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Deer in Pennsylvania
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I doubt PA has anymore deer than CT.

You might want to look into that....

Cold Bore,

The farm we hunted on in CT had 44 deer on it by the DEP's count. The farmer gave out plenty of archery, firearms and muzzleloading permits and was convinced to also give out crop damage permits. Part of this 1000 acre farm is on the "barn" side of the road. It's common to stand there talking to the farmer and watch four to seven deer feeding in plain sight.

As I said the limit in CT is six deer. But it's easy to get a crop damage tag. I have done that but I just don't care about blasting that many big animals anymore. You have to drag them and butcher them and then give it away. Having been there and done that I leave it to others to experiance.

You get five tags on a crop damage permit. If you use them up you apply for five more. There is no season as well for crop damage shooting.

CT has a very high population of people and it's not all that easy to get a spot to hunt with a rifle. Considering that there is no rifle game hunting in NJ, MA, RI and much of PA. We have it really good here in CT.

Just listen to the laws again and they will tell the story. In PA they are tangled up in over management and you can't shoot a buck with so many points. In CT you can take two deer with your rifle but one MUST be a doe!

It's just a matter of knowing the details. I like PA a lot. It's beautiful country.

If someone could find out what the success ratio is for CT deer tags vrs PA it would be interesting. I would pick CT anyday on the friendly wager. The big thing here is that we have no buck law! You can shoot a doe, if you want, on opening day and hunt the rest of the three week rifle season for your buck!
Posts: 5543 | Registered: 09 December 2002Reply With Quote
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What's the buck-to-doe ration in PA? All I can tell you is that herd management and antler restrictions WORK. IF the ratio up there is greater than say, 5:1, you've got too many does.

Well, by reading Don Vito's posts, I'd have to guess that PA has MORE bucks than does. He said that for every doe you kill, you kill her two fawns (one doe & one buck) as well, so that leads me to believe that there should be a one-to-one ratio (because every doe is giving birth to 50/50 fawns as he states). But if you read further, it sounds like hunters are absolutely slaughtering all of the does, and have to pass up every buck they see, so it appears that PA is now a hunter's heaven. More bucks than does!! WOO HOO!!
Posts: 2629 | Registered: 21 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Iron Buck
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The bucks in the picture are not mine, they belong to friends of mine and were taken this year... But I wish they were Mine I did take a nice 2 year old 9 point this year...but not a monster, I was limitted on time and wanted to concentrate on getting my 12 year old daughter a buck in rifle season so I took the 9 in archery. My daugter took a buck and a doe on PUBLIC land opening morning of rifle. I tok a doe. We saw TONS of deer and NO OTHER HUNTERS! They were all no more than 100 yards from the trail. We hiked in about a half mile.

There were lots of big bucks in PA this year. More than in the past. My best buck from here to date is a 155 class 11 point.

I have passed on smaller bucks for the past 10 years. Letting the young ones walk. It is amazing how many bucks, including BIG bucks you will see if you do not shoot the first one that walks by.

As I sated previously, I am all for the new regulations. Any one that is a true hunter will always find deer. No matter if we have more than 1.5 million deer like now......or 700,000 deer. I read an interesting statistic in the Pittsburgh Tribune review yesterday. It talked about a Penn State study that showed that 75% of ALL HUNTERS NEVER GO FARTHER THAN 1/3 MILE FROM WHERE THEY PARK!!! It also stated that there are large tracts of woods in the North Central part of the state that never even see a hunter through out the entire season. The deer are unhunted. I talked to a local in Venango County who said that deer up by him are dying of old one is going deep enough into the woods to get them. He showed me several mounts from the past few seasons. All were over 140 B&C....his biggest was a 160 class 12 point that was over 24" wide So the bucks are there for people who want to earn them.

The fact of the matter is that the herd must be balanced with the enviroment. And the taking of does is a big part of the equasion to balane the herd. We DO NOT have a problem in this state where we need more deer. "not shooting the Mamas" is what stated the mess our herd has been in for years. It was missmanaged. Hunters wanted to roll out of bed after drinking all night, walk 100 yards from the trail, sit on a log and watch 100 deer run by, 90- does, 8 -spikes and 2-4 points. That IS NOT hunting. It is target shooting. Thank God for GAry Alt.........And the current regulations we are hunting under. The hunting in PA will be better than ever for thoe who want to hunt. It will be REAL TOUGH for "target shooters" who do not know enough about deer to fing them.

I believe that most of the people who are whining about their being no deer are part one of those 75% hunters that are just not dedicated or knowledgeable enough to find the deer. The "Alpha" hunters will be able to enjoy the benefits of the new system. The "Omega" hunters can switch to fishing.......or better yet, video game hunting. That way they do not have to leave the comforts of home.

Go out and HUNT........earn that deer
Posts: 813 | Location: Wexford PA, USA | Registered: 18 July 2002Reply With Quote
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...the wbsite for outdoor writer Jim Slinsky. I have been reading his columns for quite a while and at least IMO he is on target.

