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Report On Accubonds (16 animals)....
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Picture of Reloader
Ok, the results are in for the last couple of weeks of hunting for four guys that I am loading the new Accubonds for.

Rifles and Loads are as follows:

1- Browning 300 WM BAR (150 ABs w/ IMR 4350)

2- Win 70 300 WM w/ BOSS (150 ABs w/ 66 Grns H4985)

1- Win 70 7 RM w/ BOSS (140 ABs w/ 68 Grns H4831)

All three 300s are in the 3200 fps range and the 7 RM is 3100 fps 12-15' from muzzle.

Game animals taken were:

3- Nice Mulie Bucks

3- Whitetails (Probably all in the 140# range)

7- Wild Hogs

1- Coyote

2- Bobcats

The three Mulies were all smacked behind the shoulder and all dropped on the spot, 1 w/ the 7RM and 2 w/ the two 300 WM 70s. Range on one was 50 yards and the others were a little over 200. No bullets recovered on any of these animals. All Broadside.

The Whitetails were shot w/ the BAR and one 70 and ranges were 120, 60, and 150. All were pass throughs I whitnessed two of these and on those one was a double shoulder blade pass-through and the other a strong quarter hit behind the shoulder and exited the middle of the off side ham! All but, one dropped and the other only ran a little ways w/ blood everywhere.

Most of the hogs dropped at the shot w/ the exception of the two that were hit w/ one shot, the front hog dropped and the behind hog was gut shot and ran off. One hog facing straight on had a big exit in his rear in front of the hams. The other hogs were just in and out like you'd expect.

The three varmints all dropped and had descent sized exits except for the head shot Bobcat that was nearly decapitated.

Just a small sample but, I thought I'd let you fellas know the outcome.

W/ the results listed I'd have to say IMO that these bullets are excellent choices for medium sized game animals, they expand well yet hold together enough to punch through.

Have a Good One

Posts: 4146 | Location: North Louisiana | Registered: 18 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of vapodog
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The Whitetails were shot w/ the BAR and one 70 and ranges were 120, 60, and 150. All were pass throughs I whitnessed two of these and on those one was a double shoulder blade pass-through and the other a strong quarter hit behind the shoulder and exited the middle of the off side ham! All but, one dropped and the other only ran a little ways w/ blood everywhere.

Pass thrus and bang/flops...just what we want to hear and thanks for the post.

Always like to hear how others are doing.
All were pass throughs I whitnessed two of these and on those one was a double shoulder blade pass-through and the other a strong quarter hit behind the shoulder and exited the middle of the off side ham! All but, one dropped and the other only ran a little ways w/ blood everywhere.

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."
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Well I'm up to 6 critters with 160gr accus out of either my 280 or 7mag... and one with 140's out of the 280.

The first animal was a very large bodied mule deer, 85-90 yards broad side. Shot with the 280 and 140gr accubonds, bullet didn't exit, but was found under the off side skin. He spun 90 degrees ran toward me about 5 yards and fell over dead. recovered bullet was a perfect mushroom weight was 100 grains.

Cow elk - broad side at 335 yards, solid rest, bang flop double lung/top of heart with the 280. Bullet exited.

Bushbuck - shot in his bed at about 70 yards with the 280, double lung, never got up, tiped over dead. no bullet recovered.

Impala - shot while standing quartering toward at about a 100 yards, again with the 280, broke the facing shoulder, exited at the point of the hip... ran 20 yards squirting blood... DOA

Warthog - quartering toward at about 50 yards, same shot placement and exit same as with the impala, he turned and ran into the brush about 15 yards... DOA

Blue Wildebeest - My wife actually shot this one with my 280, the shot was from about 125 yards, quartering away. Bullet pentrated about 3-4 ribs from the back of the cage, and was found lodged under the hide on the point of the shoulder, approximately 28" of penitration maybe more, bullet recovered weight was 120gr. Bull ran about 75 yards and piled up.

