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Re: the "race card" and vang...
one of us

"When I am walking the dark streets of DC late at night and I hear footsteps behind me, I am relieved when I turn around and see a white person." Is that a racist quote? Or does the race of the person who spoke those words have any bearing on whether it was racist or not?

For those who don't know it, that quote is from Jesse Jackson!
So even he is concerned about the crime and violence of the race he is part of.

You can say that if you are black. If you are white, it labels you as a racist. Blacks call each other "nigger" all day long.
Let a white person call them that and they are ready to KILL them. Then our society has sympathy for the blacks wanting to kill a white person because he was "slandered". What a load of hog wash.

No nation including ours will have racial equality until all races and groups are treated equally, instead of anyone who is not white is treated with favoritism in the name of being "compassionate" It is our "compassion" that these people flock to this country because they become "special" instead of just another person on the street ( insignificant) like where they came from.

Too many of these people from the third world, the worst shack around is a lot better from what they came from. IN their nation they were chastized for being Poor. IN this country they are celebrated! and can do no wrong.

I for one don't buy into it. If my view of equality does not conform to what is politically corrrect then so be it. Label me as a Racist or any other slanderous term you want. I will probably consider the source and consider you a friggin idiot and part of the crowd that is causing these problems in this country.

To me it is about as sane as bringing a puppy home for you kid and then when the dog craps on the carpet you punish the kid and pet the dog for crapping on the carpet, because he does not know better and he is disadvantaged. He was just a poor homeless dog. You don't have to beat the dog to teach him what he should do and not do. They are smart enough to learn it.

Immigrants learn ALL the loop holes in our society ASAP.
The same ones the liberals are blind too, and keep creating more of.

Incidents like this just bring the REALITY of it to the for front. However it will be argued about, some more laws passed that hurt native born Americans most and then it will be swept under the rug like so much dust.

Welcome to America! Rape my sister, rape my wife, rape my dog, here are a list of laws you are allowed to ignore and here is where you get your weekly welfare check. Here is where you get your second weekly welfare check under a different name... etc. We will have plenty of welfare abusers who are also minorities that will show you how to do all of this.
7 or 8 checks a week is not impossible at all. If you feel like an entrepenuer and want to start a business instead, we will give you a million dollars to start it and give you free business loans with no interest. Don't worry about the no interest, we don't expect you to pay it back at all anyway. We fleece our taxpayers for more of that money. So Welcome to America!!!!
Tell YOUR friends back home.

And if you don't like it here, there is always Canada!

just the way i see it!
Posts: 2889 | Location: Southern OREGON | Registered: 27 May 2003Reply With Quote
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Well Canty told Goetz to give him $5.00.

Well you know, if the Canty kid had not told Goetz to give him some money, maybe those 4 kids would not have been the ones that Goetz shot.

Goetz snapped, but how many people in America get fed up with the same crap day in and day out. They don't loose it.
One guy out or millions does so and look what the case goes down into history.

Bernard Goetz will probably be remembered longer than the DC Sniper ever will because he was black.

What about the black funeral director in Georgia outside of Chattanooga TN that was taking people of his own race, supposedly providing funeral services and then just dumping the bodies in a swamp. Once again, being a minority it gets totally different press attention.

The press promotes and the government contributes to racism in this country and keeps it alive, by showing favoritism to other groups against the majority race. Doesn't matter what the color of the majority is. That action will make one group feel invincible over the other.

People whine about in the rural south 50 yrs ago, a white jury would not convict a white person of a crime against a black person. However, OJ Simpson is an example of the opposite now. The world wants Scott Peterson to fry for killing his wife.
OJ Simpson can kill his wife and get away with it. Both are a travesty and both deserve the same fate.

The press always whine about the disproportional amount of people who are black in our prisons. Yet ignore the fact that they are the ones who committed the crimes. The is not rural Mississippi 1901 where they just pull any black guy off the street and put him in prison to have an arrest done. Or Reubin Carter in New Jersey, and the travesty of that.

The pendulum has just swung the other way, but it is still as racist as it was when white people persecuted blacks. NOW it is just the reverse. Society has made no progress whatsoever. We have just flipped the sheets over to the other side instead of washing the dirt out of the them.

Posts: 2889 | Location: Southern OREGON | Registered: 27 May 2003Reply With Quote
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Once again, you and I are riding on the same turnip truck here.

YOU do not mention a darn thing that does not get my dandruff up either. Just because I can complain about the things I did, does not mean I am blind about the things you mentioned in your posts.

That judge who milked that older lady out of her money, I believe he belongs in the cell right with Jeffry Dahlmer and deserved the same fate if it came his way. I left Minnesota for a reason. I love the state and many of the people in rural Minnesota. I just wish it had been the same state I moved to in 1979. The politics and the insanity of the state government caused me to leave 9 yrs ago.

hope a good thanksgiving is coming your family's way this year.

Posts: 2889 | Location: Southern OREGON | Registered: 27 May 2003Reply With Quote
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The biggest mistake Goetz made was a 9 instead of a .45!
Posts: 10478 | Location: N.W. Wyoming | Registered: 22 February 2003Reply With Quote
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WE get all upset about a man killing 7 people. And rightly so. Very rightly so. But why aren't we as upset that 15000 folks lose their lives to drunk drivers every year?
And worse yet, why aren't we even more upset that 100,000 people lose their lives to cigarettes and transfatty acids each year.

This guy shot these people and he is a cold blooded murderer regardless of his race he gunned down these people. Your comment why don't people worry about 100,000 thousand dying from smoking the reason I think the people that smoke control this they know the dangers it's not like someone is forcing them to smoke, so you can not compare this to this guy killing these people.

