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Grizzly Man: The Death of an Idiot
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Oregon Magazine

Grizzly Man: The Death of an Idiot

If the bell tolls for the demise of the evil or the stupid, it is the voice of God's Law, evolution. Forms which are fit, survive. The others are -- we'll call it -- recycled.

March, 2006 -- It was on the evening of February 25th. One of the Dish network channels aired it. The L.A. Film Criitics and Robert Redford’s Sundance festival raved, as did Ebert and whoever replaced Gene Siskel. Two thumbs way up, they said about this piece of videographic crap. Remember that word. Crap. We’ll get beyond the metaphor later.

Timothy Treadwell, not his real name, was a surfer dude doin’ drugs and tellin’ folks he was an orphan from Australia. He said he wished he had been a homosexual so his sex life would have been less complicated. They can have sex anywhere, without emotional involvement. But he wasn’t, so went to Alaska. There, he had sex with women stupid enough to join him in his tent in the Katmai Wilderness, until one day a bear ate him and her. In the meantime he hid in the bushes while taping bear hunters. Bear hunters who knew he was there (Alaska is the world's largest small town) did creepy Freddy Krueger things like draw happy faces on the rocks in Timothy's neighborhood. Ugly, eh? But, mostly, he taped himself, pretending to be alone.

Did he think himself to be Jeremiah Johnson, perhaps? Or, not a mountain man but rather a philosopher of natural history?

Watching this widely acclaimed video abortion (now or soon playing in theatres redolent of hemp), I kept waiting for the reference to Thoreau. In time, of course, it came. They even mentioned Muir. In the meantime, we watched this amazingly silly juvenile shifting from baby talk to 12 foot tall Alaskan Brown bears to diatribes against the civilization which built the airplane which delivered him to the Katmai and invented the video camera he used to create his cinematic masturbations, his hippy wilderness fantasies.

I am an old man, now, but was a young man during the days I often visited Alaska. The sixties types were not well received in Alaska, then. The Inuits don't even like them, today. Ask an Inuit what he thinks of the hippies who are blocking oil drilling in ANWAR. Inuits, what you call eskimos, still hunt these northern reaches. They made jewelry out of the teeth and claws of the animals they harvested, back then. Perhaps they still do.

Then you have the hippies. In my physical prime I watched them hang beads around their necks not as records of the hunt, but in rejection of the greatest civilization ever to exist. They receeded into clouds of dope smoke, and enslaved entire nations by rejecting the flag, the military and this nation’s classic values. You may credit the millions of dead in Cambodia to them, the millions imprisoned and executed in post-war Vietnam, as well. The political prisons in North Korea, the executions of journalists on Cuban beaches, the slaughters and slavery in the Sudan -- it has all been part of the same package, the result of the same stupidity which was not invented but rather inflated by the sixties.

Timothy Treadwell, not his real name, missed the era I wish I had missed. But the green community got him. It hung out on the fringes of the L.A. beaches and bubbled in San Francisco. In the woods and mountains of northern California, and all over the states of the Pacific NW, it festers to this day. The home of environmental terrorists and other communists, the dye in the shirt of the Left Coast is green, not red. That is the local color of the socialist flag. It infected Timothy, eventually sending him to visit the bears for an unlucky thirteen summers. It caused him to make a film which was a fake and it got a stupid girl killed. For this is the beloved of Hollywood and the simpletons of Sundance who crap on the very nation, productivity, inventiveness and .basic values which form the structure without which their world would collapse.

Awards for Timothy are in order. Awards for the California surfer dude who went to Alaska and with his various women formed a non-profit organization whose funds helped him take one of them, Amie Huguenard, to Katmai where, along with him, she was eaten and turned into fresh and steaming bear crap.

It is not our suggestion here at Oregon Magazine that Timothy Treadwell should be prevented from volunteering himself as bear food, and so after a digestive interval, bear crap. If, like Socrates, he arranges that his debts be paid following his demise, his body and soul are his own to do with as he pleases, even if it is an affront to the Christian deity in which some of us believe. It is not our place to deny him the freedom we believe that deity gave to this, and every other fool on Earth.

