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Animal Rights Group Calling for Boycott of Idaho Potatoes
KPVI News 6

In just a few days one animal rights group is calling for a boycott of one of Idaho's biggest exports, potatoes.

The Connecticut based animal rights group is angry over Idaho's proposed wolf hunts that are supposed to start on Tuesday, September 1st.

The group called Friends of Animals is urging those in opposition of the hunts to boycott Idaho grown potatoes. The group is also criticizing Governor Butch Otter and his support of the wolf hunts.

The Idaho Department of Fish and Game is putting the warning out though that Tuesday's wolf hunt doesn't have a green light just yet.

A district judge in Montana still has to weigh in on environmental groups efforts to stop the hunt as part of their push to have Federal Endangered Species Act protections restored to the big predators that now number over 1,600 Idaho, Montana and Wyoming.

A hearing is scheduled for Monday where a final decision will be made.

The wolf hunts are supposed to start Tuesday in Idaho and on September 15th in Montana.

Idaho Fish and Game officials are asking hunters to check their website at or call the toll free wolf hunt information hotline at 1-877-872-3190 for more the latest information on the court proceedings.

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Connecticut? And here I was thinking ALL the nuts were here in California.
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Picture of Bobby Tomek
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That group also goes by I.I.A. (Idiots in Action) and IWAA (Idiots With an Agenda).

They don't possess a single brain cell or iota of common sense amongst them all. Roll Eyes

Unfortunately, what they do have is money.

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Picture of buckeyeshooter
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a nice washed tater. Poke it with a fork several times-- bake at 350 degrees for an hour, remove cut--- mash the insides a bit then add lots of butter, sour cream. bacon bits, cheese, salt and pepper ---- slide it on the plate next to a rare T-bone then eat!!
Posts: 5713 | Location: Ohio | Registered: 02 April 2003Reply With Quote
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Mashed taters with braised Wolf flank and gravy!!!
Posts: 4372 | Location: NE Wisconsin | Registered: 31 March 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of DesertRam
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Fried potatoes with a fresh grilled wolf tenderloin! Big Grin

A successful man is one who earns more money than his wife can spend.
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you're killing me, buckeye!
Posts: 2267 | Location: Maine | Registered: 03 May 2007Reply With Quote
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fresh grilled wolf tenderloin

A howling good summer sausage can be made with coyote meat and I see no reason why wolf can not be substituted.

Big Grin

If no injunction is granted by the court and the season goes its full length I really doubt that ID will reach its quota of 220.

Not without traps and snares and even with those tools maybe not.
Posts: 4516 | Registered: 14 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Sevens
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I like pesto mashed potatoes:
- 10-15 Red Skinned Potatoes
- 1 package pre-made pesto sauce (roughly 1/2-3/4 cup)
- 8 oz. White Cheddar (more or less as you prefer)
- 2-3 Jalapeno Peppers (again, add more if you want it spicier).

Boil then mash the potatoes leaving the skin in the mashed potatoes. Chop up the jalapeno pepper into little chunks and grate the cheese - mix both into mashed potatoes while potatoes are still hot. Finally, mix in the pesto sauce, serve and enjoy.

I hope everything works outs for the wolf hunts. Shoot 'em all guys! I'll eat some Idaho grown potatoes in support.


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ruffed grouse soup(substitute chicken if you can stomach it)

1.Several grouse breasts cleaned
2.several taters - Idaho taters prefered
3. 1 can of cream of chicken,or chicken noodle
4. 1 can corn,creamed or regular

Fry or steam breasts till done,then cut into 1" squares or to taste.
either boil taters till done,(or ,if your in a hurry, microwave them till done,)cut into bite size pieces or mash,either way.Place breast meat ,taters and cream of chicken soup,along with corn into a cooking pot big enough to hold it all.simmer for a hour or so,until taters start to fall apart,or until your hungry.
Make sure to make plenty,it goes fast.the longer you cook it,the more the taters start to fall apart,so if you like chunks,eat sooner.I like mine simmered for awhile. thumb


Posts: 2937 | Location: minnesota | Registered: 26 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Believe I'd like a big old Stuffed Baked Potato beside a pile of Fried Condor that was Killed with Pure Lead Bullets. Yummm-Yumm!