The last one was a fairly large bodied bull elk. Shot was broadside from about 75 yards with a hot load in my 7mm. Double lunged him right behind the shoulder, he spun 180, and took two steps down hill and then nose dived... Bullet exited and very little blood shot meat. If they held up to a 3100fps load out of a 7mm at close range thats good enough for me. I'm 100% sold on these bullets!
Posts: 576 | Location: The Green Fields | Registered: 11 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of lhanson8
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I only have two animals with accubonds. What really sold me on them was they were the only bullet I was able to shoot a decent group out of my 25-06. I shot an antelope with it earlier this year (25-06, 110 gr), at 265 yds. Hit him just behind the point of the elbow and exited right be hind the other point of the elbow. He only took three steps, however, he stood there while I hit him three more times. I attribute this to adrenaline.

The second was a small whitetail buck (7mm RM, 160 gr) on the last day of season. Shot him slightly quartering twards me at 60-70 yds, bullet hit on the low side of center and two-three ribs back of the shoulder. The bullet exited after hitting the third to last rib, same elevation. The buck ran 40 yds max. The only thing that suprised me was no blood trail, I even had good snow to see it in, if it were there.

I'll be using these loads for a long time.
Posts: 82 | Location: Kalispell, MT | Registered: 20 October 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of ELKMAN2
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I killed 4 animals so far this year with Accubonds. 300Win, 180 gr, IMR4350. 2 goats and 2 Mulie does. The deer were bang/flop, one of the goat also, the other ran maybe 20yds and dropped. All shots were one or both shoulders, there was substantial meat damage on all. There will be one more critter, I leave for Colorado elk hunting Sunday.
Posts: 1072 | Location: Pine Haven, Wyo | Registered: 14 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of boilerroom
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Just last week I hit a big muley buck with a 140 Accubond out of my 270WSM and it drove end to end. Bullet travelling 3150 fps from the muzzle entered the bucks hip at 40 yards and drove all the way forward to rest in the throat. Bullet held together great and there was no secondary wound channels to speak of except some minor bone frags.

This is the only experience I have with this bullet.

I did have a tip break off on one in the mag btw.

Too many people........
Posts: 4326 | Location: Under the North Star! | Registered: 25 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Great info Reloader!

Shot my first deer with the 140gr Accubond last week, a decent 8pter with the 7mag at 3220 fps muzzle velocity at 300 yards...

First shot broadside liver- complete pass through
Second shot slightly quartering away- entry just behind the front shoulder, exit through the opposite shoulder.

The animal travelled around 25 yards before expiration. I was a little disappointed not to get a bang-flop result from the second shot, and was even considering going back to the ballistic tips, but after hearing a few more reports from you guys I'll stick with them for a few more animals. The upside of the accubonds is that they'll shoot 5 into 1/2 inch all day long and twice on Sunday out of my guns.
Posts: 165 | Location: mississippi | Registered: 12 March 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of Clem
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This is some good info from everybody!!

I have only filled two doe tags - one with the 110 grain 257 - perfect pass through lung shot. This year a 30 yd head shot with 140 gn from my 7mm-08 - DANG!! Total craneum detonation.
Posts: 1292 | Location: I'm right here! | Registered: 01 July 2004Reply With Quote
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Well I can report 4 WT bucks shot with 140gr Accubonds out of a 270WSM, all loaded over 71gr of Retumbo.

1. 35yds broadside. Although it destroyed the heart/lungs the buck tried to run. Unfortunately (for the buck) it ran straight past the shooter and was hit again at about 15yds, just behind the shoulder and severed the spine, which resulted in an instant drop.

2. 95yds almost head on with a large northern WT. Buck put its head down and off to the left to feed and was hit in the base of the neck at the spine. Instant drop and instantly fatal.

3. 78yds broadside. Buck was hit a little far forward and was hit in the shoulder. Bullet went a little crazy. Although it sure knocked a lot of bone fragments into the chest cavity, it appears to have angled up and out the spine. This deer needed a follow up shot to finish it off. (deer did drop where it was shot)

4. 120yds broadside. Hit a rib, destroyed both lungs and hydrostatic shock appeared to do a lot of damage to the spine. Instantly fatal and instant drop.

Not one bullet was recovered and not a single deer had to be tracked. All of the deer were 200+ pounds with the largest (2) being well over 300. Very little meat damage on bucks 1, 2 and 4. Other than #3 which could just be "one of those freakish things" the bullet did as it was supposed to.
Posts: 8 | Location: Alberta, Canada | Registered: 26 September 2005Reply With Quote
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