Rather it is our criticism that fools like him often lead others into death. And, he is a symbol for the American Left, a pack of idiots who, without the rise of the internet, talk radio and the alternative media, would still control the political instruments of this nation, and so still be leading America straight down through their fantasies to Hell.

Good mothers don't let their children grow up to be hippies. If you live on the Left Coast, and have pre-school children, run for the midlands. Hie thee to a place where hippies are treated abusively, and cannot lay their blankets of socialist love over the children in the schools.

Whatever you do, don't let your daughter go camping with a hippie. You don't get cute grandkids from a pile of bear crap.


© 2006 Oregon Magazine

It is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance
Posts: 249 | Location: kentucky USA | Registered: 04 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Exactly what I was thinking when I watched that stupid show, whorywood is getting more desperate with each passing year. Wonder how much "dust" the ratings for the oscars will collect this year. Escpecially with "brokebuttmountain" oh please who watches this crap?
Posts: 439 | Location: USA | Registered: 01 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Well, I finally rented the comic documentry that is so accurately discribed in the opening salvo from Oregon Magazine. Funny and pathic all in the same package. My hope is that it inspires other retards from Hollywood to follow in his footsteps. I think it's really important that these jackasses have the chance to live (or rather die) their fantasies.

I do not believe that the bears killed because of TT's stupidity had it coming, though I understand the fish cops really had no choise. To bad for the bears. The real negligence lies with the USPS and the AK F&G for allowing that idiot to continue playing tag with death for 13 years. They should be charged, not with TT and girlfriends death, but with the wrongful and wasteful death of the two bears!

I eagerly awaite the inevitable here north of Yellowstone Park, a small child getting killed and partially consumed by wolves. It's not a question of if, just when. There was an article in the local paper the other day warning that wolves are getting habituated to people and seem to have no fear at all. Snack time could be this summer. It will be bitch for the left wing green faggots to try and spinn that one, but have no fear the eco-terrorists will find a way to blame Geo. Bush somehow...
Posts: 763 | Location: Montana | Registered: 28 November 2004Reply With Quote
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I eagerly awaite the inevitable here north of Yellowstone Park, a small child getting killed and partially consumed by wolves

Hopefully it's you....sick fuck!

Posts: 192 | Location: Anchorage, Ak | Registered: 16 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Hey Grizzly Man....

Double Rifle Shooters Society
Francotte .470 Nitro Express

If stupidity hurt, a lot of people would be walking around screaming...

Posts: 2789 | Location: Bucks County, Pennsylvania | Registered: 08 June 2005Reply With Quote
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Grizzly1 or Ron?,
Ah, lets see, I guess you missed the class on sarcasum when you dropped out of school in third grade, you pin-headed retard. Boy that felt good, nothing like lowering the level of discourse to the level of grade school punks.

The inevitability of the death of some poor bastard will not be changed by my wishing the damn wolves were never introduced or coddled by the USPS or the eco-terrorist mascarading as "animal welfare advocates". It will happen and the eco-jackasses will be as shocked as the Hollywood crowd seemed to be when TT got his. "Oh, how could this happen! Timmy's INTENTIONS were so good!" Remember in the world of the eco-wacko it is the intentions that count.
Posts: 763 | Location: Montana | Registered: 28 November 2004Reply With Quote
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Hoping for a childs death is not something a rational adult would hope for.

I've only heard of 1 wolf attack here on a human in 35 years and I think we have more wolves than you'll ever see in montana.

We have our own problems with wolves (predators) and polotics here in Alaska....I'm not hoping for some kid to get killed so we can kill more wolves though.

Posts: 192 | Location: Anchorage, Ak | Registered: 16 February 2005Reply With Quote
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For the record, that post by me above was not directed at you, but rather to the star of the Movie Grizzly Man, the retard who went out there and became dinner for some wild animals.