Especially since the CDC told us people who eat Game Killed with Lead Bullets have LESS Lead in their systems than those who don't. rotflmo
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My all time favorite is to distill them into vodka.
Posts: 1519 | Registered: 10 January 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Skinner.
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Especially since the CDC told us people who eat Game Killed with Lead Bullets have LESS Lead in their systems than those who don't.

Actually they did not say that, the group who took part in the NDDoH/CDC study had lead levels below the national average. But those who consumed game taken with lead bullets/shot had increased blood lead levels.

So your statement is false.

You need to work on your honesty because that was documented for you in previous discussions.

Fried Condor that was Killed with Pure Lead Bullets. Yummm-Yumm!

There was a $50,000 reward offered for information leading to whomever shot a condor earlier this year.

Be nice to take an anti groups reward money and take a Cape buffalo and a leopard with it and have enough left over for a couple caribou and some high volume bird shooting in Argentina.

Big Grin
Posts: 4516 | Registered: 14 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Skinner.:
Especially since the CDC told us people who eat Game Killed with Lead Bullets have LESS Lead in their systems than those who don't.

Actually they did not say that, the group who took part in the NDDoH/CDC study had lead levels below the national average. But those who consumed game taken with lead bullets/shot had increased blood lead levels.

So your statement is false... Big Grin
No, actually right on the nose as shown to us in this thread by some ultra-leftist fool.
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they're too late, I think we have reached the 100 mark by now. One can always hope!

Wrapped in foil and grilled, right next to the Elk or Bison tenderloin. Butter and Chives to follow, maybe a little pepper.

Live is good in Idaho
Posts: 23062 | Location: SW Idaho | Registered: 19 December 2005Reply With Quote
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No, actually right on the nose as shown to us in this thread by some ultra-leftist fool.

No, it's selective reading by a complete twit, the twit being you.

Your claim doesn't stand up to examination,

Especially since the CDC told us people who eat Game Killed with Lead Bullets have LESS Lead in their systems than those who don't.

The statement is false, as I pointed out in my first response to you, it is not backed up by reading the full study.

From the North Dakota Department of Health,

Lead In Venison


In May 2008, 738 North Dakotans participated in a study conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the North Dakota Department of Health designed to measure the risk of higher blood lead levels caused by consuming wild game harvested with lead bullets. On Nov. 5, 2008, the CDC released a preliminary analysis of the lead levels.
The study shows a link between eating wild game shot with lead bullets and higher blood lead levels.

Study Results

In the study, people who ate a lot of wild game tended to have higher lead levels than those who ate little or none. The study also showed that the more recent the consumption of wild game harvested with lead bullets, the higher the level of lead in the blood.

Wild game is not the only or most important risk factor for human lead exposure; however, the study findings suggest that it is one important risk factor. The correlation is statistical and adjusts findings for other potential sources of lead exposure; consequently, some individuals who eat a great deal of wild game may have lower blood lead levels than some other individuals who eat little or no wild game but who have other sources of lead exposure. The lead levels among study participants ranged from none detectable to 9.82 micrograms per deciliter.

Wild game consumption among study participants ranged from zero to heavy consumption. Some study participants had no identifiable risk factors for lead exposure, while others had more than one potential risk factor for lead exposure.

No single study can claim to be the final answer; however, this represents the best information we have to date to guide policy recommendations. As more information becomes available, these recommendations may change.

Pay particular attention to this again,

The study shows a link between eating wild game shot with lead bullets and higher blood lead levels.

And compare it to your statement,

Especially since the CDC told us people who eat Game Killed with Lead Bullets have LESS Lead in their systems than those who don't.

Doesn't match up very well does it ?

Reason being that you're either dishonest or your reading comprehension is abysmal.

Which is it ?

I suggest that, in the future, you either do the required reading and research and report the results honestly or shut the fuck up. Big Grin
Posts: 4516 | Registered: 14 January 2005Reply With Quote
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My all time favorite is to distill them into vodka.

Posts: 2104 | Location: Fort Worth, Texas | Registered: 16 April 2006Reply With Quote
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Ah yes, skinner still trying to clinton his way around the truth - pitiful! Fortunately he is waaay to stupid to realize what he provided in the link in my previous post. Which is
...The study surveyed 738 North Dakota residents. Of those, 80 percent consumed wild game shot with lead, including deer and birds....While participant lead levels ranged from non‑detectable to 9.82 micrograms/dl, all were well below the 25 micrograms/dl “level of intervention” for adults.
In fact, average participant lead levels of 1.17 micrograms/ dl were below the average American’s lead level, which is 1.60....

