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obama takes outdoor life's questions on hunting/fishing
one of us
take it for what it's worth; i still plan on voting mccain/palin


From the Outdoor Life WebPage

Barack Obama was unable to do an in-person or phone interview with OL, so we submitted our questions on sportsmen's issues to him in writing.

Does Barack Obama hunt or fish?

OL: Senator Obama, since Outdoor Life is all about hunting and fishing, the first thing our readers are going to want to know is:
Do you hunt?


OL: Do you fish?

When you're in the South Side of Chicago, there's not too many opportunities for hunting and fishing. When I was a kid, I grew up in Hawaii, and I would go fishing with my grandfather. And when I got older, actually, we did spearfishing there, which was sort of a combination of hunting and fishing. We would snorkel and use a speargun. And some of my best memories are going down there with friends of mine. In Illinois, I haven't gone hunting and fishing.

OL: Do you own any firearms? What are they?


OL: If "no", then why are you courting sportsmen?

OBAMA: While I did not grow up hunting and fishing, I recognize the great conservation legacy of America's hunters and anglers. Were it not for America's hunters and anglers, including the great icons like Theodore Roosevelt and Aldo Leopold, our nation would not have the tradition of sound game management and an extensive public lands estate on which to hunt and fish. There are close to 40 million Americans who hunt and fish. Hunting and Fishing plays an important part in our economy and our heritage as a nation. I am courting sportsmen because my policies, actions and decisions as President will advance the goals of hunters and anglers.

2nd Amendment and Assault Weapons

OL: A candidate's position on the 2nd amendment is extremely important to Outdoor Life readers. How do you interpret the 2nd Amendment?

OBAMA: I have always believed the Constitution confers an individual right to bear arms, not just a right of militias as some have argued.

OL: And if you are elected president, what steps will you take to protect the right to keep and bear arms?

OBAMA: I will uphold my Oath of Office to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, which, of course, includes the 2nd Amendment. I will prohibit the confiscation of legally acquired firearms, and defend the rights of Americans to own and use guns.

OL: Following the Supreme Court's recent ruling on the 2nd amendment, you were quoted as saying: "As President, I will uphold the constitutional rights of law-abiding gun-owners, hunters, and sportsmen. I know that what works in Chicago may not work in Cheyenne." How can you support the 2nd amendment yet ask that it be applied in different ways for the people of Chicago and the people of Cheyenne? Please explain.

OBAMA: I believe that the Constitution confers an individual right to bear arms under the 2nd Amendment. It's important to keep in mind what the Supreme Court said in its recent ruling. Justice Scalia, who wrote the Court's opinion, said, "The right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited." The 2nd Amendment does not constrain a state or local government's ability to make sure criminals don't have guns and that the mentally ill aren't buying handguns.

This right is not unlimited in the same manner that the Constitution confers private property rights, but local governments can establish zoning ordinances.

I think we can provide common-sense approaches to the issue of illegal guns that are ending up on the streets, while ensuring that sportsmen, and law-abiding gun owners' rights to bear arms are protected.

OL: Your record indicates that you strongly favor strict gun control in the United States. If elected president, will you push to permanently reinstate the Assault Weapons ban? If so, why?

OBAMA: I don't agree with the premise of your question. It is not correct to say that I "strongly favor strict gun control." I favor a common sense approach to guns that respects the right to bear arms, and allows local areas to put in place regulations aimed at protecting citizens. What works in New York City may not work in Wyoming.

I believe that the federal government should protect the rights of law abiding Americans to own and use guns to hunt, target shoot, protect their families and for other purposes. That said, I don't think that AK-47s should be in the hands of criminals on our city streets.

OL: You and your opponent supported legislation that would close the so-called "gun show loophole" and make it illegal for individuals to privately sell firearms without doing a background check. Is that still your position? Why?

OBAMA: Yes. This common-sense step will ensure that the same background checks already required for purchasing guns from a licensed dealer are also required for sellers at gun shows. I don't believe that criminals or the mentally ill should be able to acquire guns at gun shows that they wouldn't otherwise be able to acquire at a gun store.

OL: Given the rising world demand for food and corn for ethanol, millions of acres of land that has formerly been enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program will be cultivated. As President, how would you address this critical loss of habitat? Would you consider raising subsidies to keep more land in CRP?

OBAMA: I will fight to increase funding for the Conservation Security Program and the major set-aside programs such as the Conservation Reserve Program, Wetlands Reserve Program, and Grasslands Reserve Program, so that rental rates can compete with rising commodity prices. Unlike Senator McCain, I supported the Farm Bill which is the single most important piece of private land conservation legislation considered by this Congress.

Fisheries Management and Conservation

OL: It's been said that the collapse of the West Coast ocean salmon fishery (a $150-million industry) may be a graver threat to our economy than the Bear Stearns collapse. What steps should the federal government take to help salmon stocks recover?

OBAMA: Implementing a meaningful salmon population recovery plan will be a key environmental priority of my administration, and I support efforts to create a salmon recovery plan that balances all of the important environmental, agricultural and renewable energy interests.

OL: In a broader sense, how, if you are elected President, would you balance conservation with the social and economic benefits of fishing to create more successful fisheries management?

OBAMA: Clearly our current fisheries management is not working. Many of our fish stocks are depleted and in fact this year salmon fishing was closed on parts of the West Coast. Sport and commercial fisherman need a greater say in land and water management decisions. I am concerned that the recreational, social and economic benefits of fishing are not being given adequate representation and weight in many of our nation's land and water management decisions. As President, I will work to give fishermen a greater voice in order to improve fisheries management.

OL: With commercial overharvest and rising pollution and development, ocean fishing stocks are declining. What would you do to protect these fisheries for sport fishermen?

OBAMA: You are correct that overharvest, pollution and development are causing many of our fish stocks to become severely depleted. We've had major new coastal development in recent decades, along with significant ocean pollution. I plan to crack down on polluters and improve the water quality in our oceans. My goal will be to maintain and enhance healthy habitats and fish populations to sustain and increase fishing opportunities.

One especially disturbing example is the major decline in Atlantic bluefin tuna. U.S. fishermen abide by some of the strongest conservation requirements in the world, and both recreational and commercial fishermen have come together to battle widespread overharvesting of Atlantic bluefin tuna. My Administration will take a tough line in meetings with other nations on behalf of conservation, and will be prepared to press our trans-Atlantic partners to reduce the take in international waters.

The Environment

OL: With oil and gas prices at an all-time high, how, specifically, will you balance America's need to develop our own resources with protecting wildlife habitat?

OBAMA: I have developed a comprehensive energy plan that will develop our own resources while increasing protections for wildlife habitat. Specifically, my plan will:

• Provide short-term relief to American families facing pain at the pump.

