Your son is young so I'm sure that he will recover and the slap of reality won't be too severe. In my case if I ever shot a whitetail like that I would see no more point in deer hunting after that but I would be permanently smiling forever.
Seriously please accept my most heart felt congratulations to you and your very lucky son.
Posts: 13166 | Location: LAS VEGAS, NV USA | Registered: 04 August 2002
When they get one that big when they're that young, it's really tough! They think they should ALL be that big. He'll learn though! I'm still looking for one that big. I guess you can sense the jealousy on my part! Congrats to your son!!
Posts: 434 | Location: Pennsylvania, USA | Registered: 22 November 2002
NutCase, congrats to your son - Heck of a deer!! Is he ruined, probably. My first whitetail was a 6X5 that I have not topped some 19 years later. I have learned to love the hunt for more than the size of the animal, but it took a while, especially when my siblings or family/friends shot big ones. I trust you can set him straight and help him through it.
Posts: 472 | Location: Virginia | Registered: 26 January 2003
Thanks from Dad and son. I was hunting with his younger brother when he nailed this Monster. He was using my friend's rifle which is a 270win.(not sure on all specifics but will find out later)
He posts at other boards but I do not allow him to post here
But here is the story about it that he posted on another board
quote: Darren and I got to our spot and set up by a old trail and went down a few feet down the hill to set up by a tree. We sat there for a hour and a half before getting cold and stiff.
So we went up to the to walk to try and warm. When we got to the road we stood there for a few min before Darren said listen. When I turned there was a buck standing there. It didn't have a wide spread but it had a lot points with a tall tines. So we waited to see if it would cross the trail but it never did and it took of in the other direction. I was upset for not getting a shot off. so Darren and I was trying to figure out if we should set up again or take a walk .We took the walk till we got to fork in the trails and I look down the fork where it starts and tell darren this looks like a good spot he told me to quiet down because he was hearing something. i turn around and i see a deer moving through the brush. i got ready to take the shot at it when it came out of the brush. it was a doe i lifted the rifle i put the cross hairs on her and i pulled the triger and nothing happen and i kept pulling the trigger while darren keep saying shoot!! shoot!! i brought down to gun and i flip the safty the wrong way so i flip it the other way and the next thing i knew another deer came out and it was a buck so i raise the rifle agian but did't shoot at first for it was moving and i'm still hearing darren saying shoot!! shoot!!when it stop i squeezed the trigger and the rifle finly went off when the buck started to run i knew i broke the leg because we could see him draging it. the buck was only 15 yards away when all happen so we went up to where the buck was standing to see it if there was blood while we where looking for blood another buck came with in 10 yards about 10 min later another buck came and was 10 yards away the one side only had 4 points whil the other side had only a nub will darren and i was talking and turn around and there was another buck and it was about 4 to 5 yards away the deer saw us at the same time and took off then stop but darren could't get a shot off all he could see was the horns if he was standing where i was he could have got a shot then we finly started to track the a few yards befor darren saw it ran down there and the buck just got bigger the closer we got and most the deer came right after i shot
Forgive me but I cut and pasted
I do not think that my son has realized what he has accomplished as of yet. I have mentioned to him that many of the rest of us havent even seen something like that one yet.
To top it offon Sunday he actually guided me to a spot and had us set up for me to be the shooter. Lo and behold 20 minutes after we set up I had a doe in front of me at 15 yards. I shot it. Then my son did the tracking and led me to the doe.
I am not much of a hunter and probably never will be. But my boy has got the makings of a good one.
Posts: 77 | Location: Ohio | Registered: 02 February 2002
It was funny that when we finally got ready to get to the afternoon's hunt he was disapointed that he was tagged out.(I could have got him a bonus antlerless tag but I still had one to fill along with his younger brother)
He then was my guide the next morning and put me on a trophy doe.
He helped field dress,drag and butcher both deer also.
Oh the deer was aged at 4 1/2 years and might score in the 160's.
He shot it at 15 yards using a 270 win.
He also saw at least 3 other bucks chasing a hot doe and this was the one he took.
I cant help but be thankful and proud of a son like him and his brothers.
Posts: 77 | Location: Ohio | Registered: 02 February 2002
A young boy in my home state Ohio, just arrowed his first buck, a 250" non typical 300 lb monster buck. His first buck harvested will ceratinly be hard to top since it is so huge and can be submitted for entry into the Boone+Crockett record books after the required 60 day drying time. You gotta be in the right place at the right time when mister big shows up.
Once again Ohio's farm country gives up another awesome whitetail buck for the record books. Even though Ohio is highly populated, a high number of tremendous buck prowl the woodlots between open fields of corn, soybeans, and clover fields. Monster bucks also hide in close proximity to housing developements and urban area's. The Ohio deer herd has become urbanized in many area's of the state. Ohio is a bonefied monster buck state. Be in the right spot at the right time, and any Ohio hunter may harvest that monster buck of his or her lifetime. I plan to be in my favorite stand come opening morning of the Ohio slug gun season. The private property we hunt has record book racks to harvest if you pick the right stand, only time will tell.
You gotta be a proud papa! I like others have been hunting more than 20 years and I have only *seen* one that might be that big. Yes your son is spoiled. Gives him a really tough one to top.
Posts: 141 | Location: Upstate, New York | Registered: 05 March 2003
So others know, Fred took his very first deer ever hunting with me a couple of years ago. I seem to recall that Fred (Nutcase) was really excited then.
Posts: 263 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: 13 March 2003