Sooooo, if you want Lower Lead levels than non-hunting Americans then you simply need to go Kill yourself a bunch of Game with the never improved upon, good old Lead Bullets.

Do you think Condor tastes like chicken or turkey? rotflmo BOOM rotflmo
Posts: 9920 | Location: Carolinas, USA | Registered: 22 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Fortunately he is waaay to stupid to realize what he provided in the link in my previous post.

Stupid is not recognizing that the study found a correlation between increased blood lead levels and the consumption of game taken with lead bullets/shot.

So again, your statement is fraudulent,

Especially since the CDC told us people who eat Game Killed with Lead Bullets have LESS Lead in their systems than those who don't.

And yet another fraudulent statement,

Sooooo, if you want Lower Lead levels than non-hunting Americans then you simply need to go Kill yourself a bunch of Game with the never improved upon, good old Lead Bullets.

You're attempting to misrepresent the data and ignore the findings, and that is dishonest.

Study Results

In the study, people who ate a lot of wild game tended to have higher lead levels than those who ate little or none. The study also showed that the more recent the consumption of wild game harvested with lead bullets, the higher the level of lead in the blood.

So if a person consumes game containing lead fragments and those fragments are absorbed into the bloodstream resulting in an elevated blood lead level your statements are complete and utter bullshit.

No surprise there. rotflmo

Do you think Condor tastes like chicken or turkey?

I suppose you can find out. And then let us know what the fine was, how you're coping with a lifetime hunting ban, no firearms ownership because you;re a felon and what the food was like in the Federal pen. Big Grin
Posts: 4516 | Registered: 14 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Flippy
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Originally posted by Hot Core:
Do you think Condor tastes like chicken or turkey? rotflmo BOOM rotflmo
Tastes exactly like Spotted Owl. rotflmo

Bakersfield Potatoes:

Cut potatoes into 1 inch cubes and place into 13X9 pan (or whatever size you want) evenly over the entire pan.
Take a half cube of butter, cut up and put ito pan evenly (more is better).
Sprinkle with seasoned salt and put into 350 degree oven for about 20-25 mins.
Remove from oven, put grated cheese on top and place back in oven for about 20-25 mins or until potatoes are soft and cheese is browned.


This was a quick and easy recipe my mom used for years. She lives in Bakersfield, CA.


Definition of HOPLOPHOBIA

"I'm the guy that originally wrote the 'assault weapons' ban." --- Former Vice President Joe Biden

Posts: 1700 | Location: Lurking somewhere around SpringTucky Oregon | Registered: 18 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Flippy:
Originally posted by Hot Core:
Do you think Condor tastes like chicken or turkey? rotflmo BOOM rotflmo
Tastes exactly like Spotted Owl. rotflmo ...
Must be excellent! rotflmo

Skinner is so totally stupid, he doesn't even realize my quotes are exact quotes from links "he" provided. jumping
Posts: 9920 | Location: Carolinas, USA | Registered: 22 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Flippy
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Originally posted by Hot Core:
Must be excellent! rotflmo
But not as good as Bald Eagle...


Definition of HOPLOPHOBIA

"I'm the guy that originally wrote the 'assault weapons' ban." --- Former Vice President Joe Biden

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Skinner is so totally stupid, he doesn't even realize my quotes are exact quotes from links "he" provided.

A quote that you selected in a dishonest attempt to "present" the results while ignoring the fact that your statements are not supported by the findings of the study.

In fact, your own statements have diverged from the quote you selected with you adding your own hysterical brand of bullshit. nilly

Posts: 4516 | Registered: 14 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Flippy
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I don't get it. I read the study linked to:

(RMEF) Study on lead consumtion

and the tables of statistics at the end, and I came up with the same conclusion. Eating wild game has no effect on increased lead levels in humans, and actually as Hot Core stated, with the statistics presented in this limited study, quite the opposite may be true.

So, what are you referring to?
Posts: 1700 | Location: Lurking somewhere around SpringTucky Oregon | Registered: 18 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Hey Flippy, Everywhere you look the truth is obvious. Only people who don't get it are the ultra-leftist, radical-liberals with their heads planted firmly in obummer's clinton. Here you see a perfect example of the "tell any clinton" spin-doctoring by skinner because the truth just isn't what they are interested in.

