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Mule deer in mexico?
one of us
posted 18 July 2006 19:01
I have received an interesting offer about a desert mule deer hunt in mexico for the end of the year.
The outfitter is

someone had experience with this guy?

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Picture of drummondlindsey
posted 19 July 2006 18:51Hide Post
I would take the brochure and drop it in the trash. I would then try to forget that I have ever heard of Carlos Hermosillo. He is VERY shady! I wont go into specifics but something happened in one of his camps this past year that is one of the worst things I have ever heard in the hunting industry.

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Picture of Wendell Reich
posted 19 July 2006 19:22Hide Post
I never can figure out where Drummond stands on anything. He is so vague and hard to read ... Big Grin
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posted 19 July 2006 19:51Hide Post
Originally posted by drummondlindsey:
I wont go into specifics but something happened in one of his camps this past year that is one of the worst things I have ever heard in the hunting industry.


Hey Drum, given the fact that you are also in the business of booking mule deer hunts in Mexico, perhaps you should provide a bit more detail. I can appreciate if you don't want to make issues (or rumours?) public on the Internet, but in that case you should at least write Mario a PM with an explanation. Otherwise, it smells a bit of one outfitter criticising another.
- mike

The rifle is a noble weapon... It entices its bearer into primeval forests, into mountains and deserts untenanted by man. - Horace Kephart
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posted 19 July 2006 20:20Hide Post
Why not take Drummonds advice and leave it at that. If he says the guy is shady that's good enough for me. But theres one way to find out. Why don't you book a hunt with Mr Hermosillo and report back to us.
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posted 19 July 2006 20:33Hide Post
please be more clear

Posts: 1421 | Location: northern italy | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Wendell Reich
posted 19 July 2006 21:06Hide Post

You bring up a good point, however ...

Drum is a big boy and can take care of himself, but, he sometimes is absent from the forums for a while, so let me fill in what I know. (To keep this from getting out of hand)

He no longer books Mule Deer hunts, but he does have a very good knowledge of the hunting in the area, the outfitters and the business.

This is his opinion based on what he knows, and now, having no financial interest in the Mule Deer booking business, has shared a bit of advise with everyone.

I know nothing about Hermosillo. I have no interest in Mexico or booking hunts for the big ol' Mule Deer they have down there. Just shedding some light on the situation.
Posts: 6295 | Location: Dallas, TX | Registered: 13 July 2001Reply With Quote
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posted 19 July 2006 22:19Hide Post
Wendell, I did not know Drummond had actually stopped his outfitting business, of late he was still reporting results from last season, although he had talked about stopping for a while.

I think it makes a difference whether Drum currently books hunters in Mexico or not. That does not mean I doubt his word or judgement - after all what would I base that on? But advice from a knowledgable "layman" does weigh differently from that of a potential competitor.

In any event, all this just to (hopefully) defuse any chance of Drum taking offense at my comments.

- mike

The rifle is a noble weapon... It entices its bearer into primeval forests, into mountains and deserts untenanted by man. - Horace Kephart
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Picture of Eland Slayer
posted 19 July 2006 22:29Hide Post
I would also like to hear more details about the events that happened in one of Hermosillo's camps. If it is truly that bad, it seems like it would benefit everyone to hear what happened. I'm not planning on doing a Muley hunt down there anytime soon, but I would still like to know what happened. Confused I always like to pay close attention to all the bad reports I hear of guys in the hunting industry so that I can stay clear of them.


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Picture of Wendell Reich
posted 19 July 2006 22:56Hide Post

Not many people here know Drum was out of the booking business and I know you were just trying to be objective, so I doubt anyone got their feelers hurt over it.

You had a good point, I just wanted people to know that Drum was not in competition with this guy.

You know how these threads can take on a life of their own!

No harm done thumb
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Picture of MrHawg
posted 19 July 2006 23:55Hide Post
By the way, them Mexican deer are tough, so a .243 won't work.
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Picture of drummondlindsey
posted 20 July 2006 04:17Hide Post
No offense taken at all. I hesitate to elaborate on what happened because I was told in confidence and I have not gotten a recent update on whats going on with the situation. All I can say is that there was a person on one of his ranches that became very upset that the money for the hunters had not been paid by Carlos and that particular person made some really bad decisions.

Here is a story that I can elaborate on regarding Carlos. In January I flew down and met my hunter in Hermosillo and we went and checked into our hotel. Carlos was there with his hunters and Carlos told me to go look in the back of hs Dodge Durango. He had the skull cap of a GIANT mule deer in there. This thing was huge! He asked what I thought it would score and I told him 228"-230" gross. I asked where it came from and he told me that it was killed last year on a ranch that he just leased. I was told that he aquired the rack from the cowboys. The very next week he was in Reno with this rack telling everybody that they had just killed it. Two weeks afte Reno he was up here in Denver and I ran into him. I asked him about it and he told me a completly different story about where this deer came from and made up a BS story about why he did not have any kill photos. He obviously did did not remember talking to me in Hermosillo and everything was changed. He is just a shady character.
I would go with almost any other outfit down there and if you would like some names and numbers please feel free to email or PM me and I will get that info to you. As Wendell stated, I am taking some time off to hunt for myself, its something I have been trying to do for a couple of years but I know a lot of the good outfitters down there and am more than willing to help any way that I can.

Posts: 2096 | Location: Windsor, CO | Registered: 06 December 2005Reply With Quote
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posted 20 July 2006 07:03Hide Post
drummond,this is flacko begotee and you got it going on!!!
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Picture of drummondlindsey
posted 20 July 2006 09:28Hide Post
Flaco! Whats going on bud? I will PM you my #, my phone deleted all of my #'s a month or so ago. I hope all is well up in your neck of the woods. I drew a WY tag so you need to come down and we'll give it hell!

Posts: 2096 | Location: Windsor, CO | Registered: 06 December 2005Reply With Quote
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posted 21 July 2006 20:12Hide Post
so at the end, I dont know what so terrible happened in one of his camps this past year

Posts: 1421 | Location: northern italy | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of drummondlindsey
posted 21 July 2006 20:26Hide Post
I dont know what else to tell you. Its your choice and your money, why dont you roll the dice and book the hunt. I was just trying to save you a headache. I offered to send you information to a number of outfitters down there that are honorable men and have some great country. Good luck in whatever you chooses to do.

Posts: 2096 | Location: Windsor, CO | Registered: 06 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Skyline
posted 22 July 2006 02:02Hide Post
Good grief....I am new here reading this soap opera.....not very encouraging!


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