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up to 300% Colorado hunting fee increase!
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According to HB-1266 which has already passed the house and gone to the senate they want to increase our hunting fees by 25% to 300%! They also want to impose a 10 dollar habitat stamp to use or even cross any state wildlife area. The habitat stamp would be required for hunters and nonhunters alike. They also want to add a 75 cent advertisement fee. This could raise an elk tag to 90 dollars and a deer or antelope tag to 60 dollars! This bill is nothing but a money grab by our state legislature and we need to let them know our thoughts.

It's a Mauser thing, you wouldn't understand.
Posts: 58 | Location: Colorado | Registered: 18 March 2004Reply With Quote
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Don't know where your getting the information but elk tag for us residents will go to $45.00 and the $10. stamp is for Habitat and will be required of all before buying a license. The resident fee's haven't seen an increase since 1992. We as resident enjoy a now 60% of draw tags and as such should shoulder more since there has been loss of money. I also would support a higher fee so that no resident of this state couldn't draw a buck deer tag even if it mean the end to non resident buck tags. Most non resident hunters that get a buck tag here also enjoy deer hunting in there home state just buy an over the counter buck tag something we really cann't do since we only get 60% of the buck tags. I live here by choice and don't mean to pick an arguement with anyone and if you were in my shoes you may not like it either.

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With any luck,wyoming will follow suit and increase their fee's by 500% so all the colorado cocksuckers won't go north.
Posts: 837 | Location: wyoming | Registered: 19 February 2002Reply With Quote
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On a serious note though.Didn't the governor of colorado or some other like asshole,change the status of the colorado fish and game,so that they could allocate or generate more money for the department,hence increased tag fees every year. I'd heard it was along the lines that a seperate department within the state has the right to generate its own personal budget independant of the states.
Posts: 837 | Location: wyoming | Registered: 19 February 2002Reply With Quote
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Be friendly, No our biggest problem here is who run fish and game. The $10 stamp for Habitat is alittle much they tell us Wy has something like that so it should be good for Co. I'm not sure on the federal tax how that goes to the fish and game or general fund kind of a dark sercet here. Alot of guys here apply in other state just to cover themselves to hunt deer which I think the state should take care of the resident first. I've been trying to talk my wife into moving up to Wy you guys take care of your own first. Were heading up around Buffalo and then up to Sheridan next month to look around. We don't have any kids but my wifes nephew has really gotten in hunting and for the last 3yrs has come out here for deer and elk so for use to hunt deer together we have to apply as a party and use me as the lead # but since he lives in Calif I'm considered an out of stater and we are part of the 40% of the tags. Yes he could apply on his own but since I cann't buy an over the counter deer tag and if I draw on my own there may be a chance that we would draw in different seasons. We don't have a problem with the elk tags as I can buy over the counter elk tag. I tried to talk to DFG and was told if he was put in the same as me and allowed the 60% chance the system would be abused so kind of a no win deal. Were going to apply in other states next year and see how that works out for deer.
Calif has a draw but the way it's set up is I can hunt with him just like he does here just have to pay a non resident fee.

Posts: 1098 | Location: usa | Registered: 16 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Tom, for what I saw it did not list a specific amount. It said from 25% to 300%. A 300% increase would take a 30 dollar elk tag to 90 dollars. Also, I did not see it specify that this was for residents only. It could very well apply to nonresident tags. You can go to and look up the bill and read it for yourself. What I would like to see them do is slap a search and rescue fee on lift tickets and let the skiers pay for their own damn rescue!

It's a Mauser thing, you wouldn't understand.
Posts: 58 | Location: Colorado | Registered: 18 March 2004Reply With Quote
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I think that Colorado learned a hard lesson three years ago when they jumped the cost of an elk cow tag by over 100%, then had to reduce it back to where it was the following year after out-of-state applications fell way off. I think you make a good point Tom, about non-residents being able to hunt deer in their home states.