Do you recon the Bald Eagle would have a "fishy" taste due to their eating so many? Big Grin
Posts: 9920 | Location: Carolinas, USA | Registered: 22 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Eating wild game has no effect on increased lead levels in humans,

Yet the NDDoH/CDC study results state otherwise,


In May 2008, 738 North Dakotans participated in a study conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the North Dakota Department of Health designed to measure the risk of higher blood lead levels caused by consuming wild game harvested with lead bullets. On Nov. 5, 2008, the CDC released a preliminary analysis of the lead levels.
The study shows a link between eating wild game shot with lead bullets and higher blood lead levels.

Study Results

In the study, people who ate a lot of wild game tended to have higher lead levels than those who ate little or none. The study also showed that the more recent the consumption of wild game harvested with lead bullets, the higher the level of lead in the blood.

How do you reconcile your interpretation with the stated findings that "people who ate a lot of wild game tended to have higher lead levels than those who ate little or none" or "the more recent the consumption of wild game harvested with lead bullets, the higher the level of lead in the blood" ?

If you are consuming lead fragments in the game you're eating and you are absorbing those lead fragments into your bloodstream where that increase is detectable how can you then state that it "has no effect on increased lead levels in humans" ?

HotCore is using the same argument the NSSF did and they were criticized by the NDDoH/CDC for misusing the science.

Subsequent studies are suggesting the same thing, that ingesting lead fragments increases your blood lead level.

Will you drop dead as a result ? Most likely not, but arguing that it isn't possible and claiming that your blood lead levels will decrease by eating game taken with lead bullets/shot is completely dishonest and beyond stupid.

So HotCore's arguments must devolve to this fantasy ideological bullshit,

Only people who don't get it are the ultra-leftist, radical-liberals

It's HotCore who doesn't 'get it'. His arguments are weak and won't withstand the scrutiny of a real forum where these issues will end up, in a court, a legislature, a regulatory body or the media.

Nor would they do any good at all for our issues when he tells a pregnant mom with small children there is no risk when that same mom hears differently from competent authorities who don't blather on with conspiracy theories.

I've watched a lot of HotCore's spout off with their dishonest interpretations and seen them get blown out of the water as a result.
Posts: 4516 | Registered: 14 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Son, what are you trying to do when you try to communicate with Hotsh#t??? He is beyond help to deal with anything contrary to his opinion and a waste of time to reply to.

Once again we need to try and raise some funds for the old boy to help him out, its the most we can do for him.

The shock of him finding out about his possible relatives has been very hard on the lad as Ketchikan has pointed out.

There are many others out here on this board that welcome your input and EXPERIENCE in these threads that would better appreciate your time and response.

Put Hotsh#t on ignore..............unless you find the need for a laugh when he gets handed his head in a conversation.
Posts: 1788 | Location: IDAHO | Registered: 12 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Son, what are you trying to do when you try to communicate with Hotsh#t??? He is beyond help to deal with anything contrary to his opinion and a waste of time to reply to.

The value of a HotCore is in pointing out his bullshit and holding his feet to the fire and observing that he can't provide a reasoned, intelligent response.

Think of him like a Jerry Springer guest, where the viewing audience is treated to the weird ramblings of a screaming lunatic. rotflmo

On the lead fragment/venison issue he's been consistently wrong, leaping from one denial and conspiracy theory to another only to be proven wrong again and again.
Posts: 4516 | Registered: 14 January 2005Reply With Quote
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I don't get it. I read the study linked to:

(RMEF) Study on lead consumtion

and the tables of statistics at the end, and I came up with the same conclusion. Eating wild game has no effect on increased lead levels in humans

Flippy, did you read the conclusion ? Where it states,


Among those who consumed wild game, most reported hunting as their source. Most
participants reported processing the meat themselves and also reported cleaning the meat around the wound channel. Despite these precautions and despite the fact that a wide range of potential confounders were controlled for in the analyses, participants who consumed wild game had higher PbB in comparison with those who did not consume wild game

Once again, HotCore's statements are eronious.
Posts: 4516 | Registered: 14 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Flippy
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Originally posted by Skinner.:
I don't get it. I read the study linked to:

(RMEF) Study on lead consumtion

and the tables of statistics at the end, and I came up with the same conclusion. Eating wild game has no effect on increased lead levels in humans

Flippy, did you read the conclusion ? Where it states,


Among those who consumed wild game, most reported hunting as their source. Most
participants reported processing the meat themselves and also reported cleaning the meat around the wound channel. Despite these precautions and despite the fact that a wide range of potential confounders were controlled for in the analyses, participants who consumed wild game had higher PbB in comparison with those who did not consume wild game

Once again, HotCore's statements are eronious.
Yes Skinner, I read the conclusion, which came after lots of mights and maybes. I read the WHOLE study, not just the parts that suited my own agenda and not just the conclusion. Which just as easily could have concluded the polar opposite of what they stated as their "conclusion."