If you took it any other way than that, that was not my intention.

Double Rifle Shooters Society
Francotte .470 Nitro Express

If stupidity hurt, a lot of people would be walking around screaming...

Posts: 2789 | Location: Bucks County, Pennsylvania | Registered: 08 June 2005Reply With Quote
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Sorry Nitro! I'll delete the post.

Posts: 192 | Location: Anchorage, Ak | Registered: 16 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Are you really that dense?

You actually don't get it do you?

Crap, let's go through this SLOWLY and I'll try not to use any big words...

Scacasm (sar-kas em) Look it up in the dictionary, go to the library, they will tell you which one of the big people's books that is...

You've only heard of one wolf attack in 35 years, I can recall two, only one of which the eco-wacko's will even partially admit to, I suspect there are more.

More to the point, the reason you don't have more wolf attacks in Alaska is because your wolves are afraid of people. Numbers are meaningless. What would you rather have, 10,000 wolves that are scared shittless of you or 100 that are wondering how you taste with hot-sauce?

Go to the dictionary and look up habituated. Ask a game warden why that is a bad thing.

Clarification for anyone who actually thinks Ron is on to something: I am not hoping some kid or anyone else get's the big bite. There, is that clear! What I am saying is that it will happen. Yes, it will be a horrible thing and the reaction of the eco-nazis will be predictable, pathic and will involve balming everyone and anyone else but themselves for the tragic consequences of their "good intentions"
Posts: 763 | Location: Montana | Registered: 28 November 2004Reply With Quote
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Do you remember the film (unintentionally meant as a film) where the photographer, some kind of fool in one of the National Parks, was filming a female grizzly, with several cubs trailing behind her. She was coming along a ridge line - and suddenly, she caught sight of the photographer. She stared for a few seconds (at maybe 150 yards) - and then she went into that shuffling move towards him and coming down the slope. I was astonished in watching that he still stood there and filmed. (I didn't know the ending when I first saw this film) She increased her speed when she got to the bottom of the slope and now was in a real charge. The photographer still filmed her! At some point he finally realized that she meant business!. The camera was abandoned and the last image is of the camera view of the sky (probably as she rushed by and maybe brushed the camera stand). It was concluded that she had caught him as he tried to get to a tree and tore him to pieces. I remember being regretful on hearing that the female had been hunted down and killed. I thought, Why? She was defending her cubs. Of course, I would have shot at her if she charged me - but why does she have to die for being a good mother at the hands of people who never were in danger? Because she killed someone? I am a great believer that sometimes it's a blessing to have people removed from the gene pool.Smiler ( I put a smiley but I'm only half kidding)
Posts: 800 | Location: NY | Registered: 01 June 2005Reply With Quote
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Maybe I am dense, but sarcasm or not what you wrote was wrong, period! me any way.

I've spent a fair amount of time in the Boundry Waters area of MN, but the Wolves there didn't attack me or even lurk in the shadows while following me to the perfect abush hunting season for Wolves in MN last time I checked.....

Posts: 192 | Location: Anchorage, Ak | Registered: 16 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Well, Ron, no wolves interacting with people on a daily basis either. No wolves killing your sheep and crapping on your front porch either. MN wolves are wild wolves, the wolves of Yellowstone are semi-tame, their interactions with people rarely have a bad or even neutral outcome. (Yes, USFWS has killed quite a few wolves for behaving badly, that in itself is a bad sign. Obviously, the temptation to act less like wild wolves and more like street punks is prety strong.) Wolves here are more than not afraid of people, they are becomeing habituated to humans as a sorce of food. The really nasty part about this is that eventually they will deside that maybe humans are food.(If you check you'll notice that wolf habitat in the UP has far less humans and livestock than the area surrounding YNP. Even the guy that is the expert on UP wolves couldn't understand why anyone would want wolves in such a dense agricultural area as the greater Yellowstone area.)