And RMK, you really have a nice way with words, don't you?
Posts: 66 | Location: Cheyenne, WY | Registered: 15 August 2003Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Hunterbug:
Tom, for what I saw it did not list a specific amount. It said from 25% to 300%. A 300% increase would take a 30 dollar elk tag to 90 dollars. Also, I did not see it specify that this was for residents only. It could very well apply to nonresident tags. You can go to and look up the bill and read it for yourself. What I would like to see them do is slap a search and rescue fee on lift tickets and let the skiers pay for their own damn rescue!

You need to go over to DOW site they list all new fees as compared to old and go indepth as to who support the new fee etc. The new fees did go up about 25/30% but not 300%. That site also does an general question and answer. It's a pretty good site for hunters and fisherman I would suggest that more than others as to information on the DOW. I cann't answer as to who pays for the rescue of skiers or who pays for the search of a down plane here.

Posts: 1098 | Location: usa | Registered: 16 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Even with an increase Colorado is still about the easiest western state for residents and non residents alike to hunt in. In fact it is too easy, judging by the number of hunters you see afield most places I've been to.
Posts: 3174 | Location: Warren, PA | Registered: 08 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Not trying to get into another pissing contest, but anyone that hunts Deer in another State as a non-resident can still hunt Deer in there State of residence, so what is your point. Just because of a draw, it is your DNR that made up those rules not non-residents. If you live in Colorado and go out of State to hunt deer are you still allowed to hunt deer in Colorado? I think so.

You guys kill me at the way you think. I guess it is OK for non-residents to come to Delaware but not Colorado. Give me a fu*k*n break.

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Redhawk 1,

I'm a resident of Colorado and every single deer tag issued in this state is a limited draw. I could drive to someplace like Alabama where they consider deer to be sort of a rat with hooves and hunt deer, but that doesn't mean I can hunt at home. I sometimes go 3 or 4 years without a deer tag because of the limited amount of licenses.

The state had to limit the tags because we had just too much pressure on the herds. Not only did lots of residents hunt them hard, but we had untold thousands of people coming from other states to hunt. Now mind you, I have no problem with a non-resident coming to Colorado to hunt. I understand that they kick in a bunch of money into the Division of Wildlife's annual budget, but it gets a little irritating when you can't hunt at home with your family because the tag went to someone from out of the state.

I've always kind of been amazed at the number of non-residents (most of them very good people by the way) that try to tell me that they come to Colorado and hunt deer for meat when they can take 5,6 or even more deer at home. I'm limited to a single tag and don't even get that every year. We also are hit harder by drought, winter storms, deer having to migrate from summer range to winter range, development of critical winter feeding areas to support the ski industry etc...

The bottom line is that a mule deer in the west has to work harder at making a living than a whitetail in the east or south where the availability of food, extinction of nearly all predators and huge sections of either no or limited hunting allowed. The fact is that the resource is at it's breaking point and that is at the heart of the resident verse non-resident conflict. How would you feel if I could come to Delaware and hunt deer and your very own state would not issue you a license?

Trust me when I tell you that missing opening day of deer season due to a lack of a license is pretty depressing.

My 2 cents worth.

Posts: 1638 | Location: Colorado by birth, Navy by choice | Registered: 04 February 2001Reply With Quote
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I understand that, but if I did not draw in my own State, I would go to another State and hunt like I do anyway's. OK you don't get drawn for a deer, don't you also have Elk to hunt as well? I know you also have black bear, mountain lion, and others I may of missed. And I know you all live there and deserve to hunt. I only have deer to hunt in Delaware as far as big game. I wish we had more than just deer here. But that is my choice to live here, and I have to live with it. But when I want to go for other animals, I have no choice but to go out of State.

Are most of the Western States on a draw for all animals? I guess we all have to face some kind of draw back. Frowner

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Posts: 3142 | Location: Magnolia Delaware | Registered: 15 May 2004Reply With Quote
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They changed the way that the DOW was set up so that they could raise the fees because they had been frozen by TABOR. You ever notice that you never hear the nonresidents thank us for all the years that they could come to Colorado and hunt cheaper than anywhere else? You're welcome! But since they raised the fees on nonresidents and had all that extra money come in what did they do with it all? And how long before they come back for more? I don't know about anyone else but I really didn't see any improvement in services or hunting or any difference at all after that increase, are we expected to belive that this one will make hunting and fishing in Colorado better?

