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The drastic increase in tags,is the result of dumb fucks from out of state paying those prices. Stop hunting in wyoming and make a statement.
Posts: 837 | Location: wyoming | Registered: 19 February 2002Reply With Quote
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The increases are to pay for all the patronage jobs in the Wyoming Fish & Game Dept. The Governor has to give his friends jobs SOMEWHERE doesn't he?

BTW, aren't the 'special' licenses a way to buy better odds in the drawings?

Posts: 14623 | Location: San Antonio, TX | Registered: 22 May 2001Reply With Quote
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I brought back one of the old threads on this subject.
RMK is right if we could boycott them for one year it would throw Wyoming Game & Fish in a tailspin.
Posts: 588 | Location: Central Valley | Registered: 01 July 2002Reply With Quote
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Non-residents fund better than 80% of the Wyoming Game&Fish total Fiscal budget, to the tune of about $35,000,000.00 to $40,000,000.00 in Tags, licenses, Conservation Stamps and Application fees each year! One G&F official was actually bragging that they brought in over $1,000,000.00 in Application fees alone each year! Since the 20% increase across the board for residents and Non-residents alike that will grow to $1,200,000.00 this year, and you can add another $5,000,000.00 to $8,000,000.00 to the larger figures above!
Posts: 588 | Location: Central Valley | Registered: 01 July 2002Reply With Quote
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You ain't seen nothin yet! Wait till they have to pay for the management of the damn wolf! The grizzly is over a $1,000,000 a year and no benefit! How many tags does it take to pay for the bear? The wolf will be twice that!
Posts: 10478 | Location: N.W. Wyoming | Registered: 22 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Its been said before,but its worth saying again. The sad part about all of this money,is very little of it goes to wild life. The majority of it goes to admin. and paying off the GandF vehicle fleet and all the multi million dollar office facilities these assholes had to build in the early and mid 1990's.

Yes a boycott would hurt the GF,but you can't get two people together in this day and age, to stand up to anything anymore.People won't even fight for their way of life anymore, let alone a license fee. So the boycott is pretty much out.

I was in the local GF building earlier this week. They had a display showing various habitat work and projects both completed and currently under construction(most of the projects were wildlife related,not fisheries). Above this display,was a banner stating,"All of this made possible and provided through conservation stamp fees". Now take the fact,that the majority of conservation stamps are bought by fisherman.Yet the state still generates millions of additional dollars off of both fishing and hunting licenses,yet funds most of its actual wildlife projects off of the conservation stamp alone. This leaves a shitload of money,that isn't going to wildlife,but instead to the state and its various accounts and admin. projects.

If you've followed the Wyoming GF over the last ten years,you'll find that game wardens are at an all time low. The last director bragged on how the department cut personnel and is using contract labor and seasonal employees. I certainly can vouch to seeing less game wardens in the field. What has grown,is the office facilities that GF has built. Along with the larger facilities,they've had to hire office managers and everything else.The office in my town,went from one clerk/secretary,to an office staff of 6 people and a facility that grew from a steel building of about 1200sq.ft.,to a brick and high end masonry fuckin' mansion of about 8000sq.ft. of office space with rap around deck and view of the mountains,plus all of the attached garage space to house all of the equipment the dept. has. This isn't a remote case these new facilities have been built all over the state,recently.Another exspense,is these assholes can no longer drive a regular work truck. They now have to have extended cab trucks with all the high end options and exspensive cummins and powerstroke motors.It doesn't take long to figure out where all these funds are going.

Add to this the cost of endangered species management,in the form of grizzlies and wolves and there is no end in sight as to how much license fees will increase. The only action the governor has taken,is to freeze all bonuses and wages of low level state employees,in other words the only people that actually do any work in the state goverment.
Posts: 837 | Location: wyoming | Registered: 19 February 2002Reply With Quote
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Posts: 214 | Location: north carolina | Registered: 16 January 2004Reply With Quote
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No snider you didn't say you couldn't afford it. The reason you didn't take offense to "dumb fucks from out of state paying these huge increases"is because the statements true. Thats exactly why the GF keeps raising the tag price,they know you'll keep paying it. You started this thread to whine. If you look at all of the western states for hunting,wyoming is still one of the cheapest around.

