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Recovered 130 grain ballistic tip from whitetail
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I posted this on the reloading forum also, thought it fit both places......

Had an interesting experience this weekend, first time ever for me to recover a bullet that was in a whitetail I had shot. This was a VERY large whitetail for Georgia, 200+ lbs. Field dressed. Here's the other details.

Shot distance 75-80 yards.

.270 Winchester Combined Technoly Ballistic Tip

Velocity at 15 feet from muzzle 3000 fps

Estimated impact velocity (?) 2850

Shot was quartering away, entered about third rib from backside, and bullet was found lodged on the off side just unter the hide. Exit point would have been just behind right shoulder.

Recovered bullet weight 72.0 grains

The deer went down at impact, rolled around for a couple of seconds, jumped back to his feet and ran about 30 yards, piled up, jumped back up, right back down, and then thrashed for about 2 more seconds, then all quiet. The entry wound was typical in my experience with BT's, very small, and just a little blood. I don't think this is a blowing up bullet, but I'm interested in folks thoughts. When dressing and quartering the deer, it was difficult to assess, but it looked as if the bullet may have hit a rib going in. The bullet did exit the rib cage on the off side, and the exit area there was about the size of a baseball.

I've had some interesting bullet performance this year, a couple of XXX's ice picking, at semi short ranges (130 & 170 yards) and 3 deer dropping at various ranges with the ballistic tip, plus the deer described just now. I've been toting rifles setup for these bullets, but I think I'm going to run some rigs that I have setup with Accubonds, plus I'm developing a load for one rifle with the new 130gr AB.

I'm a whitetail nut, and I always think what I could do better to insure clean quick kills.

This buck I just shot was in a real thick river bottom area, and I have been considering setting up one of my rigs to shoot really heavy bullets for caliber (i.e 150 or 160 for my .270's) since shots are rarely over 150 yards, and usually under 100, but over 50 at least. Any thoughts on that? I seem to have found that lighter bullets at long range, and heavier for short range work for me, I don't know if that is logical or not, I've noticed a lot of long range target shooters shoot heavier projectiles at range, but I figured that was for wind bucking abilities.....

I may post a pic of the bullet later...can't find where my wife put my camera!
Posts: 3563 | Location: GA, USA | Registered: 02 August 2004Reply With Quote
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Sounds like the bullet preformed just fine. Unless one brains,spine them. You can expect game to run move or do other things after being shot.
Posts: 19617 | Location: wis | Registered: 21 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Look at this video sometimes don't matter how hard you hit them they're going to go a ways before they fall down.
Posts: 26 | Registered: 15 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Roy, I guess that is an example of how a heart shot deer can still run a bit. What an incredible video!! HOLY MOLEY, I bet the didn't have to 'bleed' that one when the butchered him!

Thanks for the link.
Posts: 3563 | Location: GA, USA | Registered: 02 August 2004Reply With Quote
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No..... I dont think so.

I've watched it several times and still can't believe it.
Posts: 26 | Registered: 15 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Hey Fish,

Your experience is very similar to some of mine here in Southwest GA. Here is a pic of one of my Ballistic Tip bucks that I recovered the bullet from. Amazingly, it held together, which is unusual for BT's...I found the spent 140 grain (280 Ackley Improved) BT just under the hide on the far side mushroomed like a magazine ad picture. Distance was 118 yards and he weighed 253#, netting 159 2/8" B&C as an 8-point. Like you, I too have had some Barnes Ice Pick on a few deer as well. All in all, I am thinking the Accubond may be the ultimate whitetail bullet. In just about every case, they have out shot the balistic tips which was not expected. I will, however, stick with my old (not Speer) Trophy Bonded Bearclaws for elk. I only got so-so performance on elk with the Accubonds.

My two cents

Posts: 373 | Location: Leesburg, GA | Registered: 22 October 2005Reply With Quote
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Hank, that's a great buck, and a REAL whopper bodywise for GA. The buck I took was a nice 8, 4 1/2" bases, so pretty good mass, only 14 1/2" inside spread, and he netted about 119. My wife had hid my camera somewhere before I packed to go, so no pics, he's at the taxidermist for a European mount, so I won't see him for a while.

I am leaning your way with the AB, I've had real good results with everything I've shot with them, including a really large Axis deer.

The XXX's just leave me wondering, I've paid close attention when butchering the deer where the bullets ice picked, and there was NOT a lot of internal damage, and no damn 'blown off' petals hanging out. I think the double lung is what killed those deer. I've had a few DRT's with XXX's, but only when taking out a shoulder in the process......

