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I was tempted to drop the hammer this morning
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I saw a pretty good buck this morning. He has seventeen points. I was tempted but let him slide. It's just too early in the season. Hopefully something bigger might come along. Here is a picture.

Posts: 1557 | Location: Texas | Registered: 26 July 2003Reply With Quote
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That would have been tough.

Where were you hunting?

Posts: 280 | Location: Ft. Worth, TX | Registered: 20 April 2005Reply With Quote
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Man, if that dude would've crossed my path this morning and I had a valid tag, I think I would've smoked him. Nice buck!
Posts: 1927 | Location: Oregon Coast | Registered: 17 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of SnakeLover
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That buck has character!! Non-typical point going backwards on the right and palming with points coming off that on the left. May not score high, but would sure make a pretty mount.

M16 - I wish you luck finding something bigger.
Posts: 472 | Location: Virginia | Registered: 26 January 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of gas57
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You must have nerves of steel and ice in your veins to pass him up! I hope you get a better one and please post photos!!!

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Posts: 903 | Location: Texas | Registered: 14 July 2002Reply With Quote
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You're a better man then I because I would have had no hesitation!

Good luck in the future,


"Make no mistake, it's not revenge he's after ... it's the reckoning."
Posts: 3722 | Location: Okie in Falcon, CO | Registered: 01 July 2004Reply With Quote
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I don't pretend to be an expert on whitetails, but after doing all my deer hunting in areas where a forked-horn blacktail is a decent "trophy" I would have taken him.
Posts: 8938 | Location: Dallas TX | Registered: 11 October 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Prewar70
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That's a buck with character. Texas is a state where you have multiple buck tags, why not fill it with this buck and still have a tag for something bigger?
Posts: 896 | Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota | Registered: 13 July 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of Texasnimrod1960
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Should have dropped him.

The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese!
Posts: 35 | Registered: 26 July 2005Reply With Quote
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Hey - is this post just a 'little' tongue in cheek ya reckon?? Smiler

rgds Ian

Just taking my rifle for a walk!........
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I was hunting on my ranch is South Texas. It is in LaSalle county. I judged the buck at 6.5 years old and he should score around 160. I do like the trash points and have never seen one with a palmated point like this one has. Tags are not the problem as we are on a managed lands program and I could legally take 20 bucks if I wanted to. I limit myself to one trophy buck a year. I think I'm gonna at least let this one go until after the rut. Then if he isn't all broken up from fighting I'll decide whether to shoot him or not. He is a pretty good distance from the neighbors so he probably won't get shot by them.
Posts: 1557 | Location: Texas | Registered: 26 July 2003Reply With Quote
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Hunting on public land in Northern Mi. I probably wouldn't have shot either. I would have passed out before I could get the gun to my shoulder. I only see bucks like that in pictures. Nice deer. If you ever need some help thinning them out.... I can be reached most anytyime.

Windage and elevation, Mrs. Langdon, windage and elevation...
Posts: 944 | Location: michigan | Registered: 16 December 2004Reply With Quote
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I got an idea. How about I fly down there, you show me where the buck is, I shoot him, then you can get on looking for your "trophy whitetail." I wouldn't want this buck to get in your way......
Big Grin

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Posts: 1051 | Location: The Land of Lutefisk | Registered: 23 November 2002Reply With Quote
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M16, saw a nice one on a ranch in San Angelo like that, he may have gone 145 gross, but I waited on a more typical. Shot one that grossed 147, main frame 10, but a lot more stickers than I could tell, he netted down to mid 130's.

I am looking for a hunt in south Texas, have you heard of a ranch named Velaro? Looking for some unbiased input....

Good luck on a trophy off your ranch that goes book or better!

Posts: 3563 | Location: GA, USA | Registered: 02 August 2004Reply With Quote
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Never Pass Up a Winner!
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Hey M-16, We are an MLD-1 and can take 20 does on our section. We are working up the ladder. Sounds like you have put in a lot of work and a lot of years to advance to your level on your property.
Good work!

When catapults are outlawed, only outlaws will have catapults!
Posts: 903 | Location: Texas | Registered: 14 July 2002Reply With Quote
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M16- I am just curious but does the place happen to have some relatively tall fences and some feeding stations on it?

Just a curious


Mark D
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Fish30114....I have never heard of the Velaro Ranch. Do you know the county or a town that it is located by?

Mark.......There is a high fence on one side of the property but the other sides are low fence. I do supplemental feeding with protein and cottonseed. Food plots do not work well due to the lack of rainfall.
Posts: 1557 | Location: Texas | Registered: 26 July 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Jarrod
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That one would of only tempted me till I could of got my crosshairs on him. I like those that have odd points like that though.

"Science only goes so far then God takes over."
Posts: 3504 | Location: Tennessee | Registered: 07 July 2005Reply With Quote
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Hey M16, You sure must have a whopping big spread.

Tagged Bucks over here typically travel a 4-5 mile area prior to and after the Rut. During the Rut, we can count on them being somewhere in the area for about 20 days.

It is amazing that you have such a splendid Trophy Buck and aren't that concerned about passing on it. What if he ends up impreginating 30 does and they all have little off-spring with those HUGE Rack genetics? And probably has for a good many years.

Looks like whatever he has been eating, it is doing well. Just outstanding.

By the way, I'm sure looking forward to seeing what you eventually kill. Best of luck and clean 1-shot kills to you.
Posts: 9920 | Location: Carolinas, USA | Registered: 22 April 2001Reply With Quote
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M16, I do not know the county or a nearby town, but I will check with the fellow that is giving me the referral, and see if I can come up with that and maybe it could help you to give me some insight.

I know that saying 'something in south Texas' doesn't really narrow it down very much! I have hunted a fair amount in west Texas, but it seems like the trophy buck you can see more than every blue moon ceilings out at the 145 to 155 zone. I am wanting to get to a ranch where that ceiling is upwards of 160.

Posts: 3563 | Location: GA, USA | Registered: 02 August 2004Reply With Quote
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