The only reason you hold the belief that some of the nicest people come from wyoming. Is because all you've dealt with,is a bunch of saps that have sold themselves out and would blow a nonresident for a dollar bill. The majority of wyoming residents could give less then a shit wether you show up every fall. Its a proven fact,that the communities within the state make very little off of hunting. The peak revenue off of hunting, was made in the 1970's and today the communities are lucky to make 25% of the revenue,that hunting brought to them in the 1970's. The only people making money off of hunting,is the GF.

Your voice is being heard by the GF,and its saying charge us more because we'll pay it. The same thing goes on with real estate and nonresidents within wyoming.
Posts: 837 | Location: wyoming | Registered: 19 February 2002Reply With Quote
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im not whining and only asking if anyone has the reason for the increase. i was shocked to see such an increase and yes i do still believe in the goodness of people whether they blow me or not. wyoming has great people. most ive met have nothing to do with hunting at all and probably do care less about the sport. if you did care so passionately about what you state then use another method to challenge people to change.its your ignorance that limits the ability of people to react and make a difference. i thought i was wrong about you because of the other post i read about the tag issue but im sorry to say i wasn't wrong. yes i will keep coming because i love the opportunity to hunt. i thank GOD each day for the means and the health to enjoy his creation no matter the cost. no i do not care whether you give a s___t or not. i do not hunt wyoming to please you or displease you. i hunt because i can. its your attitude that holds thinking intelligent hunters back and gives the establishment the fuel they need to further their hidden agendas. from all that ive read id say the whining is coming from where the ignorance lies. that being right at your door step. i apologize for characterizing someone i do not know but you opened yourself for me to draw these conclusions. truthis truth. those other folks offered well explained reasons why the g&F raised tags. your blunt rude and degrading manner has allowed the thinking man to outsmart you and ignor you at the same time. your voice could be heard if it was well thought out and offered in a manner that grabbed peoples attention. you've just proven what people already think about you. as we call it in the south "the good ole redneck way" yeeha let's whip sum asses. in the long run you get ignored and outsmarted because you put your ignorance right out for everyone to see and it was taken advantage of. in the meantime you stood on some forum pissing and moaning about what you lost and how you do not care whether people come to hunt or not. this type of behavior takes away from the ones out there that are fighting for real change. believe me there will be a change and you'll still be setting here doing what your doing because its all you know. you had an opportunity to make an impression that was positive where your fight could be joined. in the end you'll just be ignored and the rest of the thinking world will pass you by. have a good day and i hope that you can learn from this so you'll be able to add something to this forum that helps educate people and answer their questions intelligently.
Posts: 214 | Location: north carolina | Registered: 16 January 2004Reply With Quote
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There is a scheme in place, and it will probably work. Price it so high that the average joe can't afford to buy a license and the remaining and left over tags will go to the wealthier hunters and they will book hunts with an outfitter.

Another beef is the fact we as residents apply in January and the draw isn't until May for sheep, goat, and moose. The G&F holds our money for 4 months. Take that, times three for me and three for each of my two sons and it is a considerable amount of money laid out for a lonog time.
Posts: 10478 | Location: N.W. Wyoming | Registered: 22 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Guys this is a no win situation. The nonresident gets hammered cause he has to pay big dollars to hunt out of State. The resident takes it in the shorts cause all the good property is sucked up by outfitters on guided hunts. There is no stopping this trend we are going to have to live with it. The dollar is always going drive the train.
Posts: 180 | Registered: 31 December 2003Reply With Quote
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the dollar will drive the train. its no different in n.c. where i hunt. if you do not own land then your out of luck on finding a place to hunt that is affordable. at 10 - 15 dollars per acre you'll pay for a 100 acres to hunt on. then you'll have to run the poachers and trespassers off. the g&f is little help either. they are under staffed and over worked. i hunt with 3 game wardens and our club, the night before openning day had 16 trees and the stands in them cut down. the gates were baracaded and stuff stolen. 1000's of dollars lost. we tired and fed up with the quality of hunting we have but we fight on. instead of the 2000 dollars it costs to hunt here we have migrated west to find quality in places like wyoming and texas. we would kill for the rights you guys have. at the same time you have similar complaints about your areas. it has become a rich mans sport. never the less im not going to tell people to stay out of my state. you guys would only be charged about 90 dollars to hunt and kill 6 deer here. we sportsman have to become the voice about these problems. your area will eventually become so restrictive that unless you use a guide/outfitter you won't be able to hunt wyoming. this is reality. go where the money is. locals must become a strong force to halt this trend. it has to be an issue every chance the issue presents itself. the money people are hard to fight. grass roots will work but people have to ban together with ideas and action. in certain areas of north carolina the land owners are banding together with local hunters to protect their freedoms. the voices will be heard or the money people will suffer without lands to have their private hunt clubs. the uneducated are being educated by what they see and their being educated by people like myself and others who are tired of the poaching and illegal hunting tactics that we fight against. strength is in numbers.
Posts: 214 | Location: north carolina | Registered: 16 January 2004Reply With Quote
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Snider,you seem to be the only guy here that can't figure out why the tags have increased in price. Myself and several others have outlined why the prices have went up and where the money goes from these increases. Its not my fault if you can't comprehend simple shit.

