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Well, the bison hunt is off
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Can't say as that I'm disappointed or excited, since I didn't put in for a tag. I think the Montana legislature and Schweitzer have valid points about the hunt not being enough to stop the roaming buffalo and only bringing bad PR to Montana. I would definitely like to see a free-range hunt for the Bison in the future (which there is still plans for according to the article in the Billings Gazette) and will be putting in for a tag as soon as regulations for a free range hunt are established. The only thing that irked me was how many people put in for tags that weren't going to shoot a bison, and just trying to take away the opportunity for others who did want to shoot one. And Patagonia was going to reimburse them!!!! I love Patagonia (patagucci, as me and my friends call it) gear and their stance on conservation...but encouraging people to mess with MT's situation that has absolutely no impact on them is out of line, IMHO.

Formerly "the444shooter" I think I had about 73,000 posts before I had to re-register Wink

God Bless and Shoot Straight

God is a comedian playing to an audience afraid to laugh--Voltaire
Posts: 69 | Location: Big Sky Country, MT | Registered: 09 January 2005Reply With Quote
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AllMontana has to do is keep drawing tags until the quota gets shot, then it really does not matter if some jerks try to queer the draw.
What the state of Montana did was cave to public pressure, and cave to threats of terrorism.. hope a stronger stand comes out of this, but I have my doubts.

I dont buy Petagoony any more.
Posts: 902 | Location: Denver Colderado | Registered: 13 May 2001Reply With Quote
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gran.. what ever?: How can you "love" the super-greenies at patagonia?!?! They are THE most anti-hunting bunch I have ever come across!
Fools (no offense meant this is just my learned opinion!) that buy their stuff are simply supporting numerous anti-hunting activities, anti-public land use, anti-roads and related lobbying that those socialist sons-of-bitches and daughters-of-whores partake in!
Again, I can not understand how ANYONE that enjoys Hunting and using public lands can support in any way shape or form the patagonia people? Perhaps you are simply ignorant of their political activities? Take some time to research their political agendas and obstructionisms!
I have a patagonia store in my tiny town here and I often park outside it and take into consideration all who shop in there! I do not fraternize with any idiot that that I observe shopping there!
I agree with you that our cowardly governor (of Montana) should in no way be influenced by any person in any other state. The people of Montana are livid over this incident and the back stabbing conduct of this brand new governor! As a Montanan I could give a shit less what the head greenies in California, Manhattan or Berkeley think about Hunting! I love to Hunt and I pay the license fees to do so and thereby protect and propogate those animals that I Hunt!
Yeah its only 10 Bison on this Hunt but the problem is the Buffalo are way overpopulated in the area and the problem and habitat destruction could eventually be contained by proper game management policies! No chance of that under this deceitful democratic governor!
If you are suffering under the illusion that the Buffalo that were to be Hunted in this special drawing Hunt situation are not free ranging then, you are wrong! There are fences in the area of this Hunt on private lands and leases but the Buffalo do "range" out of (and back into) the unfenced National Park and onto Montana state and private lands!
You missed your chance to apply for the "free ranging" Buffalo Hunt already! Maybe in four years when we get a new governor you can apply for this Hunt then!
I am frankly less irked by the super-greenies at the patagonia stores for offering to reimburse any of the cretins who applied ($3.00 application fee) and may have been drawn than I am with this turn-coat governor and his chickenshit dealings with the Big Game Commission. The reimbursement by the patagonians, by the way, would have been $75.00 for a resident cretin tag charge or $750.00 for a non-resident cretin!
I know of NO serious Hunter that frequents patagonia stores or uses their gear! There are many, many other fine, Hunting supporting retail outlets to get gear from! And their gear is every bit as good as patagonias recycled plastic pop bottle crap!
Please reconsider your endorsement of these anti-Hunting, anti-road, anti-trail, anti-snowmobile, anti-atv and anti-every thing traditional - cockroaches!
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Posts: 3067 | Location: South West Montana | Registered: 20 August 2002Reply With Quote
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When was it 96 or 98, when Montana allowed a 1000 head to be shot. The Madgoats and Mcinnis's of the world thought the end was near and that the bison was destined to be gone forever. Wiped out, a travisty some said. It was on the news almost every night like the current war. Well guess what, last year USF&W said bison were at record numbers again and that the Yellowstone ecosystem had to many bison. I think last winters count by the park put the population at alomst 4000 head. They rebounded and are back in reocrd numbers. Even with the wolf present to help cull the herds. But a wolf isn't stupid, why take on a bison when a cow or calf elk is availible.

