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Re: Wolf Lovers - DO NOT READ!
one of us
As for county commisioners. You need an asshole like the one down in colorado that decided to try out a D9. The problem is you need to kill a few of the cocksuckers and not just run over things. With a few of them dead,the next ones will look at just what exactly it is that they believe in and what they are willing to die for.

The problem in the west is,you have one or two trustfund assholes with millions who come from old local families and because they don't need to work,they boycott any industry that shows up in town. The end result,is all tax base has to be generated off of property tax and building permits. Which is why every cocksucker out there is subdividing and building golfing communities.

Wet back cocksuckers also play a major role. Because the counties are in trouble money wise,they always want to hire some planner. The first areas to use planners exstensively was california,oregon and washington. So needless to say you end up with a bunch of fuckin' lazy spics in your local goverment,kinda like the jemenez in the USFWS.
Posts: 837 | Location: wyoming | Registered: 19 February 2002Reply With Quote
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I am not a racist or bigot but the ALFCIO, Al Sharptin, Jessie Jackson, and the equal opportunity folks can go pound sand! Yeah Jemenez is a product of the future. And is a real butt wizard with ol Ed Bangs.

Eddie boy says Wyoming will never get the wolves delisted until they drop the word "predator"! I say go do yourself Eddie! Maybe he should be sued and slanderd if they can't go after the feds!
Posts: 10478 | Location: N.W. Wyoming | Registered: 22 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Bill Leeper:

I wouldn't have had the courage to open my mouth here since I live in a part of the US that hasn't had wolves in over 200 years except for your post - but, yeah, I'm a wolf lover. Before any of the Westerners (US)write me off as a "tree hugger" I want to say that I support any steps needed to curb wolf depredations against cattle or sheep-providing that it's done by ranchers and herders themselves and not as some organized government extermination program. However, I want to know why it isn't beneficial in the long run for wolves to prey on elk,deer,whatever other WILD animals they can take -as the good Lord meant them to do? Doesn't eliminating the weak,the lame and the diseased lead to improvement of the whole species -because they were removed from the gene pool? Sure, I know they take big healthy animals too - but if it comes to competition with wolves for who gets to shoot the herd animals,can't we at least admit that the wolf isn't doing it for "fun" or "sport"? I never have seen a tiger in the wild (yes, I have seen wild wolves) but I like the idea that he's out there somewheres. I don't want wolves wiped out. (BTW, I appreciated what you said that wolves may be doing wild animals a favor. Yes, I also have seen the way that sheep "graze". No wonder the cattle men hated sheep so much!) I hunted for over 55 years. Anyone who calls me a "tree hugger" is blowing smoke as far as I'm concerned. (BTW, since we're on the subject of shooting wolves by extermination methods,I wish someone would tell me why the Alaska authorities a few years ago supported airplane attacks on wolves? Of course, the wolves had been killing moose in sizeable numbers because the winters had been severe with deep snow and then freeze ups which let the wolves run on a frozen surface while moose floundered. Of course, the moose population dropped. It also soars when the winters are comparatively mild - and the wolves starve. That extermination program was done to benefit the "industry" of catering to out of state moose hunters. No cattle or sheep were involved. Wrong? I say it is if the idea was to wipe out a species that happens to be the ancestor of our dogs. Curb them? I can live with that but not extermination.
Posts: 649 | Location: NY | Registered: 15 January 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of Outdoor Writer
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Eddie boy says Wyoming will never get the wolves delisted until they drop the word "predator"!

Here's a short I did for my column several months ago. It isn't the word "predator," per se; it's the consequence of its use BOTH in the plan and the current WY rules/laws. -TONY

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has put the delisting of the wolf on hold after the federal agency decided Wyoming�s wolf management plan and state law are inadequate.

At issue is a law the Wyoming legislature passed last year that lists wolves as predators in certain parts of the state. Animals classified as predatory animals in Wyoming can be harvested with unregulated take, and that doesn�t suit the USFWS.

In contrast, the USFWS found both Montana�s and Idaho�s wolf management plans to its liking because both states allowed for the regulated hunting seasons and bag limits statewide.

Wyoming Game and Fish Department Director Terry Cleveland said his agency will discuss any possible changes with the game commissioners, governor, legislators, congressional delegation and wildlife professionals.

�At this point, we�ll need to regroup a bit and weigh our options. We remain committed to delisting wolves as soon as possible,� Cleveland said. < !--color-->
Posts: 3269 | Location: Glendale, AZ | Registered: 28 July 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of jaycocreek
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Here is a brand new one from McCall Idaho "Again" from Channel 2 news.
July 30 - Idaho Two News has learned that federal authorities are investigating a wolf attack in an area near McCall that has been a hotbed of recent wolf attacks.

Federal wildlife officials spent Wednesday evening near McCall and confirmed this second attack in less than a month.A USDA Wildlife Services official Todd Grim tells Idaho 2 News there were 2 or 3 different sets of tracks found in the area where the sheep were attacked.21 of the sheep were severely wounded, 14 more are missing, one guard dog was wounded and another is missing.

Grim said he would be surprised if they were required to take out the entire pack due to this attack, but the US Fish & Wildlife Service will decide what course of action to take.

Last week, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service authorized the killing of a pack of nine wolves just north of McCall after authorities linked them to the slaughter of more than 100 sheep. Those wolves were tracked by radio collar and shot by U.S. Department of Agriculture employees who were hunting them from a helicopter and fixed-wing aircraft.

The wolves have re-established themselves in Idaho. Since 1995 when the U.S. Government freed 35 Canadian wolves and re-introduced them to Idaho, their numbers have grown to 356 known wolves.

Federal officials say the growing number of wolves is leading to larger losses of sheep and cattle. Federal authorities say more packs could be taken out according to Mark Collinge of the USDA Wildlife Service Program. "Things don't progress to this step until a lot of the non-lethal things have been tried which in this case (last week)many non lethal things were tried and the wolves persisted in killing in spite of those efforts."

Federal officials told Idaho Two News last week that they were considering destroying two more wolf packs in that area that have been killing livestock despite non-lethal efforts to deter them.
Posts: 565 | Location: Central Idaho | Registered: 27 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of Outdoor Writer
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Yeah, was already aware of that one. In fact, not 10 minutes ago, I emailed my most recent "In The Field" column to my editor that included a short piece on the slaugther of the Cook pack and this most recent attack. -TONY
Posts: 3269 | Location: Glendale, AZ | Registered: 28 July 2003Reply With Quote
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416, I've read a lot of good stuff by you, but you are way off base on this one, probably because of where you live and propoganda you've been fed. Whether it be your comments for the Western USA or Alaska, you are mistaken and wrong this time.
Posts: 747 | Location: Nevada, USA | Registered: 22 May 2003Reply With Quote
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