• Help create five million new jobs by strategically investing $150 billion over the next ten years to catalyze private efforts to build a clean energy future.

• Within 10 years save more oil than we currently import from the Middle East and Venezuela combined.

• Put 1 million Plug-In Hybrid cars -- cars that can get up to 150 miles per gallon -- on the road by 2015, cars that we will work to make sure are built here in America.

• Ensure 10 percent of our electricity comes from renewable sources by 2012, and 25 percent by 2025.

• Implement an economy-wide cap-and-trade program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050.

Fish and Wildlife habitat has not been adequately considered in our current oil and gas leasing and drilling program on public lands We need to increase safeguards for fish and wildlife habitat, ensure access for hunters and anglers, and improve mitigation and reclamation so that we develop our oil and gas resources more responsibly.

OL: How will you be a leader for environmental change?

OBAMA: I will address the major threats to our environment: climate change, habitat loss, and pollution. Because our dependence on oil has led to many of our environmental problems, I will put America on the path to a new energy economy that reduces the threat of global warming and protects our nation's wildlife habitat.

I will not put lobbyists in charge of regulating polluters. I will appoint qualified individuals to key positions in my administration with responsibilities concerning our environment, and I will encourage Americans to place a greater priority on conservation and environmental protection.

Land Access

OL: Access to land for hunting and fishing is dwindling. More and more Outdoor Life readers feel that they're being "shut out." If you are elected president, what steps will you take to open more lands to sportsmen?

OBAMA: I recognize that the loss of access to land for hunting and fishing is one of the most important issues facing sportsmen today. I will increase access to land for hunting and fishing. Specifically, I will ensure funding to purchase land and easements to guarantee sportsmen's access. I support the Open Fields initiative which provides new access to land. I will provide incentives to farmers and ranchers who voluntarily open their land to hunting and fishing. I will oppose efforts to sell-off and subdivide public lands, which leads to a loss of access for sportsmen.

OL: If hunting licenses were issued on a controlled or draw basis, would you consider allowing hunting to take place in National Parks such as Yellowstone, where overpopulation of elk is clearly an issue?

OBAMA: I generally oppose hunting in National Parks. I support hunting on National Forests, National Preserves, on Bureau of Land Management Lands (including lands within the National Landscape Conservation System) and on National Wildlife Refuges. In places like Rocky Mountain National Park, where there is a clear overpopulation of elk, and the National Park Service is considering using paid marksmen to reduce the elk population, I think it is worth exploring the potential for allowing limited hunting.
Hunting and Fishing Heritage

OL: To the readers of Outdoor Life, hunting and fishing are an important part of their American heritage. In light of the pressure for more gun control, anti-hunting lobbies and the continual loss of land on which to pursue hunting and fishing, how, if you become president, will you protect this hunting and fishing heritage of ours?

OBAMA: I will maintain our public lands estate, guaranteeing a place to hunt and fish for future generations. I will protect gun rights, increase access for hunting and fishing, and work to end the steady loss of wetlands and other important fish and wildlife habitat.

We need new generations of sportsmen to maintain hunting and fishing traditions, conduct important conservation projects and support our states' fish and wildlife programs. I will enhance programs to encourage youth to participate in outdoor activities and learn hunting, fishing, and conservation skills.

OL: The Congressional Sportsman's Foundation says there are 38 million hunters and fishermen in America. Why should sportsmen vote for Barack Obama?

OBAMA: Sportsmen should support my candidacy because my policies, actions and decisions as President will advance the goals of hunters and anglers. I have comprehensive plans to expand access for hunting and fishing, protect and restore public and private lands and waters, and honor and maintain America's outdoor and hunting and fishing heritage. I have also received the endorsement of the American Hunters and Shooters Association (AHSA).

Successful hunting and fishing depends on quality habitat, well managed wildlife and clean water. Ensuring the conservation of our nation's natural resources, and making certain land and wildlife management decisions are based on sound science will be a hallmark of my Administration's conservation policy.

I know that gun rights are extremely important to sportsmen. I will protect the rights of hunters and other law-abiding Americans to purchase, own, transport, and use guns. I ask for your support for my candidacy for President. Together we can ensure that America's hunting, fishing and conservation traditions continue for generations to come.
Posts: 51246 | Location: Chinook, Montana | Registered: 01 January 2004Reply With Quote
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I dont see the one part of the interview that I got a chuckle out of. Question was something to the effect of what do you like to do out doors or something. Obama answered that he likes to hike alot. he loves to just go in the woods and get lost (wish he would). I dont think that guy has worn anything but $1000 suits and dry cleaned shirts on 15 years. I desperately hope, no sportsman in his right mind is fooled by Obamas answers..................

Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum
Posts: 2602 | Location: Western New York | Registered: 30 December 2003Reply With Quote
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OL: Could you please condense your answers into one final statement?

Obama: Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah.


But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.-Thomas Jefferson
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hikerbum -

unfortunately, many "sportsmen" are not in their right minds:

Comment on This Article

At 11:09 AM, 2008-09-25, Debra said:
I agree with James. If you don't understand "polictial pandering" here's a quote from Wikipedia. In politics, pandering is to portray one's views to fit in line with a certain crowd of voters the candidate is attempting to impress, when often, these are not the candidate's true beliefs. A candidate may engage in pandering out of desperation if s/he is already losing a race, or if polls taken prior to an election show others as being in the lead.

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At 10:38 AM, 2008-09-25, CT - Todd said:
Let's look at BO record. He voted on 4615-HR 5441 which states the fed gov can take all lawful firearms in case of emergency or natural disater. IT PASSED. Voiced support for DC ban. Support IL proposal to ban sale/transfer of all semi auto guns. Lets remember what has happened to sportmen in England, they have lost their gun rights because they trusted the politicians.

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At 10:28 AM, 2008-09-25, Renohunter said:
For those worried about lack of hunting opportunities...Buy more ammo and firearms! Have you not heard of Pittman-Roberts? A portion of ALL hunting/shooting sales go to support wildlife and habitat. Whether you're buying 30-30's for hunting whitetail in PA, 7mm Mag for those long shots out west, or I'm buying 7.62x39 to shoot all weekend with my AK762, it all goes to the same place. When we can't afford ammo or buy guns, who'll take care of the animals then? It's trickle down, my friends...

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At 10:14 AM, 2008-09-25, chris m said:
Obama and his liberal allies in the house and senate will pass more gun control laws if he is elected. They will control all 3 branches of the fed govt. He will also raise taxes on business(big&small), capital gains, and the death tax to over 50%(so the fed will get more than your children). How will more tax burden on business and investors help the economy??

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At 10:11 AM, 2008-09-25, Woody said:
BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! That's my new BS detector.