I think they brought the wolf in to try and reduce bison as well as elk numbers instead of hunters doing it.
Posts: 10478 | Location: N.W. Wyoming | Registered: 22 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Well, VG
I suppose I read into the article a little differently than you did, and I agree that culling 10 buffalo will not help the situation in Yellowstone and the surrounding areas. I've been in the Patagonia Outlet in Dillon for their labor day sale because frankly, I can afford 3 peices of gear from them rather than one article of clothing from columbia, weatherby, king of the mountain, mountain hardware, etc....and yes, I flat out admit to you that I'm ignorant of their political stance, and am not aware of any of their "anti-Hunting, anti-road, anti-trail, anti-snowmobile, anti-atv and anti-every thing traditional", I will do my part in researching that. However, I do feel that it is a little too presumptiuous of you to say that Schweitzer will never allow the hunt. As the article stated, there are plans for a November hunt in Region 3. I'm not disillusioned as to the situation with the Buffalo in YNP, or the hunt. I've hunted elk in Gardner, and could've had my shot at any of 10 Bison within 50yds. Now, I realize that it is unfenced, public land...but it is almost as far from fair chase as fenced, "canned" hunts. Also, there is a bitter taste in many people's mouths leftover from the original hunt in 1990. I too, am a Montana resident, so I feel your pain as much as anyone with the situations we are faced with. I, unfortunately have to witness firsthand the influx of nonresidents and the changes in attitude they bring to the entire community (Bozeman), being a student at MSU. I also voted for Brown, so go figure. I may be a little too optimistic, but I do believe that there will be a better-planned Bison hunt in the near future, and I agree wholeheartedly with the statement from Tim Mulligan

"I oppose this hunt because I support hunting bison," said Commissioner Tim Mulligan, of Whitehall, who summed up many of the comments by other commission members. The commissioners who voted against the hunt said they did so because it was poorly designed and would give a black eye to Montana and the sport of hunting. Also, many said it would do nothing to address the problem of a growing bison herd in Yellowstone National Park and the cattle disease that up to half the bison are thought to carry. --Billings Gazette

Bottom line, I know there are quite a few people that are upset about ol' Barry cancelling the hunt, but I also believe that it was for valid reasons. I guess only time will tell whether or not we will have a hunt, and if we don't within the next 4 years, then it's up to us again to choose a different Gov.

Formerly "the444shooter" I think I had about 73,000 posts before I had to re-register Wink