The only thing that is going to change,is in a couple years from now,the GF is going to propose a new increase in license fees. This will be followed by the typical rhetoric of doing town meetings for citizen input. In the end they'll raise the tag fees again. Nothing new is going on,its the same old shit that our fathers and grand fathers have complained about. Hunting is becoming more and more a wealthy sport.

The GF is like a dog licking its balls. They increase fees,because they can.
Posts: 837 | Location: wyoming | Registered: 19 February 2002Reply With Quote
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Your last post snider is pretty ironic. We never had any problems in wyoming with hunting until all of you out of staters started showing up. All the issues started shortly after outfitters and guides found out they could pimp out wildlife for profit. Before that,private hunting was great and many ranchers begged for locals to hunt their property. If you want to make an impact as a nonresident,stop using outfitters.

Now you have outfitters lobbying for set aside licenses and increases in the number of nonresident tags. I don't believe nonresidents should be eliminated from hunting in wyoming. I've met many nonresidents in the field on self guided hunts and most have been good people. However,when you have lobbying for more set aside licenses and nonresident tags period,all of which comes at the exspense of eliminating more resident tags. Enough is enough and standing together isn't going to do anything but fuck residents.

As for it being cheap for nonresidents to hunt in North carolina. Hell yes,who wants to travel thousands of miles and shoot dink whitetails.

What possible benefit does a resident in wyoming stand to gain by supporting out of state hunters? None.
Posts: 837 | Location: wyoming | Registered: 19 February 2002Reply With Quote
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i never asked you to support me in any way what so ever. im not out to gain something at your expense. if you want to lobby to keep me from your lands to help benefit yourself then the american way supports that right. you'll never see me challenge that. i'll pursue what i desire else where. see heres where you missed the purpose of this forum. to learn about things that you have questions about. your answer although true in some degree was never intended to answer but to belittle. i never asked you to tell me why im simple and a dumb fuck. i have never hunted with an outfitter and i probably never will. i do not see where the hunt is in that. the argument was never an argument in the beginning only a question to gain an answer and not a response of criticism. as for dink whitetails; your so ready to critize others that you miss out on learning about others. although i learned a great deal about you that has nothing to do with this forum either. i do not intend to hunt here or there to offend or take something from you. i travel thousands of miles to pursue something different and add to lifes experiences. your more than welcome to come to n.c. if you like or not your choice. if you think thats a ridiculous idea because of the dinks then you have a right to that too. your answer to the question could be 1000% right but it will never keep me from pursuing my dreams and fighting the good fight. along the way i'll meet folks like you whose views about the world are different and thats okay. i still learn about and from people when i encounter them. its hard to not be critical and lash out at folks like you but thank GOD your there to teach me about true human nature. i'll grow from this and be the wiser. as i dream and fight i'll be at peace when i lay down. if you really took time to see yourself as you are and are perceived you probably wouldn't and don't like yourself. i don't know that to be 1000% true but thats my belief and just as yours im entitled to mine. that discussion is not intended for here as well. i wish you well and i hope you find what you seek in all your anger toward others and your separtist ways. i could stay out of wyoming and the west forever but i feel you'd still have the same challenges in your life with yourself and others. hopefully in the end you'll enlighten others as you have enlightened me. truth is simple once you understand it. so you were right. i missed the simple shit when i got invoved in anything else besides the purpose of the forum.
Posts: 214 | Location: north carolina | Registered: 16 January 2004Reply With Quote
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The outfitters are gaining strength. They lobby and the squeeky wheel gets oiled!!!! All I would say is don't use them. Wyoming is half public land that belongs to every one in the US! It is your land! Come and use it! Btu the deer hunting sucks and the chance or drawing a tag is slim. I haven't drawn a limited quota tag in 4 years for anything. General deer is crappy, elk isn't to bad.