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At 10:08 AM, 2008-09-25, donkeyslapper said:
Obama and Biden both supported city lawsuits against gun makers that would have bankrupted the whole firearms industry and made money for trial lawyers. It's like letting lawyers go after GM because someone drove drunk.

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At 10:04 AM, 2008-09-25, Andrew said:
Obama's people can put the best spin on this questionnaire, but his record is very different. If he's elected I guess he can say his staff filled it out by mistake. Like he did when he said he wanted to ban all handguns. The NRA rating isn't perfect but Obama "F" Biden "F-" gives you a pretty good idea where they stand.

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At 10:00 AM, 2008-09-25, anonymous said:
I think every one should look to the past to see the future and it is not Obama. He will not take our guns but they will go after the ammno it is not a protected right.Obama says we need change- I need folding money if he gets in office all we will have after taxes is change.This country ison the down hill slide and he is the grease

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At 9:28 AM, 2008-09-25, James said:
First, this is not an interview. An interview is face to face, unscripted. B.O. no doubt had a team of people helping him craft responses to these questions. His answers are too polished and perfect to be his own ideas. B.O. wouldn't know Aldo Leopold from Hoppes #9. If you want to vote for B.O., fine but don't do it based upon this so called interview, it's pure political pandering.

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At 8:45 AM, 2008-09-25, Bill said:
I hunt and fish in Michigan and from what I read in this article it does not sounds like a man who is trying to take things away. If anything he is trying to preserve the land for us hunters and anglers to keep hunting and fishing. The American people need to take a good look at what the current administration has done to our public land or I should say what they have not done for it.

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At 8:38 AM, 2008-09-25, jt said:
I live to hunt and I agree with everything that was said in that interview. I have never had anyone threaten my extensive shotgun collection, but I have had bad resources stewardship by the current administration destroy the habitat I count on for hunting opportunities. Wake up and stop letting the politicians kick you where it really hurts.

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At 8:08 AM, 2008-09-25, Karl said:
Remember this sportsman, “When a politician is not kissing babies, they are stealing their candyâ€

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At 7:42 AM, 2008-09-25, bob said:
Obama's about Change look at this OBAMA and BIDEN CHANGE a few letters OSAMA BIN LADIN

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At 5:53 AM, 2008-09-25, MIKE said:
Obama is trying to pull a fast one by saying there is a difference between city and country, that makes it so that the laws should be different. He has said repeatedly that he wants to keep AK47s out of the hands of criminals (who can't legally have them) but what about my right to have one? What about high capacity magazines? And to you hunters that don't see "so called assault weapons" as hunting rifles, what about AR platforms in 243wssm, 257wssm, 6.5, 6.8, 308/?

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At 3:36 AM, 2008-09-25, Donald said:
Who decides what is an assault weapon? I believe an assault weapon should be defined as any fully automatic weapon, which is by definition is a machine gun. Many politicians think any gun should be considered an assault weapon. I own semi-automatic weapons which many politicians would try to ban. I will not vote for Obama whose record of association with gun control (removal) groups proves he is a gun banner waiting to happen. The second amendment concerns self-defense and not hunting. Hunting is a tradition and the second amendment is a right granted to United States citizens by our constitution. Too many would try to remove the right of self-defense. Has Obama ever stated he believes in the right of self-defense for the individual citizen?

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At 2:20 AM, 2008-09-25, Dallas said:
How can one think that someone who never has owned a firearm,never hunted or never shouldered a firearm to defend his country, will protect your firearm rights? How can one think that person will defend a flag that he will not salute?

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At 12:54 AM, 2008-09-25, Renohunter said:
Please don't let the type of gun you own make you feel "safe". Ask the Aussies. Ask the Brits. I'm sure they too felt "it could never happen here". To those who think that it can't happen here, your ignorance and failure to see the big picture scares me. I am not a gun nut. I love firearms. All of them. Obama is not a friend to sportmen, hunters, competitive shooters, recreational shooters, or collectors. He is a pandering liar trying to get your votes. Frankly, McCain isn't giving me any warm fuzzies either.

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At 12:50 AM, 2008-09-25, Renohunter said:
Wow. It never fails to amaze me that taking some guns is OK. My semi-auto Winchester .22 holds 15 rounds. Assault weapon? In some eyes yes. Jane's Defence defines an assault weapon as a firearm capable of firing 1 shot, a burst, or fully automatic. Somehow, I bet that Obama and his ilk make up their own definition. Even if they don't take your guns (and they'll try), you won't be able to buy ammo without a permit. Ask the folks in CA where there's a limit (or will be) on the number of rounds you can have.

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At 11:57 PM, 2008-09-25, Norm said:
Another poor sucker gets hooked by the Obama worm!

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At 11:39 PM, 2008-09-24, sfc ret said:
Barack Osama Obama BOO Nuff said

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At 11:00 PM, 2008-09-24, Buffalo Bob said:
As a bison rancher and ND hunter for 50+ years, I can tell you the real threat facing Outdoor Sports is loss of game habitat and loss of access to land. I'm not telling you how to vote, but focus on the real threats facing us in the next 8 years. My rifle will sit in the closet if I have no place to hunt.

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At 10:55 PM, 2008-09-24, Brian said:
I hunt elk in Colorado. The choice is simple - who's going to keep Colorado's public lands in good shape for my hunting and my kids hunting. Obama. He's got my vote.

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At 10:46 PM, 2008-09-24, Richard said:
I find it amusing that you can aways tell the die-hard Republicans by the low-class, hateful, mean-spirited and downright rude comments they make in these venues. Makes you wonder how you could ever support a candidate that they would vote for. Intelligent sounding comments (whether right or wrong) mostly seem supportive of Obama. Gee, isn't that interesting!

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At 10:36 PM, 2008-09-24, Richard said:
It's amazing to me that the National Republican Assn. (i.e. NRA) keeps saying the Republicans are protecting your gun rights when I don't recall them repealing any "gun control" laws that passed in the Clinton years after they got total control in 2001! I'm not that crazy about Obama, but I believe he'll protect our middle-class hunting rights better than wealthy Republicans!

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At 10:22 PM, 2008-09-24, Elise said:
I find these comments hilarious. "Oooh, I'm a big gun owner. I own lots of guns. I'm so powerful with my big bad ass guns. But Obama terrifies me because he's a Democrat and actually might want to help me feed my family. He's a scary scary "Muslim". For gun owners who like to wave them around as their manhood, y'all sound like a bunch of weaklings.

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At 10:16 PM, 2008-09-24, Tom said:
My brother-in-law was an avid hunter, until he lost his guns. It wasn't from the laws we all worry about (I live in NJ - you must be fingerprinted to own any gun). It was because he got Lyme disease and had to sell them to pay the medical bills. I think this year especially my best chance of keeping my guns, and my home, and somehow getting my son to school, lies with Obama.