Skinner, how about this? (taken from before the "conclusion" in your lead study)

NONE of the participants had PbB above the CDC recommended threshold of ≥ 10μg/dl—the level at which CDC recommends case management.

And this? (taken from before the "conclusion" in your lead study)

While this study SUGGESTS that consumption of wild game meat CAN adversely affect PbB,
NO participant had PbB higher than the CDC recommended threshold of 10μg/dl—the level at which CDC recommends case management;
and the geometric mean PbB among this study population (1.17μg/dl) was LOWER than the overall population geometric mean PbB in the United States (1.60 μg/dl) (CDC 2005).

There is that pesky
NONE of the participants had PbB above the CDC recommended threshold of ≥ 10μg/dl—the level at which CDC recommends case management

And this? (taken from before the "conclusion" in your lead study)

Age of housing, male sex, and current lead-related hobbies were other significant factors associated with an increase in PbB. Increased PbB was associated with increase in housing age, which is consistent with our knowledge of environmental exposure to lead (CDC 2005).
Higher PbB in males can be explained by the fact that males were almost four times more likely to report consuming wild game compared with females (data not shown).
Hunting (53.5%), target shooting (32.0%), home remodeling or painting (18.6%), and reloading (15.7%) were most commonly reported lead-related hobbies and MAY have substantially contributed to the observed association with PbB.

Just like every small case study I have read, (at least twenty or thirty in my career) lots of suggestions, maybe's and might in this study.

I am not saying consuming wild game shot with leads bullets might not cause an increase in PbB levels in humans, just that this study proves nothing other than it MIGHT.

I used to work with a couple of supervisors like you twenty years ago. They would flip to the last page and read the conclusion, which may have been only 1% above a 50-50 tie (51% to 49%) and then breathe fire about it.
Unlike some people, I read and comprehend THE WHOLE STUDY.

Sorry for your luck...


Definition of HOPLOPHOBIA

"I'm the guy that originally wrote the 'assault weapons' ban." --- Former Vice President Joe Biden

Posts: 1700 | Location: Lurking somewhere around SpringTucky Oregon | Registered: 18 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Flippy
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Originally posted by TEANCUM:

Son, what are you trying to do when you try to communicate with Hotsh#t??? He is beyond help to deal with anything contrary to his opinion and a waste of time to reply to.

Once again we need to try and raise some funds for the old boy to help him out, its the most we can do for him.

The shock of him finding out about his possible relatives has been very hard on the lad as Ketchikan has pointed out.

There are many others out here on this board that welcome your input and EXPERIENCE in these threads that would better appreciate your time and response.

Put Hotsh#t on ignore..............unless you find the need for a laugh when he gets handed his head in a conversation.
You MAY want to read the entire study for yourself. Hot Core is correct.
Posts: 1700 | Location: Lurking somewhere around SpringTucky Oregon | Registered: 18 January 2005Reply With Quote
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I read the WHOLE study, not just the parts that suited my own agenda and not just the conclusion.

I too read the whole study, and many more on these issues. I can't ignore the conclusion in favor of your interpretation.

What is my agenda Flippy ? If you think it's to ban lead in ammo you're wrong.

I prefer the dialogue to be truthful, as in,

I am not saying consuming wild game shot with leads bullets might not cause an increase in PbB levels in humans, just that this study proves nothing other than it MIGHT.

As opposed to utter bullshit like this,

Sooooo, if you want Lower Lead levels than non-hunting Americans then you simply need to go Kill yourself a bunch of Game with the never improved upon, good old Lead Bullets.

Which you were defending.

Sorry for your luck...

Don't be, you're making my point.

BTW, you'll be going lead free in OR as a result of the condor reintroductions in the Klamath Basin.

What you'll find on that issue is that rhetoric such as,

Tastes exactly like Spotted Owl.

Is completely useless.
Posts: 4516 | Registered: 14 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Hot Core is correct.

Now you just blew it by contradicting yourself.

