Moderators: Canuck
Bear Hunt
One of Us
Special Bear Hunt


Well we figured the Spring season was over and Man and Dogs could rest up a bit, Then we found out one of the Local Tags had gone unfilled. Lewis is 63 and has been Battling Multiple Sclorosis for over 30 years, He doesn't get around too well and was pretty much limited to road Hunting. The division Granted Him a 30 day extension, and we agreed to try to help him get his bear. No small Task Trying to tree a bear close to a road.

Wednesday was the first time we were able to get out, and things started out about right. We bumped a bear Most of the way up the Mountain, then struck it hard right in Coulee Creek. We Dumped the Boxes, and drove up the road to listen to the chase. Lana (my wife) was there on one of her Rare apperances out in the woods, as was my little Brother, Cameron. Also present were Deen, Cassidy, David, Mason, and Palmer(out for his first bear hunt ) The chase went out around the bowl then turned and was headed straight for us. This rare chance to listen and watch from a high vantage point was exhilerating, and excitment grew as we waited for the dogs to crest the ridge in front of us. To our surprise it was the BEAR that topped out first and he was headed right for us about 175 yards out. It was a real nice Dark Chocolate Boar. Lewis has a permit that allows him to shoot from the road so he hastily propped himself against the truck and squeezed off a shot. The bear ducked like it had been hit, then did a 180 and raced back over the ridge just as the dogs topped over. They passed within 30 yards of each other and the quick backtrack had the dogs puzzled for a minute. Once Lined out again they took the bear over the ridge, back through the Bowl and into Johnson Creek. Again we raced down the road and got set up, and this time the bear beat us across the road. We could see the tracks plain and didn't see any blood there. The dogs were quick behind and each gave us a puzzled look as they crossed the road, Not being used to having a cheering squad encourage them on. They went on to tree the bear at least twice, Each time in places inaccessible to Lewis, and each time Jumping before we could get under the tree. The temperature shot past 90 and by late afternoon, Dogs and Hunters were pretty well shot, we decided it was time to call it quits for the day.

This morning was His Next chance. Mattie, who is close to delivering a litter of pups, had torn both back pads badly on Wednesday, and I wasn't going to take her, but she would not be left behind, So I figured another Rig dog couldn't hurt, and I wasn't going to let her out. Sampson was also out for the day(Deen was working), so it was going to be Muzzie, River, Brace, and Hammer in my truck, David and Mort were close behind with their dogs, Echo(littermate to The 3 males in My Truck), Pepper, pepsi and Smoke for David, and Tank, Thunder, Roxie, and a Pup for Mort. Mason also had a couple pups along.

Bam we struck hot right below the Watershed fenceline, Brace and Hammer Bailed over the side and were gettin gone, so we threw open the boxs in a Classic DTFB. They took it right up the ridge and down into Johnsons Creek. Sound Familiar? It didn't take too long till we could hear them treeing close to the bottom. Cassidy Mason and I went down to check things out. When we got to the tree I said "Hey, thats the same bear from Wednesday". Muzzie, Roxie, River, Brace and Hammer (three littermates) were there telling the world they had it. The Other dogs filtered in later.

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Notice the bullet graze along it's head? That bear was dang lucky on wednesday, would his luck hold out?

The question was could Lewis make it to the tree? We looked at it from every approach and he decided to give it a try down the same route we had taken. Which was fairly level, and open. With Mason, David, Mort and the others Picking out a route and Helping, he started out, cane in hand, to try to make the tree. Travis, his son came came in with a video camera to video the whole thing. Although less than a quarter mile, the hours began slipping by, would the dogs hold it? You bet! Finally Lewis had come in as close as he was going to be able to get, which gave him a 200 yard shot across the canyon through thick Branches. Minutes ticked by like hours as we waited for the Now antsy bear to move into an opening, and he finally offered a shot. It took several, but this one anchored it.

Then the bear hung up, 60 feet up in the tree, what we needed was an Idiot to climb the tree and shake it lose, Only one Volunteered. Don't let the zoomed in Picture fool you it was freakin High.

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Lewis has his trophy, it might have escaped him on wednesday and all season Long, but today it started the trip that will end up on his wall. I sure hope he had as much fun as I did, and I gotta thank, Mason, Mort, Cassidy, David, Corey and Casey for helping out, it was a team effort no doubt, but Lewis put forth an enormous amount of effort to make it a success. I was sure proud of Him.

I don't have his pic here because, he wasn't going to be able to make it into the bottom of the Canyon, where we took pics and skinned the bear, so as soon as he was sure the bear was anchored, he started the long trip up and out. Then when we finally got to the road, my cameras card was full, so thoses pics are on other cameras.
Posts: 64 | Registered: 06 February 2005Reply With Quote
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congrats to lewis and kudos to you and your "crew" for taking the time to help out,sounds like lewis and the rest of you have hearts 3x normal size
Posts: 2141 | Location: enjoying my freedom in wyoming | Registered: 13 January 2006Reply With Quote
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