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At 9:53 PM, 2008-09-24, Vet said:
If this piece of dog excrement gets into office there will be more than one Ruby Ridge or Waco. This guy is a self acclaimed Muslim. By his own words in an interview with Georgie Boy. George corrected his statement, he never did.

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At 9:28 PM, 2008-09-24, uboatsailor said:
When I did a search of "The Audacity of Hope", the result also referenced "The Communist Manifesto". How incredibly telling! I have a question for this wolf in sheep's clothing: If communism is so great, how come it only works at the point of a gun? (By the way, the American flag lapel pin was a nice touch.)

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At 9:19 PM, 2008-09-24, Shane L. said:
To all who take BO at his word be warned. His judgement and or belief system should be questioned. Why you ask? He spent 20 yrs in a black separatist church, "...GD America". His mentor is Saul Alinski, his top Economic advisor is Raines,former CEO of Fannie May which had fradulent book keeping to get him his fat paycheck, (90 million) in six years. His other ECONOMIC advisor, Johnson, has just as suspect a career with Country wide, and Fannie may. Barrack, by the way, sponged off the second most amount of money from FM and FM in just TWO YEARS!!

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At 9:18 PM, 2008-09-24, Shane L. said:
To all who take BO at his word be warned. His judgement and or belief system should be questioned. Why you ask? He spent 20 yrs in a black separatist church, "...GD America". His mentor is Saul Alinski, his top Economic advisor is Raines,former CEO of Fannie May which had fradulent book keeping to get him his fat paycheck, (90 million) in six years. His other ECONOMIC advisor, Johnson, has just as suspect a career with Country wide, and Fannie may. Barrack, by the way, sponged off the second most amount of money from FM and FM in just TWO YEARS!!

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At 9:18 PM, 2008-09-24, Shane L. said:
To all who take BO at his word be warned. His judgement and or belief system should be questioned. Why you ask? He spent 20 yrs in a black separatist church, "...GD America". His mentor is Saul Alinski, his top Economic advisor is Raines,former CEO of Fannie May which had fradulent book keeping to get him his fat paycheck, (90 million) in six years. His other ECONOMIC advisor, Johnson, has just as suspect a career with Country wide, and Fannie may. Barrack, by the way, sponged off the second most amount of money from FM and FM in just TWO YEARS!!

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At 9:04 PM, 2008-09-24, said:
I am not sure why Outdoor Life is giving Obama the time of day. His degradation of the 2nd amendment is very clear to intelligent Americans

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At 8:55 PM, 2008-09-24, Jonathan Mossberg said:
As someone who knows a little bit about this industry and our loyal supporters, I have to say I am wary of McCain but am positively frightened of OBAMA! Please, if you want to "interpret" the second amendment, join your friends and split our Great Nation in half longitudinally (you may retain the left half - and my pardons to those excellent people who are stuck on that side for literary purposes). I have listened to enough politicians to know OBAMA! would enjoy your vote now, and squandor your rights tomorrow. I am packing my gear this evening for a moose hunt and am reflecting on my desire for my daughter and son to be able to do the same when and if they are willing. But the right to keep and bear arms is not about moose hunting, it is about our God given right to defend our-selves. Mr. OBAMA! misses the message here as well. I hope only a few of you will heed this, but my rare ramblings will have been worth the effort if my years of work on your behalf will have been worth the effort for a couple of converts. Regards, Jonathan Mossberg

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At 8:34 PM, 2008-09-24, AL said:
If you want to drive around in your Prius with your sling shot looking for land and animals the libs have not banned hunting on. Go ahead and vote for Obama. If you pay attention you would know that John McCain is a passionate sportsman.

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At 8:28 PM, 2008-09-24, Bill Anderson said:
Sorry as a Vet of Vietnam; Obama just plan scares me. At least John McCain know what a real rifle is used for.

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At 8:27 PM, 2008-09-24, rockriver said:
People - Get educated. Look at his voting history on gun issues. Your State is controlling the hunting laws, not the feds. If Obama gets in you will need your guns, not just take them.

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At 8:23 PM, 2008-09-24, Bob said:
It's obvious from the language that most of the "pro Obama" comments are not sportsmen or gunowners, but propagandists attempting to pose as something they are not. We see what you are and are not fooled by your empty rhetoric.

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At 7:58 PM, 2008-09-24, Elise said:
As a Senator, Obama represented Southern Illinois, Central Illinois, and Northern Illinois. There are plenty of hunters and fishermen in each place. The NRA is not the be-all, end-all on gun access issues - they typically advocate for corporations, not people.The fact is, Senator Obama understands the overall concerns of hunters and fishermen and has policies that address all of them - from conservation to gun rights and ownership.

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At 7:57 PM, 2008-09-24, gray wolf said:
I'm a native American, and to look into this persons eyes scares me to know that he just might be our next pres. look into his eyes and listen to his speeches there are lies and a lot of untruths about what he says, O.L. PLEASE replay the tape if you taped his answers you will hear what are stumbling words about what he has said to your reporter. my grand father also took me fishing and hunting , and his best advise to me was,,if you know how to hunt and fish you will never go hungry. and you must be truthful with all people of this world. be forewarned , i must say nuff said. gray wolf

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At 7:56 PM, 2008-09-24, Jim said:
Don't believe the NRA on the gun issues, they were attacking McCain on the same stuff a couple years. McCain has received F- ratings from Gun Owners of America for the past 6 years. Obama ain't gonna take away your guns. He will keep land access and expand hunting ground and make sure you can eat the fish you catch. And he will handle the economy a lot better that these Bush/McCain republicans have been. I'm for Obama.

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At 7:38 PM, 2008-09-24, Carl said:
Single issue voters favor the candidate that best match their radical view - either unlimited guns or melt them all down. There are so many more important issues on which to base our votes than whether I can buy an AK47. Also interesting that so many negative comments are tied to guns.

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At 7:20 PM, 2008-09-24, Steve said:
free people have rights not privileges.I think the people that write in supporting obama here are democrats.Opinons are like ass holes everyone has one.The 2nd amendment is not about hunting,But if you like to hunt it would be nice to own a gun of your chose not the government choice. The people that kill and rob with guns are already breaking laws and could care less about gun laws. Better to be tried by 12 then carried by 6.

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At 7:19 PM, 2008-09-24, Matt said:
No "Outdoorsman" will have to worry about losing their guns or their rights if Obama wins. It's absurd to believe that its even a possibility. The greatest concern should be for middle class workers who will no longer be able to afford to hunt if the Republicans remain in control.