Bad part is we are all divided, ranchers, hunters, outfitters, and it will get worse.
Posts: 10478 | Location: N.W. Wyoming | Registered: 22 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Well snider I hope you continue to get wiser,although you're off to a slow start.

As for my supposed anger towards you snider,I haven't felt any anger.I've in fact laughed my ass off at this whole discussion. You started this thread questioning the raise in fees. Your question was answered with the facts and you simply can't handle reality,so you've continued to ask the same stupid questions.

I've never spoke out against the public using public lands,I firmly believe in public lands and we simply don't have enough access to these lands. So I don't know where you got that at snider.

The only problem I have,is outside influences ruining the state I live in. Wether it be the reintroduction of wolves,the ban on snowmobiles in yellowstone,the strategy to set aside nonresident licenses and increase their numbers,to the nonresident dickheads that keep destroying more of wyoming with their subdivisions and golfing communities. There just isn't to many things in wyoming that couldn't be remedied,by restricting the input of non residents.
Posts: 837 | Location: wyoming | Registered: 19 February 2002Reply With Quote
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there in lies the problem. the outfitter and the money he generates. the question is, how do you get people unwrapped from the greed that they have. the land owners probably get money from leases and trespass fees. its the same here. the landowners are bought out by money. we've gotten some to change here but its difficult. as someone said, money drives the train. if i come or go it doesn't matter. the g&f would just pinch you guys more to meet their budgets. tough challenge and a long fight. i do not know how outfitters are regulated but you could argue that they have a monoply and use government to declare what they tried to against microsoft. the other question is could you get it heard. i did not realize you guys had it that tough in getting quality draws. i thought those tags we get where determined by the level on average that didn't get sold and the amount of game. i know they use us to raise the revenue and of course we do pay it because of our experiences here. i thought this because they have trouble here selling enough tags. they change laws here all the time to try and sell more tags and get more people afield. people afield is definitely not the problem there. you have quality hunting compared to ours. as rmk said, who comes to n.c. to hunt dinks. our game isn't managed and the buck to doe ratio is wacked. it is more than the kill, yes but a quality animal is nice. their hard to find here. the only thing i can say is that i'll encourage my crowd to shy away from outfitters. that will not be a problem with us because we would rather work for it and hunt ourselves. one of our pack has bought land in wyoming and plans to move there. hes fished and vacationed there for 15 years. i know some folks hate the outsider but hes a great guy. hes been paying taxes there for 5 years and could probably get one of the tags you guys are talking about but he puts in with us to be fair with us. right or wrong i do not know but his decision. hes probably better off by what you explain. i really did not know your problem was that bad. ive only been coming to wyoming for 3 years. ive had a good time each year. 2003 was not good for the kill due to the hot weather in cody but i still enjoyed the trip. i have always seen things balance out and iam an optimist. whether in my lifetime or not i do not know. i have two young boys that are 5 and 8 months old. i do not know if they will see the time in the woods as i have but i hope and fight for the future. i desperately want to share my experinces with them and show them the places ive seen. i have land here but only 38 acres. that considered above avg here. no hunting worth talking about unless you squirrel hunt. a few deer!! most of the farm land is being subdivided and sold for housing to raise the tax base. i could get 12,000 to 14,000 per acre for my land but i'll never sell unless i can't supply my family with its needs. the farm which covers over 98 acres has been in our family about 200 years. we all hold the idea of never selling. there are 3 grand children who holds this land. time will tell. thanks for the info and at least i have a better understanding.
Posts: 214 | Location: north carolina | Registered: 16 January 2004Reply With Quote
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rmk: its liberalism!!! its killing america. greed is walking right beside it.
Posts: 214 | Location: north carolina | Registered: 16 January 2004Reply With Quote
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