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Moderators: Canuck
Sierra GameKing: Premium enough?
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Picture of Flip
posted 12 February 2003 23:09Hide Post
It makes sense to use a premium bullet, the siera has worked fine for me at lower velocity and no bone to brake, but if I have to choose I would rahter take a Nosler or Barnes X
Posts: 931 | Location: Nambia | Registered: 02 June 2000Reply With Quote
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posted 12 February 2003 23:18Hide Post
I think from an advertising standpoint, the word, "Premium" has about out-lived its usefulness. We are now seeing the hype moving in the direction of credit cards and golf balls. The word "Platinum" has been rolled out, and soon no doubt, someone will find a way of using the buzz word "Titanium" in relation to bullets so that we will loosen up and drive sales figures higher.
Posts: 13928 | Location: Texas | Registered: 10 May 2002Reply With Quote
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posted 13 February 2003 16:37Hide Post
Gonzo led me here as I have a similar Q. elsewhere. This 300wm rifle loves the Fed
factory load of 200gr sierras .8 moa. I don't
load so I ran:
Rem 180 NP
Fed 180 NP
Speer 180 GS
Hornady 180 Interlock
Hornady 180 Interlock HM
Hornady 190 Interlock
Fed 200 NP
Fed 200 SGK
Fed 200 TBBC

Only the Sierra and 180 Hornady HM shoot well.
This is my hunting partners rifle and I am having
all the fun (really) getting it sorted out for our hunt in Bostwana soon.
Funny thing is that I myself shoot the Hornady 180
HM in my Sako 300WM, and have had excellent success in Africa
2 zebra,2 kudu, sable, gemsbok, nyala, red hartebeest, blue wildebeest.
1 shot kills. Many smaller plains game also.
Lucky because I worried and worried about which
factory load to take,but my rifle shot so well
with them that even though I would miss out on the tougher bullets I had more confidence in my rifle/load accuracy. 22 african trophies so far.
Yes the interlock has shed some cores and even fragmented, but the animals were dead close by.
I do my best and thank God for trackers.
Thanks Gonzo
Posts: 52 | Location: Monroe, Louisiana | Registered: 28 January 2003Reply With Quote
one of us
posted 14 February 2003 08:35Hide Post
Now that you know a Interlock will shed cores and come apart, why would you continue to use it, you proved it makes no difference if it killed the game or not, next time it will not and you will be paying a trophy fee for zilch...WHY?

I would rather shoot a Nosler, Woodleigh, North Fork, Failsafe, that shot 3" at 100 yds than a Sierra or Hawk that shot .100 in a hunting rifle. Bullet performance in the game is all important to me. Rates over velocity, energy, accuracy and caliber.
Posts: 42461 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
one of us
posted 14 February 2003 11:05Hide Post
Another hunter in my first camp flattened a kudu
with the 180gr X. Then it ran away. Completely
penetrated. Shot too high. I work hard on my shots
and still have confidence because I have had success. I carry a 375 loaded with 300gr NP with
me for close work anyway. That man spent the next
day looking for helicopter to spot his bull and no luck. I accept the limitations? of the interlock. I had the premium 300gr TBBC Solid bend
so badly last year that went in and out of almost the same hole. I had a ton of confidence in that bullet. Not now. Thanks for sharing your hard won experiece with me. I do not disagree with you. If I get let down then it will be a whole new story.
PS Stop calling me Gonzo-or am I just paranoid
Posts: 52 | Location: Monroe, Louisiana | Registered: 28 January 2003Reply With Quote
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