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At 7:07 PM, 2008-09-24, L.Ierardi said:
I have voted in every election since JFK. I note that, as a one time Democrat and now an avowed conservative, that the Democratic Party has been overtaken by liberal-socialists and their desire to establish a nanny-state where everyone gets all their needs met by one government program or another. These underscore a diminishment of personal choices, resources and responsibility. This concept also underscores a tax base increase which could cripple our economy. Obama is chained to that platform and will not lead as much as be led by it. Gun control is imbedded in the Democrat Party platform and only an excorsism can de-link it. We experienced gun control with Bill Clinton and Janet Reno. No return needed or wanted for that kind of team. Remember Diane Feinstein's words "If I had one more vote I would have taken them all" (meaning all guns)!

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At 7:05 PM, 2008-09-24, California_Kid said:
I'll give him credit for being honest and not pulling the same silly camouflage-adorned tromping around with a shotgun stunt Senator Kerry did in 2004. That cost Kerry a lot of votes among people who do hunt, more importantly among the large majority of US gun owners who do not. For Obama to win over moderates who care about their right to keep and bear arms, he needs to come out with some kind of definitive statement that the interests of people in the USA as a whole differ from his urban Illinois constituency. Support for any kind of "AW" ban is the Democratic Party's albatross, as surely as abortion is for the GOP.

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At 7:03 PM, 2008-09-24, Watchman said: Your website is being slammed by liberals posing as fake outdoorsmen being for Obama.

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At 6:16 PM, 2008-09-24, Kevin said:
I'll make it simple. Do not believe a word of it.

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At 5:41 PM, 2008-09-24, anonymous said:
Why are you wasting good interview time on this guy? He is a waste of flesh and air.

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At 5:28 PM, 2008-09-24, dhunter said:
Our country is being driven to a neo-Communist state by Bush, Cheyney and their supporters who now whine incessantly about Obama. The Bushies/Limbaugh lovers got what they wanted with Bush: a) China now owns 25% of our stock market; b) the federal govt. is taking over our investment firms; and c) taxing, spending, and borrowing by the Bushies created record debt. The same whiners said the same about Clinton, and they went ahead and voted for Bush---The Bushies/Limbaugh lovers are the real threat to our country and its freedoms. Get a life.

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At 5:26 PM, 2008-09-24, Jim said:
"When I was a kid, I grew up in Hawaii, and I would go fishing with my grandfather." Okay cool, the dude did some fishing growing up. "While I did not grow up hunting and fishing..." Wait a minute, I thought he said he went fishing with his grand father and went spearfishing?? Now he says he did not hunt or fish growing up...??? What the.. Sounds like this guy is full of "fish stories". The one I would love to hear him tell is... "Let me tell you about the Presidential fish that got away" !!!

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At 5:16 PM, 2008-09-24, chuck said:
Never trust a commie minded person. Never let your guard down. Never trust a person that has never lived a real life. Yeh hes' good looking , but look where we got with John Kennedy, a war that lasted till now and we are still suffering the consequences.

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At 4:49 PM, 2008-09-24, Jim said:
This man will not stop until every firearm is banned and confiscated. He'll back the UN proposals to "control" small arms which means confiscation of them all. He's a gun owners and hunters worst nightmare. He's got to be stopped. He cannot become president of this Country. He's so loved by Europe, let him run for office there.

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At 4:34 PM, 2008-09-24, Deborah said:
This guy will lie about anything if he thinks it will get him elected. He is a disgrace to the political process.

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At 4:28 PM, 2008-09-24, john said:
I don't believe him at all. He will say he is for hunting and gun ownership but will support unreasonable taxes on ammo and firearms that few will be able to affort them. I only hope if Obama is elected he will try to pass this first to the 7 states he believes we have and leave the other 50 alone. John Wayne once said... Life is hard .... but it's alot harder if you stupid.

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At 4:22 PM, 2008-09-24, Benefactor of NRA said:
Yes Will, we are "single issue", and it isn't self enrichment, and it isn't about power over others, and it isn't about party lines. It's protecting the one defined right that makes this countries definition of "freedom" different from that of any other country on the planet. We have the ability to resist the government WE created if it oversteps it's bounds. We do it for all of us, even you. And there is no way that Obama will NOT attack that right, he has done it his entire career, and Biden brags that he is the author of the "Assault Weapons Ban". The bill he refers to, BTW, is neither about "assault weapons" nor is it a "ban". It was a "ban on importation" of semi-automatic rifles with certain appearance features and accessories. It did not ban them if they were already in inventory here, and it was about the type of gun that is among the most common mechanism in sporting arms today. One pull of the trigger, one shot, just like some Remingtons, Brownings, Savage and Winchester rifles that millions hunt with. It did not affect "machine guns" in ANY way. More deception. It is nothing but a foot in the door. If you value your guns you have only one choice in November. Good luck to us all.

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At 4:20 PM, 2008-09-24, JJ said:
It's the same old song and dance every election cycle. Everyone always says Democrats will take our guns away and when they get elected it never happens. The fear mongering is ridiculous by the NRA.

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At 4:20 PM, 2008-09-24, James said:
All these concerns about guns. I own guns, I don't think there is a single politician in America who will ever have the power to take them away, so worrying about that is just a way to get us to avoid the real issues. Habitat, access, and habitat. Habitat quality on federal lands, where most of us do our hunting and fishing, requires an administration that actually respects and honestly applies sound science to fair and open reviews under the National Environmental Policy Act in applying laws like the Forest Management Planning Act, Clean Water Act and Endangered Species Act. I do habitat work on the ground, and I know that the failure of agencies to respect these laws has led to enormous lost opportunity to improve habitat, thereby improving hunting and fishing. No president, no matter how virulently anti-gun could do as much harm to hunting and fishing as is done right now through inaction and lack of scientific integrity.

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, Wendy said:
Pay very close attention to the words he uses. Read between the lines. Thinking people will know exactly what he means when they know the Democrat platform on gun control, and the Clintonian desire to disarm America. Barrack Obama Democratic Jr Senator (IL) Q: Is the D.C. law prohibiting ownership of handguns consistent with an individual's right to bear arms? A: As a general principle, I believe that the Constitution confers an individual right to bear arms. But just because you have an individual right does not mean that the state or local government can't constrain the exercise of that right, in the same way that we have a right to private property but local governments can establish zoning ordinances that determine how you can use it. Q: But do you still favor the registration & licensing of guns? A: I think we can provide common-sense approaches to the issue of illegal guns that are ending up on the streets. We can make sure that criminals don't have guns in their hands. We can make certain that those who are mentally deranged are not getting a hold of handguns. We can trace guns that have been used in crimes to unscrupulous gun dealers that may be selling to straw purchasers and dumping them on the streets. Source: 2008 Philadelphia primary debate, on eve of PA primary Apr 16, 2008

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, ItsjustAl said:
Obama is to sportsmen and gun rights what military is to music.... He's just an empty suit who tells us all what we want to hear. He stands for nothing real. Empty words equal empty deeds.

