheasants Forever. I should join SCI and the NRA.

I hate it when bird season cuts into elk season.

I pick up garbage left by hunters or shooters on public or private lands.

I have turned in people for littering.

I'd like to call in a bobcat this year.

JMO, Dutch.

Life's too short to hunt with an ugly dog.
Posts: 4564 | Location: Idaho Falls, ID, USA | Registered: 21 September 2000Reply With Quote
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I agree with you guys and envy you. I am from Mi and for me real hunting costs alot of money. I need to draw a tag oput west and then hire an outfitter and hope. It will be worse for my grandkids when they are of age.
I think there should be a bounty on ATV's or snowmobiles. Many a day in my late season bow stand, I am greeted by the noise and odor of two-cycle engines.
I am a NRA member I was a RMEF member but our local chapter did some things that disgusted me.
I have set up deer camp in the same square mile for 12 years. Last year I shot a respectable 5x4 whitetail there, this year I counted thirty three, yes 33, flashlights opening morning.
My son is in college now and my hunting mostly going to be out west as I can afford it.
I enjoy the information I get from this forum and I love the hunting stories I read from you guys fortunate enough to live in "GOD's" country.
I hope that someday people will realize that hunting shouldn't be reduced to those that can afford to hire everything done less pulling the trigger, and that people will realize that there is alot more to hunting than pulling the trigger. Thanks Guys, Chain

Windage and elevation, Mrs. Langdon, windage and elevation...
Posts: 944 | Location: michigan | Registered: 16 December 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of Dutch
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Chain, your post was really kind of depressing. "Real hunting" requires a trip out west?

There are no grouse to hunt, no possibilities to hunt squirrels, no rabbits, no place you could knock on a door so you could chase foxes? No farmer that would let you knock off a coyote or two?

Has the competitive hunting scene become so influential that spending a day in the field with a dog and your kid after rabbits is no longer "real hunting"?

Is "real hunting" now about inches and pounds, instead of spending glorious hours being a part of nature?

Now I'm really depressed.... JMO, Dutch.

Life's too short to hunt with an ugly dog.
Posts: 4564 | Location: Idaho Falls, ID, USA | Registered: 21 September 2000Reply With Quote
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I am a DUCK hunter and a VARMINT hunter. I enjoy walking around looking for big game, but...

I am a RIFLEMAN first. Big game hunting to me is more a reason to walk around the mountains with a RIFLE, than to kill something.

I love beautiful rifles and accurate rifles. I would rather have these than a big head on the wall. But I always dream about wonderful hunts, too.

I would rather shoot 25 rock chucks a year than one elk.

I am a shooter and a reloader more than a hunter and like Dutch, sometimes I shoot just to have something to reload.

I make a couple trips down to the river each week before the snows hit to shoot rocks at long range with my military rifles. I love military rifles and their history. These are the rifles I shoot most and get the most out of. Hearing the thwack of a FMJ hitting a rock at 500 yards is an adrenaline rush to me.

I have screwed up a lot while hunting, knowing that I was screwing up at the time. But at least I had a rifle in my hands.

I am a Life member of the NRA and a member of the Varmint Hunters Association, Ducks Unlimited, RMEF and the Wyoming State Shooting Association.

I love the smell of two-stroke smoke in the morning as my snowmobile is warming up for a fun day of riding. I love mountain sled riding almost as much as shooting. Riding a sled in the powder is an adrenaline rush to me.

I love riding my 4 wheeler in the summer, but hate the fact that everytime I go out, I see another trail closed.

I ride my sled and 4 wheeler for pleasure. I do not hunt with them.

I miss calling and adjusting artillery fire. Those were some good days and great memories...

I dearly wish I had a friend around here that liked to shoot and hunt. If I had a friend to hunt with, I would hunt more and enjoy the hunting part more. Now I do it alone and usually am lonely.

Sometimes I would rather sleep in...

I enjoy the taste of beef much more than the taste of game. This is hard to admit at times...

I thought I wanted to have children to teach about shooting and hunting. After going thru a miscarriage a year ago with my wife, the thought of that possiblity again scares me so much, I'm not sure about kids anymore...

My wife "bought" me a safari that we will be going on in a few months. I am excited beyond belief, but scared too. My wife is the best part of me.

I miss the great times I used to have with Dad and still do during visits. Maybe it is time to move back home to be with family while I can. But I cannot bear the thought of living away from Wyoming. If there is a heaven, it has to be like Wyoming.

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Posts: 426 | Location: Alpine, WY | Registered: 01 November 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by MrHawg:
I've noticed participation in this forum has declined since AR was rebuilt or whatever Saeed did.

That is a mis-perception on your part. See the quote from our Admin below:
Originally posted by DRG:
We have survived the first 30 days and the statistics are pretty impressive:

2.3 million page views on our forums with close to 186 thousand unique visits. Here are the numbers:

Statistics for the last 30 days
New Posts 35017
New Members 1550
Page Views 2327798
Visits 185842

On the old board, we never hit more than 100,000 visits and averaged 1.8 million page views.

I guess the speed of the new board has people staying longer and viewing more topics.


We also have close to 12,000 members now.


Posts: 14623 | Location: San Antonio, TX | Registered: 22 May 2001Reply With Quote
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Dutch, I guess that's why I'm not a writer I didn't mean to be depressing, maybe too long with no sun or no shooting. I love hunting and I enjoy my time afield but in my area my field is shrinking rapidly. I guess what I meant to say is I think you guys that are able to hunt and shoot west of the big river are very fortunate. Must have a bout of winter depression. So Sorry, Chain

Windage and elevation, Mrs. Langdon, windage and elevation...
Posts: 944 | Location: michigan | Registered: 16 December 2004Reply With Quote
Picture of Paul H
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Hunting forums are not a constant, participation rises and falls. Every once in awhile, the peeing in the cherios gets so bad that the whole forum grinds down. There are also influxes of new folks now and again.

I agree with most of your observations about hunting.

I'd add that modern life can get so busy, that hunting time is way too limited.

I'd be happy enough wandering in the woods with the kids toting a 22, and hoping to spot some spruce hens.

The AR series of rounds, ridding the world of 7mm rem mags, one gun at a time.
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