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Save a Deer... Save a Geo Metro.... Fail to Erase Stupid Fat Broad
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Save a Deer…. Save a Geo Metro….

This evening in town, near one of the little subdivisions that are popping up when some older people sell off their 2 or 3 acre lots they both 30 years ago, and the developers throw 10 to 12 houses on them…….

Coming out of the woods was a Doe followed by the most spectacular buck I have seen this season by a long shot. It was approximately 8:45 so the light was still out pretty well. The deer was far from the biggest body blacktail I have seen, but it had one of the more spectacular racks I have seen on one, live or mounted.

There were 5 points on each antler and each side a mirror image of the other side. When the deer raised its head to look at me, the top of its antlers easily had to be as tall as I am or taller.. I am 6 feet… and we are talking black tail which are usually antelope sized.

He was walking cautiously across a construction site headed for a field of grass across the street. I had stopped my car and had gotten out and walked away from the deer to give him about 75 to 100 yds between he and I and walked away so that he could feel safe to head to the field, but still allowing me to stare at this magnificent animal.

This is a side road and the speed limit is 25 mph.

Just as the buck started to cross the road for the field, I hear a car coming from behind me, as I am on the side walk.

Typical Suburbia…. Here comes this lady, I figure to be in her late 50s ( I am 54) driving this Geo Metro. She is coming down the road and had to be doing 50 mph plus. She also had to weigh about 350 to 400 lbs, and wearing a Hawaiian style MuMu.

She comes barreling down the street, cigarette and a cup of Starbuck in one hand, with the bottom of the hand just barely touching the steering wheel. This is the hand she is driving with. IN the other, she is holding her cell phone yacking away, with it tucked under her tilted cheek.

I quickly picked up a rock from off the ground, threw it at the buck, to hit the ground in front of him, and to startle him. I also stepped out into the street so that the woman would hopefully see me, because it was obvious she wasn’t paying attention and seeing the buck. I just stepped off the curb, not ran into the middle of the street….

Thank God both quick ideas worked. The buck did a fast 180 and ran back a couple of fast steps back towards the woods. The lady hit the brakes, dropped her phone, spilled her coffee, jerked into the other lane and laid down on the horn at me.

I am sure that she was cursing my existence, for stepping off the curb.

But it was evident that she had never even seen the buck. If I had not done what I did, she would have hit the buck, doing about 50 mph… and in a Geo Metro… I am sure she would have killed the buck, destroyed the Geo Metro and probably ended up in the hospital when the deer came thru the windshield.

So I gather, I saved her, the Geo and the Buck…….

Sad thing is, of her type, my order of priority or care, was
1. The Buck
2. The Geo
3. As a distance 3rd, some fat ass lady, exceeding the speed limit on a city side street, not paying attention to what she is doing, smoking, drinking her Starbucks and talking on her phone, ALLLLL at the same time. Her being as fat as an elephant, and wearing a MuMu that looked like a flower garden, just added to the ridiculousness of her type’s existence.

Things like this, stick out in my mind, as I made the decision to save deer from getting hit by these types a long time ago.

When I lived in Minnesota in the Minneapolis metro area, about the biggest buck I have ever seen was hanging around an area that had been a farm, and was being sold off to developers.

This deer easily weighed 350 lbs and had a rack each year that was an immense non typical rack. It use to hang around in a park that had this huge lack in the center of it. All of us that use to hike or walk around that park knew of this deer every year, existing in an area that it couldn’t be hunted… in a neighborhood, full of yuppies.

One Monday evening, just after deer season had ended on Sunday, this deer was walking out in a cornfield, and heading toward the Lake Park. There must have been about 10 of us guys pulled off the road just admiring this wonderful animal. As it tried to start crossing Bass Lake Road in Maple Grove, to Eagle Lake Park, it was 5 pm. A whole bunch of cars were trying to turn left onto Zachary Lane.

The deer had city smarts, and was waiting on the edge of the road until their was a break in the traffic. It darted across the road when the traffic from one direction had a whole in it, and darted thru the cars waiting to take a left turn.

However, one thing it hadn’t learned…. Here comes some Yuppie mom, in her Honda Civic, too impatient to wait for the cars turning left, so she just comes barreling up the road at 50 mph, and is passing all of these cars on the right shoulder.

Out darts the buck and WHAMO!………

We 10 guys were just devastated. However, Instead of worrying about the lady in the Honda Civic, all we could say to each other…. That stupid fucking bitch!!!!! What a friggin loss…..

Mother nature meets Susie Surburbia, Liberal Airhead….
Posts: 16144 | Location: Southern Oregon USA | Registered: 04 January 2005Reply With Quote
one of us
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We had a sad event here one year. Monster buck, all the hunters had dreams of taking it .It was killed by a car just before hunting season !! Very sad.....As for your story the only thing that was worth saving was the buck !
Posts: 7636 | Registered: 10 October 2002Reply With Quote
one of us
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I'm of the opinion that each cell phone should be accompanied, not with a belt clip, but a tube of KY jelly! Roll Eyes My best friend thinks It should be Prep H, but I'm not that kind and forgiving. Wink

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