Moderators: Canuck
New scoring system.
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Picture of Crazyhorseconsulting
Instead of having scoring systems for white tail's, mule deer, elk and moose where a tape measure and tabulations and deductions are dealt with, how about a "Redneck" scoring system where the animals fit in 4 basic categories.

Level One: Really Nice (buck or bull).

Level Two: Great Looking (buck or bull).

Level Three: Wow

Level Four: DAMN!!!!!!! shocker

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Posts: 31014 | Location: Olney, Texas | Registered: 27 March 2006Reply With Quote
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I would buy into that.People are obsessed with numbers.Thats not why I hunt.Anything I shoot is a trophy in my mind. Big Grin
Posts: 4372 | Location: NE Wisconsin | Registered: 31 March 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of thecanadian
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All to often people simply look at horns and forget the effort of the hunt.

This year I made the mistake of forgetting my ammo box. Normally, I keep everything in the SUV after final sight in, but for some reason the ammo box stayed in my range box. Anyway, opening morning I found three target rounds floating around the truck, which looked to be some of Berger VLDs that I was playing with over the summer. Rather then lose a morning (one of the few I had) I decided to use what I had and headed out. After a few hours of sitting, a doe tried crossing the swamp in front of me. I put the crosshairs on her shoulder and squeezed the trigger- BOOM! I knew right away that something was amiss when the deer had no reaction to the shot. She ran up the hill that was overlooking the swamp and stopped. I shot again, this time hitting a tree. Again, she ran about 50yds behind some slashings and stopped. I paused and thought about whether or not I should shoot. With all the debris between the me and the deer I had little faith that any shot would accurately hit the deer. I took the shot and the deer ran out of sight. Well, I climbed down from my stand to investigate as I was almost certain I had missed the deer entirely. To my dismay, I found a little blood each time she paused for my shot with only a few drops in between. I tracked that deer 3/4 of a mile through two swamps and the thickest crap imaginable before I found her beaded down. She was still very much alive but due to internal injury, was unable to get up. I had very mixed emotions, I was happy that I had found her but I was also angry at myself for letting her suffer like this. With no ammo, I did what had to be done. I slowly made my way up to her and dispatched her with my hunting knife. This was the only deer I have ever gut shot, and God willing will hopefully be my last.

I did a European mount of the skull. It hangs on my wall as a reminder of both success and failure. That deer tested my tracking skills and my endurance. When it was all said and done, I figured I had to drag her right around 2 miles to get her out.

BTW I looked back in my notes and made some more of the Berger rounds I was hunting with. I took them to the range and the were shooting really nice half inch groups...just 8" right and 1" low from the bullseye.

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Posts: 1088 | Location: Eau Claire, WI | Registered: 20 January 2011Reply With Quote
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Just count the tines on one side and call it that.
That's how we used to do it here til the idjits started adding up the 1/8ths. I have no clue what
a rack would score and don't give a damn either.

Sounds like a typical FMJ type bullet. You'll know better next time.

IT's always amazing how many guys leave home for a hunt and forget their ammo. Since I reload by the buckets full. The last 20yrs I've hunted. I put 100 rnds of each size in a big milk crate in my camp trailer. Usually the first visitors are the local wardens. I tell them I have a stock of ammo for just about all rifles and many pistols. When they meet up with folks to ask and tell them to look me up if they're in a fix.

In four years I sold over $1100 worth. I never gouge on prices either, I could easy. Since it's 70 miles out to a store that has a decent stock. I made double what it cost me and didn't bother with brass as I've always had lots of it.

Sharing the idea, in case you might want to do the same thing in your area. For me out here, that more than paid for the whole trips expenses.


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George L. Dwight
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I am reminded of the four point system for rating babes. But this is a family forum...
Posts: 662 | Location: NW Colorado | Registered: 10 December 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of Big Wonderful Wyoming
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I like volumetric displacement, I don't know the name of this system.... Burkett?

SCI uses a similar method to B&C but does not have deductions for symmetry.

CIC uses a complex system of beauty points and weight.
Posts: 7775 | Location: Das heimat! | Registered: 10 October 2012Reply With Quote
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I am thinking that a modifier should be applied to the animal's raw score.
The modifier should be based on how the hunt was conducted.
A big minus number for a canned hunt.
Maybe a small minus number for a guided hunt.
A small plus number for a stand hunt.
A medium plus number for a "just got lucky" roam through the woods hunt.
A big plus number for a true "still" hunt.
All based on the hunter's own personal evaluation of himself.

Bob Nisbet
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Picture of DesertRam
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Randall, what you recommend is pretty much what we do.
1. Too small, pass.
2. Yep, good enough for this area and the freezer.
3. Wow, that's a good 'un!
4. Holy crap!
No need for inches.

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