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Moderators: Canuck
Tell the truth!!!!
by goshly,if i ever see a hawk messing with any of my animals around here that bastard is gonna be coming out of the sky real quick,dont care if they are protected or not,hell might be a eagle,but if it messes with anything around here its gonna be a dead MF.....i believe that would be a justified killing...
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<Herb D>

Per chance you wouldn't be pulling our collective leg with your posts?

Would you. . .?

You can't be for real!

Could you. . .?

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I certainly hope the histrionics about hawks menacing farm stock is just hooey. The big failure of the Gov't in these (legitimate) cases (if they exist) is that they don't just have a program to reimburse ranchers for dead livestock killed by wolves, raptors, etc. I'd happily pay for that if it meant saving the wolves and the raptors. We'll always have sheep. Anyway, that's another subject...

Yeah, I poached. When I was a kid (meaning 8 to 10 years of age) I would go hunting with my slightly older cousins in the woods near their home. We shot squirrels and possums. I had never heard of hunting season. If they knew better they never even hinted at it. But I have never heard any game wardens getting excited about squirrel poaching either.

What inflames me is the poaching that is done for money. This comes is several flavors, all deplorable.

There are the guys who poach massive trophy animals (usually from national parks and protected wilderness areas) for egoistic rich types so that they can lie and brag to their associates. This pays well I understand.

Then there are the guys who poach bears for their gall bladders to sell to the Chinese medicine market. The sorry cuss that I hunted with recently in Newfoundland admitted to this offense. This also pays well and is devastating to the population.

Finally, there are those who kill scores of deer in the South and ship it illegally to the cities of the North for cheap meat. While not as lucrative, this is an easy source of income for a lot of guys.

The only danger ever posed to game populations on this continent by hunting has been commercial hunting (or the wanton slaughter of predators). Commercial poachers ought to be hanged as far as I'm concerned (at least the ones killing endangered species for bogus aphrodisiac!). Shootin' is too good for `em.

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One of Us
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Some years ago I lived for several years in a pioneer community in northwestern British Columbia. We had no electricity, no phones, wood heat, many people got their water from a pipe out of a local tree beside a stream. The ethic there seemed to be that "hunters" were those who drove for their hunt and took the kill home in their vehicles. Guys who walked out of their door and humped home what they shot weren't hunting, they were living - as long as they obeyed the unwritten, unspoken "don't drive" rule.

There were poachers though. Indians from the reserve to our north used to hunt the highway corridor. They would usually account for 150-160 out of season moose every winter in one 15 mile stretch, often just taking sellable hind quarters. Snow banks along winter roads around the Indian village were blood red by mid-February. But there was very little daytime hunting. Many of the young guys have forgotten how. All they've been trained to do is hunt by million candle power cigarette lighter lamps and magnum rifles. And conservation officers can't touch them because of legal uncertainty in aboriginal law. Guardians of the forest. Go figure?

[This message has been edited by BBBruce (edited 10-31-2001).]

Posts: 36231 | Location: Laughing so hard I can barely type.  | Registered: 21 April 2001Reply With Quote
no,i'm just saying the hawks/eagles kill my cats or chickens and i'm gonna direct definite AA shotgun fire to bring them down,no matter what ,i love my kitties and no thing alive is gonna mess with them...out in the woods one day and saw a hawk/whatever carrying something beneath it and another raptor bastard following it,looked like a squirrel it was carrying,tried my damn best to bring that bastard down,though i only had my ruger 10/22 with time i'll be carrying the old 12 gauge with #6 shot and i suspect one of these bastard birds killed my black small cat,well guess what,i will for sure down these bastard raptors at all cost,even if i have to poison the bastards,kill everything that flies around for sure....hell,if i have to i'll find ther nests and kill them and the off-spring too...SOB"S dont get away with killing chickens and my kitties,especially my kitties, anyone want to stop it can pay the price too....that BS about federal protection dont mean "shiite" to me,mess with whats mine and die in the process....100% for sure!!!
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Note to self:

Don't plan any canoe trips near Winston Salem.

Posts: 6545 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: 28 August 2001Reply With Quote
Yeah, something wrong down there...
Seriously, though, I've shot quite a few birds of prey over the years. I mean, when they're sitting in the huge old oak tree at the end of the field, just waiting for the chicks to come out, what can you do? You see the hen duck/chicken/goose hatch 20 babies, after 6-8 get picked off, even my mom used to yell at me until I sat on th porch and nailed it with the 22lr. A big old red tail will stay until they're all gone, and the damn great horned owls land, and hop right into the coup and bite their heads off.
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Originally posted by Sika:
Yeah, A big old red tail will stay until they're all gone, and the damn great horned owls land, and hop right into the coup and bite their heads off.

