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IWVC Membership for Texas.
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Picture of Crazyhorseconsulting
In spite of what us Texans think, or seem too, we are not the entire U.S.A. My wife and I started this on another forum that we participate in, after a post on that forum about an experience some members recently had in Colorado. To make a long story short, they were witnesses to the aftermath of some really sloppy poaching, that unfortunenatly appears to have been done by some Texans. I know that several AR members are from Texas. What I am requesting is that those members or anyone else that wishes too, Please look at the petition on the website I have listed below. Hunting and Fishing are major industries in Texas and the U.S., and we are trying to send a message to the P.T.B.'s in Texas that we should join the other states already invoveled in this program, so as to help bring an end to poaching of our wildlife resources. For those that are members of the NAHC, there is an article about the IWVC in the Nov. 2006 issue of the North American Hunter, on pages 25 and 27. Thank You Randall

Here is the link to the petition:

Even the rocks don't last forever.

Posts: 31014 | Location: Olney, Texas | Registered: 27 March 2006Reply With Quote
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As a 7th generation Texan who lived for 7 years out of state, I can tell you that there is definately an Anti-Texan sentiment amongst some hunters in other states.
I never understood why until after I'd moved back and had been guiding a while.
The same incompetent jokers that come whitetail or hog hunting with me are the same ones that go to CO or MT elk and muley hunting. Guiding these guys is more like babysitting than guiding. High powered rifle, top of the line scope, brand new camo and zero hunting skills.
Without lumping people into the same category I will just say that these are generally guys from one of a couple of major metropolitan areas in TX that go to the woods a few weekends a year but drive 4x4 trucks that are NEVER off the pavement. The Texas Trophy Hunter or Buck Mastes sticker on their window is all they need to believe they are a hunter. When they get out of state they still believe they are on private land and that their "experience" in Texas qualifies them to hunt the wilderness in other states.
This makes all hunters and especially Texans look bad and Crazyhorse is right for posting this petition.
However, I am a bit leary of people given a ticket for an honest mistake, (say using the wrong tag or an obsure law) preventing him from hunting in his home state. I realize that ignorance of the law is no excuse but I've seen honest people make mistakes and I'd hate to see a state with, shall we say interesting, hunting laws prevent an honest man from hunting.

The Hunt goes on forever, the season never ends.

I didn't learn this by reading about it or seeing it on TV. I learned it by doing it.
Posts: 729 | Location: Central TX | Registered: 22 April 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Crazyhorseconsulting
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As with anything, there is a down side. While I also am not really interested in seeing someone lose their hunting or fishing priveleges in their home state, because of a mistake in another state, I believe the original intent of the Compact, was to crack down on the "Hard Core" law breakers out there. The incident that caused me to start this was a case of 5 Elk shot and left too rot in GMU 751 in Colorado this season.

Besides Texas, I have hunted in Wyoming, Nebraska, New Mexico, Colorado, and 2 Canadian Provinces. Before any of those hunts, I made sure that I wass well versed on their hunting, fishing, and firearms laws.

I really don't think this program is set up to penalize someone that did something thru ignorance of a law, but to address those folks that purposely try to bend things to fit their situation or those that just don't care what the laws are. JMHO.

Even the rocks don't last forever.

Posts: 31014 | Location: Olney, Texas | Registered: 27 March 2006Reply With Quote
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