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, CC said:
@ Dennis Black You stated, "What in the Hell does anyones stance abortian have to do with Sportsman's issues? " Apparently it doesn't mean anything to you, but you have had the opportunity to hunt and be a "sportsman". Obama's stance on abortion denies infants the chance to experience the life you so cherish.

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, John said:
I'm actually really impressed with this interview. He seems to have a good grasp of the issues. It makes me more comfortable with him. I do agree with him that gun control should be more of a local issue.

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, 2shot said:
Obama has a clear track record of voting for extreme gun control measures and so does his running mate Joe Biden. What he says now is for polictal reasons and not reflective of how he actually voted both as a Senator and and Illinois legislator. He is not an outdoors person or even a gun owner so how can he even understand outdoor issues? Also he has "0" leadership experience and was a mediocre Senator at best.

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, John said:
All those spouting off that BO wants to ban ALL guns really need to take a deep breathe. No politician, I repeat NO POLITICIAN is going to take our guns away. At least he's not pretending to be something he's not. The guy has a good grasp of conservation issues. At least he knows what's going on.

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, Erik said:
Read this article, read Obama's and McCain's statements (from in-person interviews) side-by-side in F&S and then read the daily newspaper and you'll know that Obama is the right candidate for President.

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, Erik said:
Read this article, read Obama's and McCain's statements (from in-person interviews) side-by-side in F&S and then read the daily newspaper and you'll know that Obama is the right candidate for President. McCain, like Bush, will continue to hand over our public hunting lands to the oil, gas & coal industry, pollute our fishing waters by degrading the Clean Water Act and opening up OCS drilling, and simply destroy our country with an outdated and backward energy policy. Both will allow us to keep our guns, the difference is there won't be any place or any thing to hunt with McCain/Palin in office.

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, Erik said:
Read this article, read Obama's and McCain's statements (from in-person interviews) side-by-side in F&S and then read the daily newspaper and you'll know that Obama is the right candidate for President. McCain, like Bush, will continue to hand over our public hunting lands to the oil, gas & coal industry, pollute our fishing waters by degrading the Clean Water Act and opening up OCS drilling, and simply destroy our country with an outdated and backward energy policy. Both will allow us to keep our guns, the difference is there won't be any place or any thing to hunt with McCain/Palin in office.

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, Bill said:
The NRA is intentionally distorting Obama's record on guns. They're a lobbyist group. That's their job. The FACTS on Obama's record are: Obama has called for national legislation against carrying concealed firearms, and he would revive and make permanent the expired ban on semi-automatic "assault weapons." Obama has spoken in favor of government registration of handguns, for example, but has not called for registration of all "firearms" including hunting rifles and shotguns.

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, Mike-Illinois said:
I can assure you that the South Side of Chicago is a stones throw from an outstanding fishing spot- Lake Michigan! He's not a sportsman no matter how you want to bend things. He never once lifted a finger to help prevent the closure of any of the states Put & Take Hunting opperations within Illinois that are now closing due to Democratic Mis-management of the entire State Budget. He's NEVER done anything in any office he's held- NO-BAMA in November.

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, Dennis Black said:
What in the Hell does anyones stance abortian have to do with Sportsman's issues?

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, Ozarksagent said:
Greg you are right on target, the NRA and Republican Party both use fear to get their support, people with guns should not fear, who can take yours away? You cannot legislate morality any more than you can control guns.

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, ejv said:
responders like, greg, red.csk, and charles fail to see the big picture. BO wants ALL personal firearms banned! not just the automatics, assault rifes, etc, not including that he wants to take your money that YOU WORK FOR and give it to someone who doesn't feel like working. Opportuniy and education are a crutch and an excuse, if you don't WANT TO do them!! Go NRA,ISRA !!! Obama is product of Chicago politics and he practices it well.

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, CC said:
@cmrosko You stated, "Obama has a good record on conservation" How about the conservation of infants?

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, Joe said:
Poor Obama. He can't tell us when life begins because it is "above his paygrade" (hint: it is scientifically shown to begin at conception, ask any 6th grader!) Not sure he can tell us what we should do when the Russians invade Ukraine, likely also above his pay grade. check this out:

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, cmrosko said:
*) Obama has a good record on conservation issues and will fully fund the North American Wetlands Conservation Act. *) He supported the Vitter amendment that prevents the Government from confiscating guns in a time of crisis or emergency. *) He supports the "Open Fields" initiative which helps to provide greater hunter access to private lands. *) In 2007 McCain received the lowest rating on conservation from the League of Conservation Voters.

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At 2:24 PM, 2008-09-24, Dennismo2 said:
We have a lot of AHSA (American Hunters & Shooters Assoc.) members in this group! Okay to hunt with rifles but we should ban handguns? Ostriches with their heads in the sand! Ban assault weapons? What is an assault weapon? Here in Calif. it is entirely based on “looks†not function! These AHSA folks are in bed with the Gun Control nuts!

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At 2:22 PM, 2008-09-24, Dennismo2 said:
This same interview was on the Field & Stream on-line this week. Either I missed it or this text was edited to remove a statement BO made about ammo. He stated that he is in favor of the hunting tradition but wants to ban body amor piercing bullets! Well, tell me which Big Game round won't pierce the type of body amor law enforcement folks wear! Okay to hunt but not big game?

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, Joe said:
The problem I have is that Obama wants to get rid of not only guns, but future hunters and anglers... via abortion. Human Life starts at conception, that is a scientific (non-religious) FACT, like the earth is round and sun is center of solar system.... Abortion takes innocent human life, another FACT. This is an intrinsic moral evil, like slavery and the Holocaust, and history did not let those things go on... they ended with blood-baths... so hang on to your guns cuz you'll need them in the dark days ahead!!!! Peace

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, Hal said:
I'm an undecided voter, who originally was leaning strongly to Obama. After the Palin nomination I swung back to undecided/slight lean to McCain. Here's my issue: A duck flies with the flock of ducks. It doesn't join the geese, turkeys, or some other bird. When Obama cuddled up to Hollywood a couple of weeks ago, I got nervous. I like his answers to these questions, and I rather appreciate a written response that one can "have and to hold" for future reference. I view much of what Obama says as really common sense approaches. I'm not enamored with McCain, not sure we can trust anything he says any more or less than we can Obama. But for the first time in my life, I'm looking at more than just gun issues as I prepare to vote. Can't wait for the debates, they will ultimately decide how I vote this time...imagine that: a lifelong conservative gun loving hunter actually considering Barack Obama. If only he'd step away from the normal liberal "flock".

