I don't generally use decoys anymore. One reason is that I prefer the "run and gun" method, at least after the first couple hours of shooting time, and don't like to carry all that stuff with me. The other, and more important, reason is that I have had too many experiences of a tom coming in over a field or other open area who sees that decoy and then gets hung up out of range because "she" won't close the distance to him. I admit I have never tried a decoy setup with a jake or a tom, which might solve that problem. As has been said, however, using a jake or tom decoy on public land could be pretty dangerous.
Posts: 572 | Location: southern Wisconsin, USA | Registered: 08 January 2009
I carry a featherflex feeding hen and jake even when I run and gun. They weigh nothing, but give me the option if I think it is needed. Sometimes they pull in a cagey bird, other times they just pull in coyotes. Every day is different.
On public ground, I don't think that I have ever used them. I usually let the other guys push the birds to me. If a bird is gobbling in a tree you can hear the army of hoot owls converge on the poor thing. I set up silently up hill from that bird, and usually shoot him as he sneaks off.
Posts: 1489 | Location: Indiana | Registered: 28 January 2011
I use a hen only. I have seen 2 year olds shy away from even a jake decoy. If they have been recently whipped by an ole bird they will see the red head and that will be the end of story.
Besides I don't like all that baggage.
God Bless, Louis
Posts: 1386 | Location: Mountains of North Carolina | Registered: 14 January 2008
First, check out the Avian X decoys. Best I have ever used and not by a little bit .
I have multiple hens in different poses. Typically use a single feeding hen.
Whether I use a jake or not depends on what is going on with the birds. If they aren't going off, no jake for me. When they are going off, I will use a jake particularly when hunting a dominant bird.
I use two hens and a jake for decoys.I set a pop up blind on a field edge.I like to call .I set up near a roost area a couple days before my season and put out the dekes out the night before.
Posts: 4372 | Location: NE Wisconsin | Registered: 31 March 2007
I use the feather flex brand decoys 2 hens and a "bubba" jake. They collapse and pack easy and weight next to nothing. Pretty decent movement with a slight breeze. I don't use them early in the morning when calling to roosted birds. If I don't have any success early, I head to an open field/pasture around 10:30am and set them up on the side of the field on a rise if I can find one. Then sit just inside the woods and give a few clucks, purrs and yelps every so often. I have had really good success doing this as most birds when they hit the field will migrate up towards the decoys.
I was recently in TX for a Rio hunt. I had limited room. I took a Funky Chicken in addition to an Avian X . A gobbler attacked the FC decoy. It worked.
I am with larryshores. The Avian X are the way. I like the feeding hen and the jake set up a little way apart. The big gobblers seem to me to go right to the jake.
Posts: 1440 | Location: Houston, Texas USA | Registered: 16 January 2005