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Saw 17 Bull Elk today!
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Picture of Snellstrom
My son (12 years old) has a Youth Late season Cow tag, took him out this morning (just got home at 6:00pm) light enough to shoot around 6:50 am, at 7:00 we were on 4 bulls which he could have taken any one of them at 80-100 yards. Thought that we were going to make short work of getting a cow but didn't see any! at 8:20 am we were watching an enormous herd of deer (30) weave there way up this side hill and my son says "there's a big elk"! I said "no Bud they are just deer" he replies "no dad there is a BIG bull" sure enough not 25 yards from the last deer are not one but 2 big bulls with big wide spreads and long main beams both are 300" bulls, well they blow right out of there and I hear more elk coming so my son gets his bipod set and he is ready to go and 11 bulls run by at 125 yards away, all sizes but not a cow in the bunch!
By the end of the day we had an unfilled cow tag still in the pocket, had sighted 17 BULL ELK and nearly 80 deer which at least 20 were bucks, 4 pretty good ones.
I still can't believe it 17 elk and no cows.......
Posts: 5604 | Location: Eastern plains of Colorado | Registered: 31 October 2005Reply With Quote
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Outstanding post! Took me back to memories of when I took my Son hunting in his youth. Thanks
Posts: 678 | Location: lived all over | Registered: 06 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Snellstrom
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Thanks LBGuy!
The best part was I did get to share this with my son, we had a great time. This was his first day out on anything bigger than Rabbits and Coyotes and I was ( AM) proud of him. When those first 4 bulls stepped out he laid down with his bipod all set up and put one in the chamber and was ready to go and calm as can be, told me later he could have taken any one of them. When the next bunch of bulls got up he was a lot more excited, I think it was the shear size of 2 mature bulls at 125 yards or so that were both pushing 300 or + that got him pretty excited, that and 11 more bulls following them! he told me later he wouldn't have shot that time because they were all moving too fast and he said he was pretty excited too!
Posts: 5604 | Location: Eastern plains of Colorado | Registered: 31 October 2005Reply With Quote
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Ain't that the way! Pretty excited he should be, that's for sure. If you had a bull tag, you wouldn't have seen anything except for the scrub bulls!

Sounds like a fun day with your son.

Posts: 3563 | Location: GA, USA | Registered: 02 August 2004Reply With Quote
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You may not have taken a cow but you'll both remember that day forever. Maybe next year a bull!! thumb
Posts: 740 | Location: CT/AZ USA | Registered: 14 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Where I live in unit 10,I hear all the time "no
cows" but you should have seen the bulls we saw,
most consider it a great privalidge to see these
elk , but some are pissy cause they see no cows
I'm not a kid and I still get a thrill when I
see a bunch of elk like you saw . Your son will never forget this .
Good luck on the cow hunt!
Posts: 165 | Location: unit 10 Colorado | Registered: 19 January 2004Reply With Quote
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