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, CC said:
Guns don't kill people, Obama's abortion stance kills people!

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At 2:06 PM, 2008-09-24, Ron Nordin said:
Why wasn't the next question asked. "How will your policies, actions and decisions advance the goals of hunters and fishermen?" And if he is President God help us all. His policies in IL with Daley are all I needed!

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, anonymous said:
I live in Chicago and if you think anything this guys says is true, you are sadly mistaken. He want to his best to rid people of all there legally obtained guns. In Illinois it is a fight to keep your right to bear arms and the right to hunt. They should have included the laughs Obama advisors were giving when they wrote this. McCain sits down for an interview but Obama has his Press secretary write a release (and yes, it was his press secretary) because he has no time for an interview in person or by phone. Give me a break.

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, robert said:
This year will go down in history. For the first time,a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future! Adolf Hitler 1935

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At 1:59 PM, 2008-09-24, john said:
Obama is a Fox in the Hen house. He is using trickery and will try to take away our gun rights. Just look at his past voting record along with Bidens in respect to gun issues.. Its kind of like the Wolfs. Introduce them to the country peoples back yard and its no problem. But the first time one eats one of there dogs than it is a issue. Sure he does not need a gun because he has body guards. John

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At 1:53 PM, 2008-09-24, Geoff said:
Obama saying he's a friend of sportsmen and women is a joke. Does anyone really think him and Nancy Pelosi wouldn't jump at the chance to ban all guns. I guess we must all be dumb country hicks clinging to our guns. Give me a break!

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, Chris said:
Assault weapons and machine guns are already banned to the general populace. I believe many of the comments here are NOT from outdoorsmen, despite the claimed credentials. IF guns are important to you AT ALL, then you need to weigh that against any perceived "pros" Obama offers, because he is NOT going to leave them alone. Handguns, long guns, whatever...they are all at risk. Just beause he says "assault weapons" doesn't mean that's all he'll take, of course his definition of assualt weapons includes a Marlin semi-Auto .22. If the oputdoors is your issue of importance, then do not vote Obama.

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At 1:46 PM, 2008-09-24, anonymous said:
how quickly we forget BO made about gun onwers in Pa. i forgot to factor in the goose syndrome, it's a new day

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, Belle said:
Can't wait to see these questions asked of Governor Palin!

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, John said:
Hmmm...first of all, an assualt rifle is not necessarily a machine gun. You cannot jsut go itno a gun stire and buy a machine gun. You have to buy a license to own a machinge gun. After paying for the federal stamp (license). It will cost you about 10,000. Next, anyone who believes that obama is for sportsmen. Is either lying to themselves, or is in denial. Or a common liberal, dusguising themself as someone else in order to cause more nonsense. Who does the "whinny" two step, without any real knowledge of anything that goes on in this country. Except for the rhetoric, they repeat from other people living in "fantasy" land. The same ones who watch disney movies and think that animals talk to each other. Anyone who thinks obama is going to do anything (but listen to himself talk) should take into consideration his past performance. ...Never even has written a law ...only his own memoirs! Not pandering? You got to be kidding! He has more shades than a chameleon!!

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, john said:
who wants to go polar bear hunting?!

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, Jeff said:
Obama is a lier

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, Christopher said:
Also, why are all the positive comments about Obama being flagged? Is this a forum that encourages free speech, or a gag order? Let's hear both sides here. We're all very interested in this election, and many of us are undecided or on the fence. Both sides should be heard.

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, Steven said:
Greg, the NRA is neither Democratic nor Republican. It merely supports Second Amendment Rights regardless of the party. It just happens that many Democrats tend to be liberal, but ironically, oppose individual civil liberties related to gun rights. That's why Democratic candidates often earn negative press from the NRA. Support the NRA or give up.

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, Gary Johnson said:
This is absolutly the wrong pick for America. He doesn't have the moxey to talk to you in person because he probably has trouble lying to your face. If you want to lose your gun rights vote for Obama. P.S. This is the last OL article I'll ever read!

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, Reds said:
We don't need assault rifles for hunting four legged creatures! Obama has my vote and I own guns!

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, Sean said:
Barack Obama is not being honest. He has a 10 point plan to ban all private gun ownership in the U.S. This plan starts by banning all rifle ammunition, banning the manufacture and saleof handguns, instating a 500% tax on all ammunition and firarms, mandating a goverement issued license to purchase firearms, and closing down 90% of all the gun shops in America. This info is also available on the NRA website. Barack Obama is definately a Anti-Gun, Anti-Hunting politition.

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, Christopher said:
Despite what media sources tell everyone, there are many of us who hunt and fish who support handgun bans and find the notion of "hunting" with a firearm designed for close encounters (i.e., killing humans in close-quarter combat) reprehensible. The constitution is not a holy document, and the 2nd Amendment should be open to interpretation. That Obama is not an active hunter or fisherman himself is unfortunate, but his voting record is excellent on conservation, which we, as hunters and fishermen, should support, and strict on handgun and assault control. Any hunter who thinks he or she needs handguns and assault rifles in the field is not interested in morally responsible hunting as I see it. They are looking primarily to have a good time shooting things. That, to me, is deeply troubling.

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, Greg said:
I've been a hunter/fisherman for 20+ years. Every year the NRA blasts the Democratic candidate and scares everyone like they are really going to take away shotguns and rifles for fishing or home protection. The NRA is going to protect their 'turf' even if it means influencing elections that put a candidate in office that destroys our economy and sends us to war. Thanks NRA

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, CSK said:
Banning assault rifles isn't the wrong thing to do. Do you people realize there have been more people killed in the USA this year via our own gun population then all the people killed in Iraq. ANY Gun in the hands of people do kill people, heck you can just drop on and kill people. He has my vote, even if he bans assault rifles. (More then that is wrong however, we have the right to bear arms, but we don't need machine guns - give me a break)

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, John said:
want to see something really funny, and sad...see palin's interview with ABC: scary that she is allowed to carry a gun!!

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At 1:12 PM, 2008-09-24, William said:
At least he is not pandering like Mitt Romney tried to do.

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At 12:50 PM, 2008-09-24, FlyFishinFool said:
Doesn't anyone at Outdoor Life own a BS detector? Saw that link- so funny!

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At 12:37 PM, 2008-09-24, Maggie said:
Want to see really something funny- there's a link on this web page where Obama's teleprompter quits and he has to talk with out it. It's about 3/4 down the page.

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At 12:25 PM, 2008-09-24, PA Gunner said:
Facts are stubborn things. Obama's people would rather have you listen to his BS than look at what he's done and said in other venues. Does anyone believe he would veto a gun control law the democrats will certainly send him next session??

