quote:Originally posted by JerrBear356: I do not know who rifleman13 is or pistal pete mcdermit. I do know that the email address for rifleman13 is wrong because that is one of my email addresses. I am very upset to think that someone is doing what they are doing. Second of all this school has only gone down hill (no pun intended) since they closed the shooting range and the Skeet and Trap ranges. I would like someone to complain to the administrators at this school, but the email address for rifleman13 is not jkaufman@thehill.org
Are you kidding me??? Ask Saeed, my IP address is different than rifleman13 and pistal pete mcdermit.
I am in the process of figuring out who they are but I am about 98% sure it is the roommate of EricT55. So if you want to write an email to rifleman or pistal pete mcdermit do it at mgratch@thehill.org. Not Me!!
Oh and Gary Rihn I never made fun of you so why are you making fun of me. Are you jealous of me because I have a brighter future than you ever did? So stop with the name calling. Ok, Gary Gary dingleberry.
jerrbear356 - NRA sucks my ass. Guns are so gay...I bet you are a fat piece of shit. I bet you need a god damn tree stand than is tested by whales to support your fat ass. -rifleman13
Why would I make fun of my weight problem (which I am getting rid of)? And why would I say the NRA sucks my ass since both my father and I are LIFE MEMBERs?
The Hill is a bording school and both EricT55 and I go there. I live in Dalton, Pa when I am not at school and Eric lives in NY when he is not here. I don't know why our IPs would be the same because he lives on the other end of campus and we are off of different switches. To the best of my knowledge no one else used my computer so I don't know. I went into my control panel and clicked on my Local Area Connection and it says my IP is 10.99... so it isn't even close to!
I still don't know why Eric and I have the same IPs, but trust me we aren't the same person. He is taller and I am wider.
quote:Originally posted by JerrBear356: my IP is 10.99... so it isn't even close to!
10.x.x.x addresses are private and not routable on the Internet. Obviously, your addresses are all being translated to a routable address, most likely the external address of your school's firewall. Most likely, every student going to the Internet from your school's Internet connection will have the exact same IP address (some places set things up slightly different but this is the most common setup). The firewall administrator will be able to find out "who went where when" by looking at the translation logs for a given time period.
OK, so now everyone knows what I do. Way too much information, I know.
Posts: 249 | Location: Colorado | Registered: 15 March 2002
Guys I am sorry as well for the people who did that. I go to the hill with Jerry and we are both avid hunters. I can not say enough about the treatment and respect you have given to both jerry and I who are the ones who love this sport along with you nice people. People like pecos who greeted us when we wanted to become apart of your community of shooters showed the exact respect I am talking about. Please feel free to look up all of our posts. We have always taken it seriously and in turn had a chance to talk to a great group of guys. Please don�t hold us accountable for the actions of others. I know you guys will understand after all we are all hunters. I have my e-mail posted so please feel free to write to me or jerry about anything.. Thanks guys.. Sorry for the jerks.. ET
Guys, I do know JerrBear personally, and I can confirm on his behalf that he cannot be rifleman13, because JerrBear is an avid shooter. I've seen pictures of him firing an MP5-SD, PSG1, and Ingrams (his family has connections), and everytime I see him he always talks about how much he likes guns and target shooting.
As for the shared IP address, that is the firewall's address. As such, anyone from within our campus would appear to have the same IP address.
I'm not defending the actions of rifleman13 or Pistal Pete, believe me, they'll regret their poor behaviour on your forum. The only reason for my rant is to defend JerrBear, who is innocent of your charges.
My rant is done....take it to heart or ignore it.....I'll leave that to you to decide.
quote:Originally posted by JerrBear356: Oh and Gary Rihn I never made fun of you so why are you making fun of me. Are you jealous of me because I have a brighter future than you ever did? So stop with the name calling. Ok, Gary Gary dingleberry.
You kill me man. You really do. Does this mean I don't get to shoot your MP-5 with you and FourtyCal?
Gary, I am sorry for making that comment. I look at it and that was not an appropriate comment for a forum that is about Big Game Hunting; I was just angry that you attacked me. Its not your fault that you were wrong because there was no way for you to know the truth except for the fact that Saeed proved the fact that I am not rifleman13 or pistol pete. I was just defending myself because someone was trying to get me in trouble for his own actions and you make fun of me for it. I just don't know what this world is coming to. I hope we can stick to talking about guns because that is why I am here.
I'm glad JerrBear, the high school kid, showed more character and integrity to apologize first. Some adults can learn from him. Who says hunting doesn't promote family values? I think JerrBear just proved all the Brady Bill liberals wrong. Good on you JerrBear.