It's a Mauser thing, you wouldn't understand.
Posts: 58 | Location: Colorado | Registered: 18 March 2004Reply With Quote
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don't know about anyone else but I really didn't see any improvement in services or hunting or any difference at all after that increase, are we expected to belive that this one will make hunting and fishing in Colorado better?

That's because when the DNR raised the fees for out of stater's, the number of out of state hunters dropped. Compacted by the 60/40 rule the DNR suffer a major loss of revenue instead of the increase they hoped for.

Although, in my opinion, it was a good move as there is now less hunting pressure and the fees are still reasonable compared to other states.

I have put in for a draw tag for the last 5 years, maybe '05 is my year.

RMK, Take your potty mouth else where! No need for exposing your heritage in this public forum.

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I think the Colorado DOW is a joke, and now they want us to give them a raise???? The deer numbers are down, yet they issue doe tags. They supported the trapping ban on coyotes etc, they are pro-wolf, they grossly misrepresent elk numbers to draw in out of staters, the list goes on! And now they want more money?

Deer tags are tough to come by and we have to compete with non-residents which makes it even harder. I guarantee non-residents wouldn't like it if they couldn't hunt deer but every 4 years. I drew in 92, 94, 96, 2000, and 2004. Since it is increasing, i probably won't draw for 5 years now, yet I am in the same pool as non-residents? Not to mention we have to compete with non-residents for moose, sheep and goat. It is not right.
Posts: 525 | Registered: 21 December 2002Reply With Quote
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It would be real interesting to see how the money is spent or what percentage goes to fishing. I think it was good when they raised the out of state fee's. We should of been a draw for non-residents years ago. When they started the draw we were only to have two deer seasons and was such a cry from those small town on the western slope as to income loss DOW was pressured to change and add the 3rd season. I will say one thing the last few years I've seen more and bigger bucks in the units I hunt don't know if it will come back to what it was? Only time will tell on all those doe tags they gave out last year.
My only problem with the deer setup now is they get your money you list the unit you hope to draw for they do the deer survey in March set quotes in April for the units and you have no way of knowing if there was a bad winter kill or if the buck-doe ratio isn't up there and if you look at last years draw may not hold for this year we have had a sustem in place now so why cann't they do an average and they know about the first of the year if were going to have a bad winter kill so they can adjust the tags when appling and let us know.
It hard to figure DOW on elk two years ago when they didn't hit the quota on elk kind of figure they give a special late season but they just upped the amount of tags for last year draw that out of state money. At times figure I could do a better job of running the DOW but it would be for what I consider important so best leave it to them. If DOW only had to worry about the hunter or fisherman they would do a better job, just too many fingers in the pie outfitters both hunting and fishing, small towns that employed appr 22k people related to the sport and of course the Boulder group and the list is pretty long.

Posts: 1098 | Location: usa | Registered: 16 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Hunterbug:
They changed the way that the DOW was set up so that they could raise the fees because they had been frozen by TABOR. You ever notice that you never hear the nonresidents thank us for all the years that they could come to Colorado and hunt cheaper than anywhere else? You're welcome! But since they raised the fees on nonresidents and had all that extra money come in what did they do with it all? And how long before they come back for more? I don't know about anyone else but I really didn't see any improvement in services or hunting or any difference at all after that increase, are we expected to belive that this one will make hunting and fishing in Colorado better?

Thank you for what????? I don't recall you paying my way. I did not see you pay for my Air fair or my taxidermy bill or buy my tag or pay for my licenses.

I lived in Colorado Springs for 10 years and because I moved to another State I am to thank you for having the opportunity to hunt as a non-resident there. What you need to do is look in the mirror and slap yourself.

I can hunt in States closer than Colorado a hell of a lot cheaper than Colorado charges, and I do. So am I to thank every resident in those States for letting me hunt there. And why that you talk, you probable don't like the non-residents to began with.

If you don't have a clue to what you are talking about, do us all a favor and shut up.

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Redhawk1, you got an axe to grind for whatever reason. You don't need to thank any resident if you get drawn for a buck tag and he doesn't that is how our system works out here. Your negative comments are what fuels the non-resident hate. Glad you hunt in another state and spend your money there. Your comment are new here just that they get old.