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At 12:21 PM, 2008-09-24, Andrew said:
Right- we should believe his lies and ignor his record! Never mind the FACT that he SUPPORTED the DC GUN ban. The FACT that he said in writting he wanted to BAN all handguns. He says he's all for the second ammendment now!

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, wild64 said:
What a disgrace! He's been for gun control his entire life and wanted to ban all handguns before he ran for President. The pandering in this interview in remarkable- even for a lawyer turned politican. I will never vote for a man who thinks the 2nd Ammendment only is valid in Wyoming!

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, Will said:
Indeed. Why read an interview and make up your own mind when you can just use letter grades from single-issue lobbyists.

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, Andrew said:
A guy with an "F" rating from the NRA who said he wants to ban handguns has a better graspe than McCain. Oh yeh- he picked a VP with an F- rating. Go back to hook line and sinker.

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At 12:00 AM, 2008-09-24, Charles said:
If you are an outdoorsman or woman, you should take the time to read this article thoroughly. He has a far better grasp on the issues that affect our community better than John McCain. Obama has my vote hook, line and sinker.
Posts: 51246 | Location: Chinook, Montana | Registered: 01 January 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Alan R. McDaniel, Jr.:
OL: Could you please condense your answers into one final statement?

Obama: Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah.


You forgot to add some key words like "hope" and "change".

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. -Henry David Thoreau, Walden
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Picture of buckeyeshooter
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My take is Obama is following the Clinton doctrine of 'moving to the center' to get elected. If that means lying or misleading the gun community to get elected-- no problem. As has been said before, the gun owners/sportsmen have cost democrats the election before. So, Obama is content to get elected then flip/flop as he has done so many other times. Anyone who thinks a politician from Chicago--- where you can't even drive through the city with your shotgun assembled on the way to a pheasant hunt in Wisconsin is progun is a moron!
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All you need to know about Barack Hussein Osama, uh, O-B-ama is that he chose Joe Biden as his VP.

If you remember way back on September 13th, 1994, the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act
(VCCLEA; also known as the Biden Crime Law) was passed. One of the most noted sections was the Federal Assault Weapons Ban.

Title XI, subtitle A, the Federal Assault Weapons Ban or Semiautomatic Assault Weapons Ban, barred the manufacture of 19 specific semi-automatic firearms deemed to be assault weapons, as well as any semi-automatic rifle that is capable of accepting a detachable magazine, and which has two or more of the following features: A telescoping stock (folding stock), a pistol grip, a flash suppressor, a grenade launcher, and a bayonet lug.

This law also banned possession of newly-manufactured magazines holding more than ten rounds of ammunition.

This section took effect September 13, 1994, and expired automatically on September 13, 2004 through a sunset provision.

Doesn't anybody remember this?

Senator Joe Biden was the primary sponsor of this piece of legislature.
He has said many, many times, "I basically wrote it."

If you think this was not intentional, you are full of sh**
If elected Barack Hussein Osama will have plausible deniability.
He doesn't have to do anything, Biden will!!

If you vote for Barack Hussein Osama, you are a FOOL!


Definition of HOPLOPHOBIA

"I'm the guy that originally wrote the 'assault weapons' ban." --- Former Vice President Joe Biden

Posts: 1700 | Location: Lurking somewhere around SpringTucky Oregon | Registered: 18 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Don't trust him. If he wants to close so called "gunshow loopholes" and make everyone do background checks before a private gun sale/trade then the only enforcement is strict registration of all legel firearms. As a sportsman and collector I don't need any more hassels. And besides the hassels and BS, who would have to pay for it? R.

Posts: 1049 | Location: Cut-n-Shoot, Texas USA | Registered: 15 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Alan R. McDaniel, Jr.:
OL: Could you please condense your answers into one final statement?

Obama: Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah.


That's the most intellegent answer Obama has ever given....

Posts: 5798 | Registered: 10 July 2004Reply With Quote
Picture of Whitworth
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Originally posted by StormsGSP:
Originally posted by Alan R. McDaniel, Jr.:
OL: Could you please condense your answers into one final statement?

Obama: Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah Blah blah.


You forgot to add some key words like "hope" and "change".

And "yes we can" whatever that means.....he specializes in vague concepts and is the master of saying so much nothing........Good grief!

"Ignorance you can correct, you can't fix stupid." JWP

If stupidity hurt, a lot of people would be walking around screaming.

Semper Fidelis

"Building Carpal Tunnel one round at a time"
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He's saying exactly what people (not us) want to hear. "Common-sense" gun control is still gun control, and it's still control. I'd like to see someone try to apply that doctrine to the first amendment and have "common-sense free speech." All the goddamn hippies and flagburners in this country would have a whiny shit-fit. It still blows my mind as to why every other amendment to the Constitution can be solid as a rock, but liberals think there's room to 'interpret' the 2nd.

No safe queens!
Posts: 1225 | Location: Gilbertsville, PA | Registered: 08 December 2005Reply With Quote
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There are many "common sense" restrictions on our civil liberties. (Laws against libel and slander as restrictions on free speech, laws requiring permits to have a parade or other large gathering as a restriction on peaceable assembly, zoning laws as restrictions on property ownership, etc.) I would even go so far as to say that there are NO absolute rights in a democracy of any sort, including this one.

Clayman, if you can think of a single Constitutional or other civil right recognized under law in this country that has zero restrictions, please let me know.
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As was said at the convetion, Obama has never done anything but talk, and write! All one has to do is read his book, and make your acessment from his own words, than look at his friends, and family!

No matter what he says IMO,he is a closet RADICAL MUSLIM,and anti American who wants to rule the world, and his wife is worse! Case closed.

....Mac >>>===(x)===> MacD37, ...and DUGABOY1
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Picture of Clayman
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Originally posted by wihntr:
There are many "common sense" restrictions on our civil liberties. (Laws against libel and slander as restrictions on free speech, laws requiring permits to have a parade or other large gathering as a restriction on peaceable assembly, zoning laws as restrictions on property ownership, etc.) I would even go so far as to say that there are NO absolute rights in a democracy of any sort, including this one.

Clayman, if you can think of a single Constitutional or other civil right recognized under law in this country that has zero restrictions, please let me know.

No, you're right. I actually thought about that after I posted the comment. The 1st Amendment is limited by what you mentioned, plus that speech that would create "clear and present danger" to people (e.g. yelling "fire" in a movie theater), among others.

I suppose the main point of my post was to rail against the continuing restrictions on the 2nd Amendment, despite their severely limited effects. I can't remember the last time I heard of a new restriction on free speech, or seen groups rallying against it. There's no doubt the 2nd Amendment comes under fire more than just about any other.

Hey, either way, Obama can still kiss my ass.

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