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define "bullet failure"
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Originally posted by Hot Core:
Originally posted by fredj338:
... My observation of my buddies 180gr WW Silvertip was it "failed" because it completely disintegrated w/o hitting any serious bone @ nominal vel. The 180gr bullet is adv. as a deer.elk bullet but I question the use on elk after seeing the results.
Hey Fred, Was this a recent experience? Any chance at all the Bullet might have hit a Weed or Grass stem before it reached the Elk?

Certainly do not doubt what you saw and reported, we have communicated too many times for that to even be a question. Like you though, I would have thought the old 180gr Silver Tip plodding along from at a 30-06 initial Velocity would have held together better too.

It does provide an excellent example of "Why" a person should go on and use a Premium Bullet when going after an Elk. And as most folks know, I do like good old Standard Grade Bullets for the vast majority of my hunting.

There are better bullets than the Silvertip.
Unfortunatly there are WORSE bullets also...


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"I'm the guy that originally wrote the 'assault weapons' ban." --- Former Vice President Joe Biden

Posts: 1700 | Location: Lurking somewhere around SpringTucky Oregon | Registered: 18 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Flippy:
...There are better bullets than the Silvertip.
Unfortunatly there are WORSE bullets also...
WinkHey Flippy, Well said!
Posts: 9920 | Location: Carolinas, USA | Registered: 22 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Hot Core:
Originally posted by Flippy:
...There are better bullets than the Silvertip.
Unfortunatly there are WORSE bullets also...
WinkHey Flippy, Well said!

We Tukians got to stick together...
Carolina is CLOSE to Tuky, aint it?


Definition of HOPLOPHOBIA

"I'm the guy that originally wrote the 'assault weapons' ban." --- Former Vice President Joe Biden

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Originally posted by Doc:
Originally posted by BongoCongo:

I don’t know which one or a combination is believable: Whether one has harvested 100+ deer, only once did the bullet did not exit a deer, or one has never had to track one with a rifle, if one claims to harvest that many.

I already responded to this. You can believe or not believe, either way, I don't really care. What is so hard to believe about someone who has killed so many deer (and by the way, the tally is more than likely over 250) when you can kill one deer per day in Alabama from Oct 15-Jan31? Let alone, you can kill one buck and one doe per day during doe days after Christmas. Not to mention there are hundreds of farmers with deprivation permits where Does can be taken per tag. Some farms in the south received 40 permits per year for several years in a row..

Per se your reply of your hunting history/state regulations, I live in area where one can harvest at least 20 deer a season and does not raise an eyebrow, at least not for me or a lot of hunters hereabouts. Our deer season runs August 15th to January 1st, no limit on bucks (1†long antler on one side), approx. 10 anterless days, up to 5 anterless tags for individuals, and certain number of anterless tags depending on land/deer capacity for large landowners/hunting clubs. Since you hunt with your brother in SC a lot, you probably knew this.


I don’t really care for your reputation nor do I care whether you mention that you do not have a reason to lie or embellish yourself. If you meet such a hunter with a tally of over 50 deer under his/her belt, you will certainly hear stories of clean misses, how the wounded one got away, etc.

First, I have indeed missed deer with a bow and a muzzleloader, but never a rifle. Second, I don't know how many hunters you've ever met. Third, I don't know how many hunters you've ever met that have killed over 50 deer. Why is 50 the magical number? I can share several stories of clean misses, bow shots to the shoulder my second year of hunting where I was stupid and didn't practice with a broadhead because I didn't know any better. I've got plenty of stories of that type, how many do you want to read? The fact remains, I've never had a bullet failure which is the title of this thread. The fact remains that I've had ONLY ONE bullet not blast right through the vitals. I posted the picture of that deer for you.

For a long time, I used to belong to a hunting club that had upwards 60 hunters canvassing several thousand acres. We had many a social event. I’ve been invited to other clubs as a guest as well. I have many friends that hunt as well as a many hunters amongst my family members. I’ve been hunting since I was 7 years old.


What I care about is the illusion that one gives that he/she has harvested such amount of deer and all of them were found within 25 yards.

I will take this comment at face value that you have labeled me as a liar. At first, it angered me. However, we do not know each other, and you obviously have a problem giving someone the benefit of the doubt. To polish my original comment of 25 yards or under, I'll add that most all rifle shots that I've taken on game have left me with a kill at a reasonable 15 or under. I'm sure that will flare you BS meter. I have no explanation on my luck or skill or shot placement.

You have not made me angry. I’m pretty laid back. I think I can tell you where I’m coming from…


I have never met a hunter, with a rifle, that has not harvested at least 25 deer in a row without missing one completely. So, in theory, it would be hard to meet a hunter who has harvested at least 50 deer with a rifle and have not wound one which would be that the deer would be found dead at least 25 yards away.

Well, I guess there's a first time for everything, and you've just met the first one, even though it is only via the internet. Again, for all I know you've met 3 other hunters in your life, maybe 175 or more. Doesn't matter. I don't ever recall making any claim whatsoever that I've never missed a deer or not wounded one. I have. If you can find a post where I stated that I've never wounded a deer or missed one, I certainly mispoke. But I'd like to see it. So, in theory, I think you're hallucinating.

[COLOR:RED]I was thinking along the terms of harvesting at least 25 deer a season rather than over a certain amount of years. I can understand where one may harvest several deer a season and do very well cumulatively over the years. I’m a very local person and far most of the hunters around me are from the coastal plains of South Carolina and the South. [/COLOR]


You have never missed a deer completely with a rifle nor ever made a bad shot?

Yes. I have missed a deer, plenty, even the best buck I would have ever taken in Alabama, but I put an arrow right in his shoulder at 15 yards. Never found him.