I guess we all need to like the bullet we choose.
Posts: 3563 | Location: GA, USA | Registered: 02 August 2004Reply With Quote
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Fish30114: I always aim for the heart when I am shooting Deer. I have harvested quite a number of them now over the last 48 seasons.
Normally a heart/lung shot Deer will jump up kicking its rear heels out and up, at the instant of impact.
Then they land and run 50 to 100 yards before piling up.
I could not get the video to work for me but will keep trying.
By the way I am a firm believer in the lethality, reliability and accuracy of the Nosler 130 gr. Ballistic Tips from my 270!
I have used them for some time now on all manner of Deer and Antelope with EXCELLENT results!
I am not familiar with your factory loaded Winchester Combined Technologies Ballistic Tips but it sounds like your Deer was harvested pretty cleanly. I recovered a 27 caliber 130 gr. Nosler Ballistic Tip bullet from a Bull Elk I shot this fall. I put it safely in my pocket and unfortunately that was the last I saw of it.
I have recovered other 130 gr. Nosler Ballistic Tips from Antelope, Whitetails and Mule Deer and 72 grs. is about what I have experienced.
I am not sure you will find a better more reliable killer of a bullet than the Nosler 130 gr. Ballistic Tip for Deer size game.
I guess I am suggesting you handload some 130 gr. Nosler Ballistic Tips or buy ammo that uses these - if in fact the Winchesters you use are not equipped with the Nosler Ballistic Tips.
Best of luck with your 270 its a fine Deer cartridge.
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All I have to say about that video is HOLY CRAP!!! I emailed it to my buddy list!

As far as the btips. I've killed more game with them than any other bullet. And mostly the 270, 150 grain combo. Second is the 130.

I have no problem whatsoever with the triple shock bullets. Never had anything happen except DRT no matter the placement.

My brother shot his antelope this year at 198 yards with that 110 TSX from his 270, strong quartering away shot. He stiff legged that goat right there. Got it on video, wish I knew how to upload and post a video.

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Picture of PATRIOT76
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i have shot at 1 deer in GA w/ XXX's and never found it. I am unsure where i hit but i did hit as i found evidence on the ground... like some here i have found that I believe the accubond is the ultimate deer buller. Actually, accubond, interbond, and/or scirocco= whichever your gun shoots best.
Quick, RELIABLE expansion but better structural integrity than a ballistic tip. The accubonds have worked this year on all 4 deer w/ lung shots, no shoulder and no blowup and lotsa blood!
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I am in agreement that Balisttip some times expand too quickly, especially close range (high velocity impacts). Barnes XXX or X just have never performed consistntly enough or given good enough accuracy for me to load. I know there are plenty of Barnes Believers on this site that will challenge my view. My rifle shoots Accubonds and for that matter Trophy Bondeds quite well, so that is what I use. No problem with lack of exit hole or amount of blood trail. Hugh
Posts: 435 | Location: GA, USA | Registered: 14 January 2005Reply With Quote
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BTW Congratulations! That is a superb buck for GA. You and Spring both bagged some big ones this season. Heres to you! Hugh
Posts: 435 | Location: GA, USA | Registered: 14 January 2005Reply With Quote
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I am in agreement that Balisttip some times expand too quickly

Who are you agreeing with? It seems that everyone here would like to have exactly the performance that Fish describes in his initial post: Great internal trauma with full penetration of the chest cavity for a one-shot kill. Is there something else you want from a bullet?
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Not looking to start any pissing match here. The ballistic tip is a great bullet, and highly popular deer bullet. I have had two occassions when the bullet did not exit a deer (as stated, close up high velocity impacts). My opinion, nothing more. Thank you. Hugh
Posts: 435 | Location: GA, USA | Registered: 14 January 2005Reply With Quote
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I do not have much experience with ballistic tips. Here's a 30 cal 165 nozler ballistic tip I collected out of a cow moose it mushroomed out to 85 caliber.
Posts: 26 | Registered: 15 December 2006Reply With Quote
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VG, these are hanloaded CT Ballistic tips, same as the regular BT, just has the 'Lubalox' coating on em, which I happen to like. I am thinking of going with the 150 gr for close work, or maybe the AB for just all around.