God Bless and Shoot Straight

God is a comedian playing to an audience afraid to laugh--Voltaire
Posts: 69 | Location: Big Sky Country, MT | Registered: 09 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Gran Cazador Blanco: The stated reason that governor schweitzer gave for cancelling this Hunt was "I am afraid of the black eye Montana will get from the rest of the country"!
That sounds pretty flakey.. I mean that sounds like sound game management to me! LOL!
scwheitzer cancelled this long planned Hunt what is it that makes you think he will allow it to happen in November? Or at any future time!
His "fear" of a black eye is not going to go away and his cancellation at the last minute of this Hunt, shows his stripes pretty plainly to me and gives impetous to the greenies that surround this issue!
Next time you are in Dillon "do not shop at the aforementioned "anti-Hunters, anti-everythings place jsut go in there and read their bulletin board! It will cause nausea in any Hunters gut!
I was on patagonia patrol a few years back on their big sale day! I was watching who was going in and out! Up drives a "Checker" make of car. It was actually a diesel station wagon Checker. It had New York license plates on it! Out jumps two Brooklynn types and they were agitated that the sale had already started (doors opened). Anyway their accents fascinated me and in I go after them just to observe! They had huge laundry type bags and were stuffing literally everything they could get their hands on into the bags. Like an hour later they were finally done stuffing their bags and some more the store had given them and they get inline for the checkout! One guy had bought over $9,000.00 worth of stuff and the other guy over $10,000.00 worth! Now my curiosity was really up and I head outside after them and engage them in converstation. Actually they inquired of me a motel recommendation! I gave it to them and it turns out they had bought this Checker vehicle especially to drive from New York to Dillon, Montana JUST for this sale! Their plan was to buy all the stuff they could and then drive back home to resell it there and then resell the Checker! This was a few years back and diesel was a lot cheaper then but I inquired if they would actually come out ahead of the game. They answered that they were veterans of this type venture and expected to more than double their money! I wished them luck and sent them off to the motel I had suggested. Just as they were leaving one of the guys asks me when the store was to open the next morning (they restock during the nights of the sales!) as they were coming back for MORE the next day!
I shook my head.
Anyway so many legitimate retail outlets that do support Hunting and Hunters organizations sell the same exact type products that I am sure you can get equal value and performance for your money elsewhere!
Back to your free-roaming "canned" Hunt point! I have been along when friends of mine have killed 10 or 12 Buffalo now on real fenced Hunts. And no the "Buffalo Hunt" is not a real Hunt in this situation more like just harvesting! Its one reason I do not partake of them - I just help out and use my nifty Nikon camera for the guys. But Buffalo meat is wonderful and healthy stuff to eat and the hides and skulls make wonderful wall hangings and mounts! I enjoy very much going along on these ventures. But, the Buffalo is a large and sedate creature, they do not fear much and even the free roaming Buffalo out of Yellowstone country would not be a wary or crafty quarry for most Hunters! Still I would dearly love to take a big Bull Buffalo during the winter when they are in full pelage and roaming on the snowy hills!
I hope you get drawn in the future yourself but I doubt that will happen while we have this governor!
And lest you forget during the last national census 17 of Montana 56 counties actually lost population! Including the county I live in!
I hold no animous towards non-native born Montanas in any regard! I am one and I am thankful that some people are moving here from elsewhere. Otherwise the tax burden would be even worse than it is now! Unlivable in fact!
You are right that many non-native Montanans are greenies to the max. I am not one of them!
But the decision here in this case was made by this democrat governor out of an assumed fear of people in OTHER STATES that may or may not think poorly of Montanans Hunting! That is a flimsy assed excuse AT BEST!
You stated your arguments for postponing the Hunt very well and very politely - I appreciate that, thank you! But your arguments are specious (without merit!) and unconvincing to me!
Maybe we will get less of a black eye in the future??? I don't think so.
10 Bison being harvested is a start and it would have eased into things so to speak is the only reason I saw that would rationalize that small number at first!
Thanks again for your clear and polite positionings!
More later
Hold into the wind
Posts: 3067 | Location: South West Montana | Registered: 20 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Look, they round them up now, slaughter them (who knows how) and give them to the tribes.

Is that not a little embarassing? I guess then its Wyomings problem, since it is in their state.

Lets talk about open range hunting. Where? As they destroy farmers wheat fields, sugar beet fields and kill motorists on I-90 and other highways.

Montana beef is brucellosis free and that means something in the marketplace. Right or wrong I can see why the beef industry does not want them leaving the park on their "free-range".

No matter what, it is herd culling.
Posts: 10 | Location: Western Montana | Registered: 13 December 2004Reply With Quote
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The stated reason that governor schweitzer gave for cancelling this Hunt was "I am afraid of the black eye Montana will get from the rest of the country"!

Translation; I am caving in to political correctness.


"I don't know what there is about buffalo that frightens me so.....He looks like he hates you personally. He looks like you owe him money."
- Robert Ruark, Horn of the Hunter, 1953

NRA Life, SAF Life, CRPA Life, DRSS lite

Posts: 12710 | Location: Kentucky, USA | Registered: 30 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Montana crapped in their own mess kit in the early '90's when they had their Dept. of Ag morons out there blazing away at ever buffalo that left the park. The world saw this, and was smart enough to think it was bullshit (which it was). This was followed up by the "round up and slaughter techinque", another political and public FUBAR.

If Montana would have gotten their poop in a group and the FWP folks come up with a hunting season at the get go, I am sure the nonhunters (I don't consider ANTI's in this group because I don't even consider them worthy enough to be called humans) in the public wouldn't have cared one bit and this wouldn't be an issue. The buffalo field campaign would still be handing flowers out at airports and smoking dope.

The problem is one of disease...but it was the first cattle in the west that spread brucellosis to the bison and elk!! It is also one of development, and mirgration coridoors being lost (because dumb asses like Kudu keep moving west to be cool and end up screwing up the countryside with their little ranchettes). thumbdown

Posts: 1029 | Registered: 29 January 2004Reply With Quote
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Sorry Madgoatfucker, I live in town! My family was here while yours was dreaming of begging for a ride on the Mayflower.

Now I have stooped to your liberal level!
Posts: 10478 | Location: N.W. Wyoming | Registered: 22 February 2003Reply With Quote
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