My daughter just got done killing her 13th whitetail she also shot her first blk bear this year. She would love to shoot a elk. She says a dream hunt would be for moose. She was shaking so bad after her first deer you could see her whole body moving. Yes it is very good to see your kids hunt.
Posts: 20005 | Location: wis | Registered: 21 April 2001
My 11 year old took his first game this fall. A trophy size fox squirrel with a .22. He couldn't have been prouder had it been a B&C buck. It's great bringing our kids into the sport we all love. I feel sorry for those who miss out on that opportunity.
Posts: 784 | Location: Michigan | Registered: 18 December 2000
Nutcase, Tell you son WAY TO GO! rick3foxes, She drew once in a lifetime hunts on her first two trys. LUCK I guess? That is a fine looking Impalla. black-powder-big-bore, Kasi was 12 with her deer and 13 with her elk, she is 14 now. Skibum, My son got his first ground squirrel this year with his air rifle. I love to take all my kids hunting. I would like to see more kids hunting. I thinkit is better for them than video games. Ron
I have told her she can't date untill she finds a boy with a rich father that ownes thousands of acres of land for us to hunt on. The boy also has to have a bigger deer and elk than she does! Ron
[ 12-05-2002, 04:00: Message edited by: Idaho Ron ]
well if its any consolation i owen 4000 acrs of property in northern ont right dead center in the middle of moose country and i lease another 3000 arcers around my spot
Posts: 2095 | Location: B.C | Registered: 31 January 2002
Looks like my son Cody is out of the running for Kasi for now at least, although I think he's got her on sheer volume ;-). 2001 was his first season, & he's now filled all his tags both years. Well, except bear & turkey. Elk, deer, & antelope, though. I'll have to show him her elk & deer. Give him a complex.... Nah, he's a pretty secure kid. Somehow got the recessive gene for height & personality both. Looking at these pictures, Criminy, I can't believe how much he's grown in the last year. He's now slightly taller than me. Anyway, he got the speed goat his first day out after big game. Shot the elk about an hour into his first day of elk hunting (rifle hunting, anyway). The deer took a bit longer. In some ways, the pheasant is the coolest. That was on a deer hunt to eastern MT, & we'd pretty much come up short. Tried for pheasants as a last-ditch attempt to bring something home. Beat a bunch of brush, and in the last possible draw he flushed this rooster & neatly dropped him with our old '97 Winchester that his Grandpa and Great-Gramps put lots of birds on the table with. It was as good as it gets....
Cody uses a Husqvarna 30-06, and that is one sweet little rifle. Was shopping for a M70 Featherweight for him, but came across the Husky instead at a much better price. Very comparable in handling characteristics. Put a 2.5 X 8 Leupold on it. He's shooting 165 gr Hornadies in it, and the terminal performance this year was just outstanding. If/When I draw a goat or sheep tag, I'm borrowing that gun.