Doc, you are one of the big reasons that I have tried and have so many XXX's in the house! They damn well shoot great for me, and I have recoverd every deer ever shot with them, but I have had that pencil through thing, and like I said, just leaves me wondering, as these deer did NOT have a lot of internal damage, and I sure couldn't find any shed petals.....

VG it is interesting that 72 grains retained weight is about what you have found, that makes me feel good, like I said, this is the first BT that I have had that didn't have complete penetration, so I'm still a BT fan, I just think on as close a shot as I had, I probably should have had 150's loaded up.
Posts: 3563 | Location: GA, USA | Registered: 02 August 2004Reply With Quote
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I will always be a TSX fan AND a Btip fan. BUT, like I mentioned earlier, I did prefer the larger bullets per caliber when using a Btip.

Good luck with whichever bullet you use!

I'll still keep using both.

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Thanks Doc, I think I'll still be using both also. I do plan to load some 150 grainers for rigs I will use where I expect shots to be closer.

I know your brother uses the 110 in the .270 XXX, do you go with the light XXX in .270 as well? I've been using the 130 when hunting, but I have all weights in the shop....
Posts: 3563 | Location: GA, USA | Registered: 02 August 2004Reply With Quote
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I found the trick with the 270/150 Btip is to use the minimal charge with either IMR4350 or IMR4831, whichever shoots best. And, if shots are under 150, who cares how it groups anyway. Download the Btip for close range work and watch it do its magic.

Yes, Russ is using the 270/110 and I have still yet to work up a good load with it, just haven't had time. I have used the 130. But I promised myself that I'd have a 110 load by next hunting season. Funny you mention him. We were just talking about that tonight how his load is his favorite of all time.

PLUS, it is my opinion that it is the BEST "ladies" load, or "child" load. Keep in mind, he does have a Pachmyr Decel. pad as well. Nevertheless, I've shot his rifle at the range right along with my buddy's 243, where I worked up his 95 grain Btip load for our WY hunt. That 270/110 kicks less. Now you have an improved "youth" hunting rig with little to no punch whatsoever. It's a bigger bullet, very tough, and it is going very very fast. Big Grin

FWIW, he's downed about 18 deer now in South Carolina with that load and the closest shots were bow range. He just puts each shot in the shoulder if he can. Plus, that 8pt he just got last month in KY. BTW, that KY buck is the ONLY game that ran anywhere. He's also nailed those 2 antelope also and they collapsed sideways, stiff legs up. It is truly a pleasure to witness. mgun

He said, as far as he's concerned, he'll never ever need any other bullet loaded for his 270.

We had this discussion tonight on our way back from our bowhunt. He got a doe tonight.

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Picture of Josh K.
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Just to add to what Doc said about the 110 TSX. Ive been using it in my 6.8 SPC Contender(15" barrel). It has been wicked on the 3 deer I have shot with it. Its moving alot slower..about 2550 FPS. 3 Deer between 50-150 yds and just GREAT expanison and penetration. The last deer i shot with it at 150 yds had a HUGE exit hole..cause by some bone im sure..but one of the other deer was shot at 50 yds and had a 2" exit hole. The other one was shot twice,(first shot wasnt where it was suppose to go)but left 1.5 " exits. Great bulletWink
Posts: 362 | Location: St.Louis Mo | Registered: 15 December 2005Reply With Quote
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My daughter shot a nice doe in the chest at 250 yds and the bullet exited the opposite side in front of the right hind leg. The doe flipped over backwards dead after some 2 ft of penetration.

The load she was using was 165gr bullet slowed to 2600 fps for my 30-06. She shot that load/gun combo very well.
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Doc, good intel. I think I'll try and get one of my .270's set up with the 110 XXX's. That performance sounds so great. Josh K, glad to hear of those larger exits, never had one anywhere near that big ever with XXX, but I've been running the 130 grainers at around 2900-3100 fps.

I have wondered if the trajectory of the 110 at range (say 400 yards) is as good as the 130, I am thinking if so, it would be just what I need to set up for antelope.....It sure has worked for your brother Doc!

I built some rounds with the 150 gr BT's tonight, gonna be back in that river bottom, once with the bow, and then with the 270!

Thanks guys--Don
Posts: 3563 | Location: GA, USA | Registered: 02 August 2004Reply With Quote
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Don, let us know how it goes.

I'll look on Russ' rifle again and try to report back what his trajectory chart is for this load. But, I'll tell you this, it is VERY flat shooting. Point and shoot to 300 or so yards.

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