The TT's of this world have no idea what game they are playing. If you hang around wild bears or wolves long enough trying to be their buddy you will become subject to the rules of their game. Notice how they bite and generally beat the shit out of each other on occation? Frail humans do not do well in this sport.

Maybe the bear was actually convinced that TT was a bear and he was just trying to figure out were TT stood in the bear lunch line. Unfortunately for TT and his companion their place turned out to be right next to the desert.
Posts: 763 | Location: Montana | Registered: 28 November 2004Reply With Quote
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I saw the movie in Hollywood video but didnt bother with it. No doubt it was the libs vein attempt to skew the facts into something like making that moron some kind of hero.

He is my hero, I wish all his liberal movie making buddies would think so much of him as to join him. Then we could have our own little Oscar and nominate all of them for the Darwin award. Natural selection at its best.
Posts: 10169 | Location: Tooele, Ut | Registered: 27 September 2001Reply With Quote
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I had to laugh when Mr treadwell proclaimed himself "the bears only protection out here."


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My feeling is, and has always been, is to convince all tree hugging whack jobs that being eaten by a wild animal is the natural course of things and is the most noble way to express their cause, preferably before they breed.

It is unfortunate that wild animals have to be destroyed once they preyed on the stupid, I guess the USFS feels as though we have a precious shortage of stupidity and therefore the stupid should be listed as endangered (if it were only so).

As far as wolves, man were we better off without them. I am not sure who thought it would be such a great idea to have them back. Next thing you know, they will re-introduce the leopard in the southern states.

In my neck of the woods, the self proclaimed mountain (hippie) folk have very little respect for nature. The general thought is if you crap in the woods and wipe with hemp you can be one with nature. Bears are all named Yogi and deer are all nameed Bambi. Luckily for them there are no bears in our area, just mountain lions, which they love dearly until one comes down and snacks on Fido or worse yet a hippie-ito.

In the days of pre societal evolution, people learned respect for 300+ lb critters with teeth and claws as long as fingers, or they wound up being critter poop. That is being one with nature, but that can't be bought at REI. Enough of my diatribe. I think they should show Grizlly man at every grade school accross the nation as an educational piece on why Disney films are not reality.

Posts: 1343 | Location: Northern California | Registered: 15 January 2006Reply With Quote
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A friend of mine actually met him in Ak and said he was way further off the deep end than shown on film.He told my friend he wished he could stand behind the bears and shoot hunters.I am suprised he didnt.He got away from fat park bears and the real Alaska grizzleys got him and his girlfriend.There was a couple eated at the Noth Slope last year.I keep telling people that AK Fish and game wants to turn Alaska into a tourist trap without hunting on the road system.It keeps getting closer and closer you can hunt till your way out from Valdez,Anchorage,Juneau and Fairbanks.Its turning into a fricking gay dinney world up here for fruitloops like treadwell.They dont want you to hunt.
Posts: 2543 | Registered: 21 December 2003Reply With Quote
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One less tree-hugging moron in the world...

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Maybe we can sell idiot flavored bear snacks... Or better than that, we can sell hippie guided tours, our slogan could be, "See the bears inside and out."

Posts: 1343 | Location: Northern California | Registered: 15 January 2006Reply With Quote
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There are way more bear huggers in Ak than you would ever think.I bet Anchorage is 65% or more bear huggers.There are too many animal rights fruitloops in Ak that want it to become a gay disney world.We had a couple of generations that grew up on gay disney world films.Disney once made films such as Daniel Boone,Davey Crocket and such not any more they are about as antihunting as it gets and teach our kids to hate hunting and hunters.I had a 10 year old girl come over to watch hunting films that I baby sat.I asked who told her hunting was so bad she said her teachers.She said it was even cavement who made all the animals extinct and hunters were always bad.
Posts: 2543 | Registered: 21 December 2003Reply With Quote
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