If he did what he is alleged to have done

The guy still had the murder weapon there is no assuming he did it cause he did do it. There is know way a prosecuter can screw this case up His lawer better start plea bargaining real soon.
Posts: 2501 | Location: Wasilla, Alaska | Registered: 31 May 2004Reply With Quote
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I think the reason this topic has created the firestorm it has is because so many white americans, at one level or another, feel so discusted and betrayed by this nations irresponsible immigration policies, that they are just about ready to burst.

The rampage of this hmongster in Wisconsin actually brings about a much more accurate analogy. That is of a group of people who are being forced to subsidize with the fruits of their own labor, their own extermination.

(By the way seafire, thanks for your kind welcome in that other post)
Posts: 2 | Registered: 24 November 2004Reply With Quote
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Blue, there is never a one sentence solution for something it took hundreds of years to build into the monster it has become. Yes, some say we have the very best legal system in the world. To that I simply say we have overstepped laws by at least a hundred years. I am not just looking at plaintiff lawyers but the entire process from writing to executing. We need many more business people taking part in the process as well as non-professionals at all levels of society. Hell even my favorite son (non-lawyer president) knows we are lawyering ourselves out of the world economy. He will pass some form of flat tax - a step in the right direction so long as the SYSTEM allows it to be written so to be interpreted by non-professionls, etc. etc. The non-lawyering of our system must start with lawyers out of the process to the extent possible.

I would go as far as to keep no more than 10-15% of our elected officials as lawyers. Set a ceiling at all levels and when reached put the rest of the lawyers to real work - most all other professionals out side of doctors have had their periods of time when they had to serve up McDonalds to put bread on their tables - now don't go getting me sued for using McD as a symbol not a reality!

I believe if we could get the legal system to stand down for ten years we could get the process back on track! Yes, I am really dreamer! Just some food for thought. Gotta start somewhere.
Posts: 1324 | Registered: 17 February 2004Reply With Quote
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And if you don't like it here, there is always Canada!

just the way i see it!

You have to wait in line to get in to Canada unless you're a foreign stripper. Seems like the system gets streamlined for strippers...

So Is that a bad thing? I always thought you Canadian boys knew the finer things in life!

Posts: 2889 | Location: Southern OREGON | Registered: 27 May 2003Reply With Quote
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Its a simple question? How many lawyers in US per capita vs any other country in the world? Simple.
Posts: 1324 | Registered: 17 February 2004Reply With Quote
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I can't tell you how many lawyers per capita that are available in the USA.

What I can tell you via Census statistics:

The United States has 6 % of the world's population.

The United States has 71% of the lawyers in the world.

The United States has more people in law school (at any time) than lawyers that have a shingle hanging out to practice.

So is it any wonder that the USA ranks as one of the most screwed up countries around, yet is a Disneyland for the stupid and the welfare abusers and the Number One Destination for "Immigrants in the Know?"

Why work when you can sue some one for something stupid and live high on the hog for the rest of your life.

Or as an immigrant, sue some American and the courts will rule in your favor as a disadvantaged soul and you can become rich overnight. Get a big settlement and go home to your country and live like a king.

Welcome to America!

Posts: 2889 | Location: Southern OREGON | Registered: 27 May 2003Reply With Quote
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A lawyer is no different to a cardiothoracic surgeon.

They both need customers to exist.

Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Here we go:::::: Moreover, you make it sound as though the job of being a lawyer is so darn lucrative. It can be, just as being the owner of a car dealership can be. But when you average it out most lawyers make in the $40,000 - $60,000 a year range. Yes, some make a lot more, but many make a lot less.
As an example, I work full time and spend most of my time representing poor and indigent people on a volunteer basis. I make in one year what most people here on AR probably make in one month, and there are many many other lawyers that also give considerable amounts of their time volunteering to help people who would not otherwise be able to afford a lawyer.
Well blue ol boy, you need to come out west!!!!! I asked one of my attorney's point blank what "most" attorneys here make a year. His answer was a "good" attorney will make 50 to 75K/yr in his first 5 years while building up a client base, I have known this fellow for 35 years and I asked him what he is knockin down now, 6 figures. guess he doesn't work for the poor and indigent All I can think of blue is you are a John Kerry Prototype marry into $$$$$$$$$$$
As an example blue, I was born into a very wealthy family, did it do me any good, not one damn bit, my ol man never gave me anything other than advice, You get out of life what you put into it. My whole point blue is, if you make what I make in one month, then you have some sugerbabe paying your way. Sorry but I have more pride than that.
Posts: 1605 | Location: Wa. State | Registered: 19 November 2001Reply With Quote
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Blue, your post kinda summed up my problem with lawyers. They write the law, interpret the law and execute the law! MY problem is simple: Where is the separation of power between the legislative, judicial and executive branches of our government at the local, state or federal levels, as it was supposed to work under the constitution?
Posts: 1324 | Registered: 17 February 2004Reply With Quote
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They almost always state the �race� of people in their reports e.g. Black, and in Canada, Native, Indian, First Nation etc. However, they never state that an Irish, Italian, French, English, Jewish � the list goes on � person committed X crime, or is guilty of X felony

Irish,Italian,English,French are nationalities or languages.They are not races.When reporting events involving natives do the media always state the tribe?When reporting crimes involving Chinese people do they always state the dialect?
Posts: 3104 | Location: alberta,canada | Registered: 28 January 2002Reply With Quote
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