Or camera! I took a drive out to a waterhole on base today expecting to see a pig or some donkeys. Found some wallows (pig and water buff)but not the animals themselves. Went to another waterhole that still had some water in it, no pigs. As I was driving back I came across a dingo on the track. I sped up and stopped about 20 meters away and he just stood there looking at me for about 3 minutes before I drove off. Cheeky bugger must have known he was safe, as shooting on or over Commonwealth land is an offence (enforceable by of all people...yours truly ) I may have to take my camera out with me next time.
Posts: 8116 | Location: Bloody Queensland where every thing is 20 years behind the rest of Australia! | Registered: 25 January 2001
I just got back from a few days in Montana and I was covered up in Mule deer and antelope. I was in Augusta, MT appx. 1 hour west of Great Falls. Most were within 100 yards or so of the road. This trip immediately followed a 2 week hunt in Alaska with some friends in which we had tags for Grizz, Black Bear and Moose and we saw nothing (Going back in Spring for the Blackie)!
Some days ago I went to a place to set up a tree stand, I was carrying my tool box and making noise. The rifle was of course in the car. Arriving at the place I saw a group of 4 wild pigs, very shootable size, feeding on acorns. Of course, when I came back with rifle, they were gone...
Posts: 8211 | Location: Germany | Registered: 22 August 2002
Several years ago I was scouting out dove hunting sites out in the country east of Dallas and had my wife and old springer spaniel in the suburban. We had run all over the county and were tired and hot but I was determined to figure out one last location at dusk and the flight patterns of the birds before the opener in a couple days. I was easing along a gravel road next to a tree line and my wife gently said ..what is that rolling around in that stock tank back there, talking about a pond that was right next to the road. I backed up, rolled all the windows down and shut off the AC.... counted 20+ hogs plus another 6-7 in the adjacent woods from piglets to several monsters lolling about in the water and on a muddy bank in the shade and 105 degree heat and not overly concerned with the truck being only 50 feet away...until I stopped. Then it was a dirty look and ..well OK we'll leave if you insist...as they eased over the top of the tank's dam like a bunch of kids who got caught in the swimmin' hole. The dog was shaking and trembling and hanging out the window with my wife hanging onto the collar but never barked, looking back at me like Did You See That! Lets Go Get'em! After the hogs left I let the dog out to go sniff around and realized that this pond was just across the road about 200 feet from a big brick home that was occupied at the time....and probably the reason the hogs were not terribly spooky... I guess ya find em' where ya find em'. And the landowner sez no shooting within a qurtermile of his house ...that same house...but invited me to hunt birds anytime on the rest of the pasture.
Posts: 260 | Location: On the Red River in North Texas | Registered: 23 January 2003