If you guys (tped and Don Vito) are getting your stuff from Jimmy Slinsky (or since Don likes to "change" names in Alt's case, maybe we'll refer to Slinsky as Slimy, Slinky, or any of the other names I've heard him referred to as), you really need to look deeper. Slinsky is obviously anti-Alt, and will go to great lengths to twist facts and figures. Slinsky is an "outdoor writer", which means he is free to "write" whatever he wants, without having to back up anything with fact or research. It's purely his opinion. I've never heard him referred to as Dr Slinsky, so maybe that tells you something.

Slinsky should write for the New York Post or the Washington Times, as he is famous for "altering" the truth to further his personal agenda. As far as I'm concerned, his column isn't worth wiping my a$$ with.

Compare Alt's and Slinsky's background, education, and experience, THEN make an informed decision.
Posts: 2629 | Registered: 21 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Cold Bore, from a biological standpoint, what does AR do for a herd?
Posts: 12 | Location: Pa. | Registered: 27 November 2003Reply With Quote
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Those are real nice bucks! I too have practiced letting small ones slide. I've shot enough scrub racks in my life. That's a point I made in my first post, the first year AR was instituted we (Pennsylvanians) took more bucks than the previous year even though the pGC said there would be a 40% decline in the buck harvest. Hunter's were rewarded for not shooting the first buck down the trail. The racks have always been there, patience is the key.
Posts: 12 | Location: Pa. | Registered: 27 November 2003Reply With Quote
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Your right Cold Bore, Slinsky could put a spin on something unlike the PGC & Alt whose word is now Gospel because everybody going to shoot a trophy! I don't care for Alt (I'll try and be more politically correct). I went to his meeting's in Center Township, he was an obnoxious,rude,my way or the highway guy. Remember this us sportsmen pay his salery, half of his meetings weren't even on AR (which played freatly into his hand) You want to talk about spin? During the course of his meeting somebody would question him about bear, elk,or anything else & he'd smile & let them ramble. Anybody that got up to the microphine & dis agreed with him were answered in a smart-alec I'm a Dr. & your not way. I know I was one of them. If you got up & stroked his ego & nodded your head like cattle, you got to stay there & talk with the good Dr. So Cold Bore what your saying is the results of the study done in Mississippi were wrong? Alt's numberers are right & you agree with everything he says?

Here's a little more info from someone other than Slinsky_
This is from the Unified Sportsmen Of Pennsylvania's site, scroll down & read some more info about AR & Alt.
By the way supporting AR or not there is a survey on the home page of the Unified Sportsmen, set aside your differences over AR & take a minute to fill it out.
Posts: 12 | Location: Pa. | Registered: 27 November 2003Reply With Quote
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This is from the Unified Sportsmen Of Pennsylvania's site,


The USP and Slinsky are one & the same.

How much do you know about the USP? Or are you a member? Better yet, an officer?

The USP was run off of the website when they claimed to have "thousands" of "members". Turns out that they had next-to-none, but in some strange "alliance" agreement with a whole bunch of sportsmens clubs, they counted the club members as USP members! When cornered, Al Oswald turned real defensive, went crazy with the delete button in his now non-existent forum there, and disappeared. Nobody was actually a dues paying member of the USP, and when guys found out that they were being counted on the USP rolls, they threatened to quit their local clubs unless the "alliance" was done away with. The USP *DOES NOT* represent the average PA hunter or sportsman. They exist solely as a platform to attack the Game Commission, Alt, regulations that they don't like, etc. They "created" this phony shell, with phantom members, so that they could march into Harrisburg and say "We represent x-thousand PA hunters, and this is what they want". They are a total farce.

Try this.... go to the USP website & ask them directly - "How many members pay dues directly to the USP to be a member, without being tagged from an independent sportsmens club?" I guarantee that the number (if they even give you a straight answer), will be vastly different from what they claim to have as members.

I put the USP & Slinsky in the same boat. And since I have already expressed my opinion of Slinsky, well, I guess you know what I think of the so-called USP as well.
Posts: 2629 | Registered: 21 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Don Vito wrote

A little long's my take on AR in Pa. You have to pass on small bucks, no problem with that. Now according to AR's in Pa. a buck must have 4 points to a side with a point at least an inch long in my area.

Actually, its only part of PA where there is a 4 point on one side (one side only, not both). The rest of the state is 3 points (on one side only, not both).
Posts: 58 | Location: Charlotte,NC,USA | Registered: 24 April 2002Reply With Quote
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JJWEN, thanks for pointing that out, I was talking about my area of the state. 4 points on one side at least an 1" long
Posts: 12 | Location: Pa. | Registered: 27 November 2003Reply With Quote
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Well then every other state/outfitter that tries that is wrong? Being selective on bucks DOES work as well as reducing the buck to doe ratio. those pictures of deer shot in PA are most impressive to say the least, but the fact remain that in all states/areas where antlers are taken into account the ratio of trophy bucks taken increases. PA is on the right track. Stop shooting every deer you see and be selective and you'll see the results. BTW, it works in africa also. jorge
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