Have my first 7mm on order.Plan on starting out with factory and was wondering if anyone had experimented with the Remington Premiere line of 150Scirocco Bonded or their 150gr.AccuTip. Both have awesome B.C.s and definitely have my interest at published 3110 fps velocity listed for both.
Posts: 135 | Location: N.D | Registered: 17 January 2003
When Remington first came out w/ the Premier line some years back, I bought a few boxes of them and they were great. They were loading the 150 NBTs then @ the same speed you speak of and they shot very well for factory ammo. Out of a stock 700 they shot consistent 3/4" groups at 100 yards which, IMO is pretty dang good for Factory Stuff. The accutips are the same as Hdy's SSTs and are very explosive but, The Scirroco's are supposed to be pretty tough from what I've heard from hunters that use them. I just talked to a guy this weekend that's been using the 150 Scirrocos in his 7RM and he swore by them, said they worked well even on close shots. I haven't ever tried the Scirrocos because they have a reputation of not being very accurate but, hey, every rifle is different and yours may love em'.
Good Luck w/ you new Rifle.
Posts: 4146 | Location: North Louisiana | Registered: 18 February 2004
I just got my first 7mm last oct. I have not shot the remingtons but I have shot the win balistic silver tips with great success. 150 gr. I am getting 1/2 moa 3 shot groups and I killed a nice main frame 10 with 3 small kickers last year hillbilly scoring makes him a 13.
good luck and good shooting
Posts: 165 | Location: missouri | Registered: 18 February 2005
Plains Drifter, I shoot the Federal 165 grain Sierra GameKing BTSP's out of a Winchester Model 70 7mm REM MAG. Consistently get sub 3/4 inch groups. Not as fast at 2950 fps, but more down range energy.
Appreciate hearing the positive input.No doubt this caliber is capable of excellent accuray with factory ammo.More than little will work up a load of my own latter but is always good to have a backup load and probobly makes more sense when doing low volume shooting as I intend. Just for fun ran a quick trajectory check on the above ammo listed in my initial post and found the 150gr.Scirroccos sighted a hair over 4inches at 100yds would zero at 350yds and impact at 500yds with 1691ft-lbs at 2253fps and only in the vicinity of -19inches low. No doubt should take of my deer shooting expectations and then some. Now if only my gun would get here.
Posts: 135 | Location: N.D | Registered: 17 January 2003
Jarrod I dont believe my post stated I was going to but mereley showed trajectory capabilities of this particular bullet.However if I had planned to Why not?? That would be my own personal choice and should be no concern to anyone else? Thats what I like about the shooting sport is the fact that you can try different approaches which can teach us new things.
Posts: 135 | Location: N.D | Registered: 17 January 2003
Plainsdrifter, you took that way too serious relax a little bit. I hunt wooded areas quite a bit but I also hunt long river bottoms fairly often also. I find it a lot easier to hold a little over than to hold under but that is just my preference.
"Science only goes so far then God takes over."
Posts: 3504 | Location: Tennessee | Registered: 07 July 2005
Anyone is free to do what they want to. I once was told to zero in an inch high at 100 yards and then pratice and learn the trajectory of your rifle. To me that was just plain good advice.
"Science only goes so far then God takes over."
Posts: 3504 | Location: Tennessee | Registered: 07 July 2005
Jarrod You just answered your initial question stating it all boils down to preference.In deer season my walking rifle is sighted at a little over an inch high however towards evening I post with my larger 300Win Mag which I shoot off a backpack and like around a 300yd. zero.Trajectories are taped all the way out to 500yds and checked with my rangefinder prior to shooting.Basically boils down to aiming near bottom of deer or laying the crosshairs on top of back.Really has worked well for me.Sorry if I sounded short but was mainly wanting to discuss Scirrocco and AccuTip performance comments.Hope this answers your question and no offense taken
Posts: 135 | Location: N.D | Registered: 17 January 2003
I never had any luck getting the Scirroco's to shoot in my 7 mags, either with remington or hand loads. I have used the SST which is the same as the accutip and they shot very well both factory and handloaded. I used the 154 gr SST for one season and recorded 3 harvest with them. 1 was a doe at 250 yards, rib in and rib out and it worked wonderfully as bang/flop. However my other 2 deer were both bucks in the 100 range...both bang/flops but talk about holes, lots of lost meat and 1 wrecked cape. Now I am very familar with Ballistic Tip bullets and damage that can result when close range or meeting bone since this has been my primary deer bullet for a number of years but these 2 were like no other Nosler or CT Ballistic tip I have used...one word to describe it was devasting! Yes they worked but I have since switched back to Nosler Ballistic Tips. Both my 7 mags shot the Federal Premium Nosler Ballistic tip's under MOA.
Another you may want to consider is the Nosler Accubonds, same concept as the scirroco's. Except I have heard very few complaining about obtaining accuracy. I bought a box last year just to see how they faired and find out what all the fuss was about, they shot right with the NBT's in terms of accuracy. I was so impressed I worked up a 160 load for elk and moose hunts last fall. Harvested a young bull elk at 175 yards and 4 year old bull moose at 140 yards, both were clean 1 shot thumps with the animal dropping with in a 40-50 yards of the hit. Inside was mush and never recovered a bullet as they were both rib in and rib out shots.
Any way enjoy your new rifle and I am sure you'll find more than 1 load it chucks well.
Thanks to everyone who contributed their input! Received a lot of factual to the point info that has given me a lot of food for thought.My rifle in Rem CDL arrived today and will pick up tomorrow.Looking forward to experimenting.This is the first CDL ive tried so will see if its any good.
Posts: 135 | Location: N.D | Registered: 17 January 2003