The benefit of this site is that all of us are free to share ideas and opinions with out censorship or concerns over deviating from the "pary line". The down side is that occasionally we most suffer from the posts of those who come to detract from, rather than add to, the enterprise. Rather than respond in kind, I suggest that we give them that which they fear the most; the silence that their drivel warrants.
Terry, bless your soul! Been practicing that for awhile and was thinking about a similar post, but hadn't quite found the words yet. That would be my mind on George Dickle...
Fatprongs.. I didn't think that Badboyz guy liked having his picture taken. That second picture is him just before making a post on that computer behind him. I can see from the look on his face, he's badly needing a canned hunt.
But Terry, I agree. Keep these trolls away ... silence is the best treatment.