From my limited understanding, OVIS includes international sheep and goat hunts while FNAWS focues more on North American Sheep (and the one North American mounatin goat?).
I'm more of a goat hunter myself. :-)
Posts: 76 | Location: Singapore | Registered: 20 January 2005
Become a member for a year to each one then decide where your heart lies. I have found that the FNAWS is an outstanding organization. You should have a local chapter somewhere in Alaska. The Eastern Chapter has grown from 3 to nearly 1500 since beginning in the early nineties. I have been a member since 95. The OVIS...too much snobbery for me. There is a large percentage of wealthy individuals involved with all FNAWS chapters too but most are friendly and easy to talk to when you are just a common guy. They view fellow members as fellow sheep hunters. Just to be honest, I have never hunted sheep...yet. The cost is getting beyond what a working man can afford. $20,000+ for Stone Sheep or Bighorns, $50,000 - $200,000 for Desert Rams. Hell, even Dall Sheep are over $12,000 now. Add tag fees, travel expenses, tips and the odd items and...see what I mean.
Posts: 4115 | Location: Pa. | Registered: 21 April 2006
D I'm a member of both... They both have their good points..Deserve A Sheep Hunters support.. I've been looking for a Stone Sheep Hunt for "07" they have all gone way up..The Outfitter I talked to over the weekend told me His only Stone tag [1] has been sold for "08" for 44,000.00.. Dall's are going up 8-10% in AK for "07"..Yukon,NWT should look for 15%... AK
Posts: 16798 | Location: Michigan | Registered: 21 February 2006
Thanks fellas. Looks like I'll try them both. Sheep hunting is my addiction. I'll just concentrate on Dall's here in Alaska until I'm able to venture Asia.
Posts: 1508 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 09 August 2002
I used to be a member of FNAWs, GSC/Ovis and WSSOBC.
I was never really impressed by the content of Wild Sheep magazine (FNAWS) so I let my membership lapse. Unfortunately, the budget just doesn't really allow being a member of every organization that I'd like, especially once they started increasing their fees. The exchange rate didn't help either.
GSC/Ovis's magazine is always great.
Cheers, Canuck
Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001
Don't know what OVIS has ever done in Wyoming, but FNAWS has done a lot of work (and put their $$ where their mouth is) protecting and enhancing bighorn sheep habitat. They've also done a lot of work removing sheep alotments from bighorn sheep country...
MadGoat Problem..Why no.. They just need some of Your Enthusiasm..Vigor..By the way..Ovis did give 5,000.00 to MT. FNAWS for Grazing Allotment buyouts..And 5000.00 for the FNAWS Endowment Fund in "06".. AK
Posts: 16798 | Location: Michigan | Registered: 21 February 2006
MadGoat Ovis gave 42,750.00 to the WY Game & Fish Heritage Foundation for Wild Sheep Conservation and another 11,400.00 to the same Fund for Moose /Wildlife Conservation in "06".. AK
Posts: 16798 | Location: Michigan | Registered: 21 February 2006
ALL Th Cumulative Total of Funding for Sheep/Wildlife from Grand Slam/Ovis is 2,206,182.00 to Date..A lot of that money has been spent in N.America.. AK
Posts: 16798 | Location: Michigan | Registered: 21 February 2006