Who has an agenda here ? animal
Posts: 4516 | Registered: 14 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Flippy
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Originally posted by Skinner.:
Hot Core is correct.

Now you just blew it by contradicting yourself.

Who has an agenda here ? animal
This "study" of less than 800 people means nothing as it provides absolutely no hard evidence the consumption of wild game killed with a lead projectile will absolutlely increase your lead levels--only that it MIGHT.
It actually RAISES more questions than it answers...

It is hilarious that you allow someone (Hot Core) to rent space in your head for free and I also find it funny that you would not know a joke if it hit you in the head...


Originally posted by Skinner.:
What you'll find on that issue is that rhetoric such as,

Tastes exactly like Spotted Owl.

Is completely useless.
Except to piss you off!!



Definition of HOPLOPHOBIA

"I'm the guy that originally wrote the 'assault weapons' ban." --- Former Vice President Joe Biden

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t actually RAISES more questions than it answers...

Exactly, and if you've followed these threads on this issue you'd know I've pointed that out and have recognized the need for more research.

And there is more research ongoing, with the results of some of it already available.

It is hilarious that you allow someone (Hot Core) to rent space in your head for free and I also find it funny that you would not know a joke if it hit you in the head...

You actually have that backwards, I've gotten into HotCore's head and discussions of these issues drives him nuts.

He complains about me in other threads lol

Couldn't be bothered with him otherwise.

But I do think honest and open discussions of these issues among us need to occur and the information provided. I don't mind doing that, regardless of the reactions.

Except to piss you off!!

You think it does ? It really doesn't because I've heard it for a couple decades and it was and is useless.

It's been counterproductive in reforming the ESA, watched that firsthand during the several ESA reform attempts I've been involved in.
Posts: 4516 | Registered: 14 January 2005Reply With Quote
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...The study surveyed 738 North Dakota residents. Of those, 80 percent consumed wild game shot with lead, including deer and birds....While participant lead levels ranged from non‑detectable to 9.82 micrograms/dl, all were well below the 25 micrograms/dl “level of intervention” for adults.
In fact, average participant lead levels of 1.17 micrograms/ dl were below the average American’s lead level, which is 1.60....

Sooooo, if you want Lower Lead levels than non-hunting Americans then you simply need to go Kill yourself a bunch of Game with the never improved upon, good old Lead Bullets.

That sums it up and destroys the fool notions and the fool spreading them. Just that simple. rotflmo
Posts: 9920 | Location: Carolinas, USA | Registered: 22 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Sooooo, if you want Lower Lead levels than non-hunting Americans then you simply need to go Kill yourself a bunch of Game with the never improved upon, good old Lead Bullets.

Still a lie based on a dishonest interpretation of the data.

Only a fool would think your statement is truthful.
Posts: 4516 | Registered: 14 January 2005Reply With Quote
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How in the hell did lead become the focus of a thread on potato recipes? bewildered

One of my favorites is potato salad made from the leftover potatoes from a crawfish boil. The potatoes have the boil seasonings infused and add a lot of flavor to a classic. I like relish with plain potato salad, but with these spuds, not much embellishment is needed.
Posts: 3628 | Location: cajun country | Registered: 04 March 2009Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Hot Core:
...The study surveyed 738 North Dakota residents. Of those, 80 percent consumed wild game shot with lead, including deer and birds....While participant lead levels ranged from non‑detectable to 9.82 micrograms/dl, all were well below the 25 micrograms/dl “level of intervention” for adults.
In fact, average participant lead levels of 1.17 micrograms/ dl were below the average American’s lead level, which is 1.60....

Sooooo, if you want Lower Lead levels than non-hunting Americans then you simply need to go Kill yourself a bunch of Game with the never improved upon, good old Lead Bullets.

That sums it up and destroys the fool notions and the fool spreading them. Just that simple. rotflmo
I personally know at least 20 people (now sadly most of them are deceased) who ate wild game killed with lead projectiles for all of their lives. None died from lead poisoning, however, all that died, died from OLD AGE.

All except one was over 75 years old when they died. And the one who died at age 70, died from smoking SIX PACKS of cigarettes a day for AT LEAST 10 years.
Now only if the tobacco was laced with lead... Wink

The rest are still with us.


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"I'm the guy that originally wrote the 'assault weapons' ban." --- Former Vice President Joe Biden

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First, kill a potato. Gut it and skin it, and then, let your imagination be your guide!


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