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NWT Caribou and Wolf/Wolverine Hunt Raffle!
one of us
Hello all!

Raffle Tickets for this Caribou and Wolf/Wolveringe hunt with Arctic Adventures in Yellowknife, NTW, Canada are now available on the SWFA website at

Proceeds go to support Ross Anderson, the Leupold employee who has leukemia and needs to raise money for a bone marrow transplant and treatment. Tickets are $150 each. Your ticket qualifies you to win one of two hunts: a Whitetail hunt in Manitoba, Canada with Pioneer Outfitters or a Caribou and Wolf/Wolveringe hunt with Arctic Safaris in Yellowknife, NWT, Canada.

There are early bird prizes consisting of Leupold Optics available to be won. Early bird prize winners go back in the pot for more early bird prizes and the grand prize drawing so buy early and often!!

Tickets for the early bird prizes alone are only $5 and you get one entry for each $5 dontation. There are also 2 other hunts available to be won by purchasing a $200 ticket - a Cape Buffalo hunt in Mozambique with Nyati Safaris Limitada, or a hunt with Jim Shockey.

Please spread the word!

Thanks to AR for your support and to the outfitters for their generosity!
Posts: 244 | Location: Winnipeg, Canada | Registered: 02 December 2002Reply With Quote
one of us
Picture of Russell E. Taylor
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First, I hope he gets the medical attention he needs. That's the important thing.

Second... how many tickets, total, will be sold and what is the deadline for the drawing(s)?

Good luck in your cause.

Posts: 2982 | Location: Silvis, IL | Registered: 12 May 2001Reply With Quote
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Hi Russell.

There will be a maximum of 500 tickets sold for the first group of prizes which include one of: a Cape Buffalo Hunt or a hunt with Jim Shockey (the hunt yet to be announced). So, for each $200 ticket you buy, you get two chances at one of these excellent hunts, plus are eligible for all early bird draws.

There will be a maximum of 400 tickets sold for the second group of prizes which includes one of a combo caribou and wolf/wolverine hunt or a trophy whitetail hunt. So, for each $150 ticket you buy, you get two chances at one of these excellent hunts, plus are eligible for all early bird draws.

If you get drawn for an early bird prize from one of these tickets, your name goes back in the pot for the grand prize draws.

What's interesting is that all outfitters who donated hunts are from outside the US: One from Africa and three from the Canada!

I would like to see a couple of US outfitters step up to the plate here.

As for draw dates, we were just appraoched to help out last Thursday afternoon and have gotten far enough to get these hunts and get the code done today to facilitate taking orders for tickets online at The details are coming as fast as we get them, but the bottom line is we are out to try and cover this guy's bills, which will be around $250,000!!!

We need more prizes! Anyone know if where I could get an ATV or a truck donated??
Posts: 244 | Location: Winnipeg, Canada | Registered: 02 December 2002Reply With Quote
one of us
Picture of Russell E. Taylor
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We need more prizes! Anyone know if where I could get an ATV or a truck donated??

Thanks for the additional details.

As to your follow-up request, I strongly suggest you grab four or five of your favorite hunting magazines and hit every ATV and truck advertiser in there. Hell, even clip out the ad and attach it with your VERY NICE LETTER requesting their most serious consideration and charitable kindness... et cetera and so forth.

Hit rifle manufacturers, bullet makers, holster makers, contact the "United Leukemia Way of America" outfit, whatever it is, and ask THEM who has been most helpful in donating things for causes such as yours. Use the experts, don't reinvent the wheel.

Really want to help? Get humble. Take hat in hand. Go to local "Gee, they sure sell neat stuff here!" places and ask to see the manager. Ask said manager if he's/she's ever lost anyone to leukemia (or any other form of cancer), or if he/she knows someone who has lost someone. Then set the hook. Got a picture of the guy AND HIS FAMILY? DOES THE GUY HAVE A DOG??? Whip out the picture. Talk about the guy... does he go to church? Does he DO THINGS for his church? Is he a volunteer in his community? Ever pull anyone out of a burning car? Deliver a baby? Invent a better lightbulb?

There is no pride. There are no limits. Play dirty. Rip out the heartstrings. Go for the kill. Think of Democrats. What would Sarah Brady do if she wanted to raise money to grab more guns?

Keep thinking "big." Don't get ice cream places to donate free sundaes; get places to donate entertainment centers, trucks, tickets to some (*gag*) "sporting event." Some guys actually like things like (*gag*) football, baseball, basketball, and any other jock-mentality "ball" that people with mutated petuitary glands play... so hit promoters for tickets to such events.

Go for the kill. In matters such as these, there is no pride.

Good luck.

Posts: 2982 | Location: Silvis, IL | Registered: 12 May 2001Reply With Quote
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