Posts: 1098 | Location: usa | Registered: 16 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Axe to grind? Disgust with the selfishness of some of you characters is more like it. I am beginning to think that it is a good thing that nonresident tags cost more just so cheesy Game and Fish commissions will listen to money talk and you sniveling jerks can whine about it.

Leftists are intellectually vacant, but there is no greater pleasure than tormenting the irrational.
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Originally posted by tom holland:
Redhawk1, you got an axe to grind for whatever reason. You don't need to thank any resident if you get drawn for a buck tag and he doesn't that is how our system works out here. Your negative comments are what fuels the non-resident hate. Glad you hunt in another state and spend your money there. Your comment are new here just that they get old.

tom holland, my comment was not directed to you, it was meant for Hunterbug. As you can see I replied with his quote. What I find funny is one of you can make a comment about non-residents, but you don't like it when we reply back to your comments. So I guess now that we are non-residents we don't have a right to comment on that either.

If you don't like what I have to say, don't read it. You must feel guilty if you feel you need to justify your position on the subject. And my comments fueling the non-resident hate, I guess it does not take much if you already have the hate there. My comments are getting old, well what do you think I feel about all the residents that post all the non-resident comments. Again I guess us non-residents are not allowed to post our comments.

As far as me having an ax to grind, I guess if you want to call responding to comments an ax to grind, I guess I do.

You did not find his comment worthy of a reply and a poke at the non-resident hunters.

Originally posted by Hunterbug:
You ever notice that you never hear the nonresidents thank us for all the years that they could come to Colorado and hunt cheaper than anywhere else? You're welcome! But since they raised the fees on nonresidents and had all that extra money come in what did they do with it all? And how long before they come back for more.

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Your right I shouldn't of commented. I only wish you would be as civil as when you post on Greaybeard as a Moderator. I don't have any idea why you would post over here with all your negative comments. I do assume you are the redhawk1 from DE that hunt in 2 or 3 states that post over there as a moderator? As with here you seem to be in this thing about resident and non resident on Greybeard also maybe you could copy your post from over there to here give up your total insight.

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Tom, yes I am the same Redhawk1 that posts as Redhawk1. But, I am not following you. May be I don't understand exactly what you mean.

We have had discussions on Graybeard about the same things, but Graybeard does not let us attack each other there. And I believe we should be able to confront someone if they make a comment that we may not agree with, but it is his site and I have to play by his rules.

This site give us a lot more freedom to express ourselves, without the fear of being banned for our thoughts.

I do have an issue with residents agents non-residents. I cannot stand when people make unwarranted statement agents non-residents. I hunt in different States all the time, and I should not be hated or discriminated agents for where I live. We have non-resident hunters come to Delaware all the time, they buy up leases and hunt all over. I always welcome any out of Staters. I understand what it is like to go out of State and hunt, and I also enjoy meeting new people and learn from the locals.

Just because Department of Natural Resources makes up the number of tags allotted for residents and non-residents, does not give anyone the right to tell me, I should thank them for the opportunity to hunt in the State that they are a resident in. It also does not give them the right to think we are the cause that they did not get drawn for a hunt. There fight should be with the DNR not the non-resident hunter.

Most non-resident hunter going after Elk or other big game animal are doing a once in a life time hunt for that particular animal. Where as the resident may get several chances in there hunting career.

All the resident vs non-resident needs to stop. And it starts when you residents letting the other residents know it is not welcome. Then you would not see some of us non-residents fighting back. It just needs to STOP.

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Redhawk1, I'm not asking for your thanks never did just gave my opinion. I enjoyed your comments over on Greybeard alot more civil of course you being a Moderator may have something to do with it. I may just start posting over there just see how far I can push the buttons. This is the end of this topic for me here.

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Tom I am glad you admitted you do it just to push buttons. You made my point for me. troll

Also I never said you ask for our thanks. My comment "again" was for Hunterbug. He was the one that posted the non-residents don't thank the residents. Roll Eyes

Just remember at Graybeard baiting is not tolerated and if you choose to do that, your stay there will be short lived. Big Grin

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