Do the words, "Let nature take its course," ring a bell?

Posts: 36231 | Location: Laughing so hard I can barely type.  | Registered: 21 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Dutch
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O.k. Winston Salem, off the destination list, check.

Reminds me of a funny, kinda poaching, mostly OOOPS, story. One of the guys that works on the farm is pretty hot on coyotes. One day, he is driving back to the house, and sees these two ears sticking out above the sage brush, slowly walking along. All he sees is brown ears at about 100 yards, and figures another pelt for market. So, he pulls the 25-'06 out, and centers the sage brush in front of the "coyote" ears and touches one off. Walks up to the coyote, only to find out it was a great horned owl......... OOOPS!

So, is that poaching, or ????????? Dutch.

Posts: 4564 | Location: Idaho Falls, ID, USA | Registered: 21 September 2000Reply With Quote
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Picture of Deerdogs
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Originally posted by Aquavit:
Note to self:

Don't plan any canoe trips near Winston Salem.


Posts: 1978 | Location: UK and UAE | Registered: 19 March 2001Reply With Quote
"Do the words, "Let nature take its course," ring a bell?"
Sure do, but some still remember that we ARE a part of nature..
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Picture of Murf
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In some areas it is still common for farmers to take a deer durring the "late" season. I know of several that do this and am not going to report them. These "poachers" are the ones that provide the habitat our deer require. Our gov't has a very poor record of compensating farmers for damage by wildlife and it is illegal here for a landowner to charge for hunter access.I have seen thousands of dollars damage to crops by waterfowl and big game. The gov't view seems to be the wildlife is the farmers until it is time to buy a license.
A deer a year is pretty cheap and means more land is left as wetlands or brush. I just can't see it as a great crime.
That is not to condone the large "commercial" poaching rings that exist where fish and game is sold.
Another question is the unlimited and legal hunting granted First Nations people.Recent court cases in Canada seem to be leading to the "right" of natives to hunt or fish for commercial reasons as well as subsistence
Posts: 14361 | Location: Sask. Canada | Registered: 04 December 2000Reply With Quote
well i'm talking about the owls,hawks,eagles,dogs,everything thats around here,anything messes with my animals might as well kiss their ass good by,including neighbors(i'll find a way to dispose of them or destroy them psychologically)....i know whats looked for in a investigation,forensic and otherwise..i just dont want anyone to cross my path/mess with whats mine or my animals, thats all...know how you can use 12 gauge shotshells(3" require a longer expansion area),a mouse trap(there are usually 3 for a dollar) and a 2 by four and nails as a extremely effective "booby trap"or path crossing weapon?maybe you already know...
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<john holmes>
I love cats! Dead ones that is.
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If he is too proud to take food stamps then more power to him, I won't bother him and if he gets caught thats his problem, but I got a soft spot in my heart for him and I know if we let everyone do the same, we would have no game, but he just may be the last of a breed and may be no more destructive than a coyote or any other preditor...if he is legit, let him be....and I don't have a clue if my opinnion is right or wrong, but I do have a lot of respect for independant people.

This man may have a better claim than many deer hunters wholegally shoot deer and then secretly through the meat away or give it all to friends or dispose of it in other ways, and that happens a lot more than many folks realize.....these legit poachers really get under my skin....

Ray Atkinson

Posts: 42176 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
j.holmes,not(less you got a 14" dildo up your ass). i like people too,piled up like cord wood,like hitler did the jews,course for me i add all religions or no religion at all.
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I had already suspected that you were some sort of nut-job. Now you've left no doubt.

Posts: 6545 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: 28 August 2001Reply With Quote
Yeah, I would say that we have been infiltrated once again by some kind of self-styled agent provocateur. "Nut" is a perfectly apt appellation. This is clearly not a serious poster. He's just throwing out bait for a fight. Perhaps a moderator can do something about this...
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Originally posted by Atkinson:
If he is too proud to take food stamps then more power to him, I won't bother him and if he gets caught thats his problem, but I got a soft spot in my heart for him....

My vote with you.

Posts: 36231 | Location: Laughing so hard I can barely type.  | Registered: 21 April 2001Reply With Quote
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"The father was the only man I have ever known to have actually eaten a cat too."

If we ever meet, then you will know two.

To answer the question, I poached an egg once. Hunting is a sport which I pursue for enjoyment. There is no enjoyment in skirting the law, worrying about getting caught, and fretting over one's ethical shortcomings.

Posts: 18352 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: 20 April 2002Reply With Quote
sorry fellows,i usually post a reply late at night when i've been drinking alot,so i'm not as bad as i sound,but i will defend my space and will do such,yes,i sound crazy,but thats alot of booze to do with it too..i get really pissed when someone crosses the line in my opinion,so don't mine me unless otherwise...just the alcohol shooting the shit then....i don't believe in anyone or anything messes with the normal way of life....
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Picture of 8MM OR MORE
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I grew up in N Idaho, back when it was just rustic. I didn't eat beef until I was 12 or 13 and we had moved to Seattle, couldn't afford to. That was a different time and place. For most folks today, poaching for food would be akin to robbing the 7-11 for food. There are exceptions, as there always will be, but I said "for most folks". If a man is truly down, and taking food for his family, well, I might try to help him out, not in poaching, some other way. I have a real problem with the thrill killers, commercial killers, but I am not a law man so as to enforce the law, either. I pretty much quit hunting because I saw to much of that going on, back in the 70's. Switched to black powder for a while, but they were hot on my trail. Sometimes you long for the old days, but they weren't all that good, when you really look hard.

[This message has been edited by 8MM OR MORE (edited 11-06-2001).]

Posts: 1944 | Location: Moses Lake, WA | Registered: 06 November 2001Reply With Quote
I can't read a post like this without an incident coming to mind from a long time ago. My father has been gone for a long time now; he would be 96 this year if still alive. I recall that of all the things he taught me that he had a great sense of what was right and what was wrong as relating to game laws and you didn't poach, PERIOD! I then heard him tell some others one time about how he had worked as a guide during the "Dirty Thirties" as he called them and how he often shot 18 or 20 geese and maybe 50 ducks for the "Sports" in a days shooting - he wouldn't call it "hunting." I then asked him why, if he did this then, it was so wrong for me to shoot more than a limit or out of season now. His answer will stay with me until the day I die - "Because, son, we had to, and you don't."

I guess that could pretty well sum up my additude about poaching and "Slob" hunters. We just don't need anymore around doing antics like this.
Best regards,


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<Desert Rat>
I grew up in semi-wilderness that is now a national park. We ate a lot of venison, and not all of it was tagged. We never hunted with spotlights, and I guantee you that we had a better handle on how many deer could be taken from the land than the State people did. Generally, the accepted practice was, if you ate what you shot, you were morally straight.

I was a game warden for a while, and I remember asking one of our game managers what he really thought of poachers. He said "In truth, they are the ones keeping the deer population in check." Since then the country has become so prosperous that it is less trouble to earn the money to purchase beef than it is to hunt, butcher, and preserve venison. The deer are overrunning the country, and you can kill way more than you can eat legally.

I also recall being in a Central American country where it was simply illegal to hunt at all. All hunting was poaching. I eventually hooked up with a couple of poachers and became fast friends. It didn't hurt that I could obtain ammunition.

I have enjoyed my poaching experiences, and would do them again in a heartbeat. They were well thought through, harmed no one, and didn't harm the resource either. We should remember that some laws make no sense, and only prohibit conduct because the state wants to prohibit it. Just because it is against the law does not make it immoral, in fact, it is sometimes necessary to break to law in order to be moral.

If I were out in the middle of wilderness, and wanted some fresh meat, I wouldn't let a prohibition meant for overpopulated suburbia stop me.

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If you and the law will forgive all hunting i,ve done before reaching 18 years old, then i,ve never poached!!
best regards
Posts: 1127 | Location: Sweden | Registered: 19 June 2000Reply With Quote
Yes I have, in my misspent youth, and I've also done a good number of other illegal and immoral things that I am not too proud of...Although I never committed any major crimes I certainly did some things that might have resulted in jail time if I had been caught...

I don't know what things were like where the rest of you grew up, but most of my peers broke some laws, both civil and game laws when they were young and foolish.....

I grew up and no longer do that sort of thing...I also do not agonize or apologize for the things I've done in my past..I cannot undo them and as long as I have learned from the experience I see no benefit in dwelling on them......

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I ate the backstraps out of a Mountain Lion once in Mexico, fried in flour,covered with Pico de Gallo and with flour tortillas and beans and it was about as good as anything I ever ate in my add me to that list.

The only draw back was I been purring ever since, clawing on the furniture, scratching dirt over my skat, and Janet Reno don't look so bad anymore, I wouldn't recommend it as a steady diet based on that alone..

Ray Atkinson

Posts: 42176 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Now I understand why my teeth are growing so fast!! and I feel so hot! all the time , because I ate too much rabits! when I was young.
Posts: 1127 | Location: Sweden | Registered: 19 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Ray and Danny, your posts help explain something I've been wondering about.

I once had a girlfriend who must have poached and eaten a female dog...

Posts: 1027 | Registered: 24 November 2000Reply With Quote
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