No, I have never made a bad shot with a rifle. Have you?

Yes, I have made bad shots on deer, with a rifle and shotgun. I have wounded deer and never found them. I have made complete misses as well. Far most deer are found very close to where they were hit however I’m not surprised when some cover quite a bit of ground, even with a well placed shot. Many have dropped on the spot and that is a good blessing. I would have to say that most of the deer I shoot are within 35 yards.


That is why I was curious in your reply for my previous post.

I humbly apologize to you if my response is not to your liking but I also really do not care if you believe it or not. And, as I said before, go ahead and chalk it up as unbelievable. I'll keep admiring the dozens of deer on my wall, and when I go to visit my father, I'll refresh all of my fond memories while looking at over 37 deer mounted, still hanging all over his house and in his garage that I put down.

I have lived in Ohio since 1999....My brother resides in SC, I've filled every tag there for years... I'm up to over 80+ deer and I haven't even touched Alabama yet. Not to mention, Colorado, Wyoming, Tennessee, or Georgia.

Have a nice day.

Far most of my deer hunting endeavors is restricted to the coastal plains (lowcountry) of South Carolina. I have hunted deer in several other states, mainly restricted to the South. I’ll, for the most part, stick to the coastal plains where there is liberal bag limits and I’ll have my kills and misses. However, since being on a hunting safari in Africa, I doubt I’ll ever look at deer hunting the same way again.

In retrospect, I usually think of harvesting many deer in a season, especially with a rifle, rather than over many years with a limit of few deer per season. So, I think that is where I got off to a bad start here.

As you indicated that this thread is about bullet failure and perhaps, I should leave it as is.

Doc, I apologize if I got your blood meter up a bit. I think the thing here is we are deer hunters who should have common ground and are hunters perhaps with different experiences and I should “live and let live.â€
Posts: 64 | Location: Lowcountry, SC | Registered: 05 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Yes HC, it was 4 years ago. These were the original silver capped SilverTip. The shot could have clipped something, but the entrance wound was caliber size w/ no exit. That's why I would say it failed. No way that bullet gets through shoulder muscle or a leg bone & kills that bull. Then I just keep plodding along shooting everything w/ the NP & getting complete pass throughs from any decent angle, along w/ great interior damage. thumb

Posts: 7752 | Location: kalif.,usa | Registered: 08 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by fredj338:
Yes HC, it was 4 years ago. These were the original silver capped SilverTip. The shot could have clipped something, but the entrance wound was caliber size w/ no exit. That's why I would say it failed. No way that bullet gets through shoulder muscle or a leg bone & kills that bull. Then I just keep plodding along shooting everything w/ the NP & getting complete pass throughs from any decent angle, along w/ great interior damage. thumb
Hey Fred, That isn't as long ago as I'd expected. Any chance the Cartridges were old - really old?

One of my good buddies used nothing but "White Box" Winchester ammo and I don't remember his still having the little Aluminum Cap over the tip for at least 30 years. Doesn't mean they still don't make Sliver Tips, cause I just don't know. But, I still would have expected the 180gr Silver Tip to plow right on through a Deer at 30-06 velocities.

Unlike our rather rude kid BongoCongo (who seems to be reluctant to answer my questions), one thing I have is a lot of experience "killing Deer"(as opposed to the Ultra-Liberal harvesting he mentioned). Some of the Plantations I have access to has Unlimited Predation Permits where you are allowed to kill all the Deer you see 24/7/365.

I've seen Bullets do as you mentioned when they had to penetrate a couple of rows of Beans before reaching a Deer. It may make a Caliber entry or it might enter slightly skewed to sideways. But, "sometimes" big normally Exiting Bullets will come apart inside the Deer and sometimes it goes right on through. Just no real predictability.
Posts: 9920 | Location: Carolinas, USA | Registered: 22 April 2001Reply With Quote
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I thought you were talking about the Ballistic Silver Tips. Now I see what you are talking about, those old Win Silver Tips were just "Plain Jane" cup and cores w/ a Big Pretty silver wash on 1/4 of the bullet. I've only shot those out of 30-30 w/ the exception of a few from my 270 at paper but, I would imagine they'd be pretty soft. They did work fine in the ole' Dirty-Thirty.

Hot Core,

I did see the White Box Win Silver tips in 30-30 about 6 or 8 years back at a shop but, I'm not sure when they quit producing them.

I've got over 100 of the .277s 140 grain Silver Tip Boat tails in the reloading room, I might have to load some up and slam a whitetail w/ em' to see how they do.

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Sorry for any confusion. The ammo this guy had could have been from 10-12 years ago. He only trotted out the 06 when we went for elk & as far as I know never practiced? I was standing next to him watching the bull trhough my scope, if he wasn't going to shoot him (he had never takena bull before) I was certainly going to put a 210grNP through him.

Posts: 7752 | Location: kalif.,usa | Registered: 08 March 2001Reply With Quote
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If I'm not mistaken the early centerfire SilverTips were a lead core capped with an alumnium point like Remington Bronze Points and modern Ballistic Tips. Maybe they had a cheap version for 30-30 that was just paint?

"Experience" is the only class you take where the exam comes before the lesson.
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Originally posted by Reloader:
...I've got over 100 of the .277s 140 grain Silver Tip Boat tails in the reloading room, I might have to load some up and slam a whitetail w/ em' to see how they do. ...
Hey Reloader, I would "imagine" they would do just fine. Sure been a lot of Deer killed with them over the years.

But, I would also have thought the 180gr Silver Tip would have done fine for Fred's buddy.

Good hunting and clean 1-shot kills to you.
Posts: 9920 | Location: Carolinas, USA | Registered: 22 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Flippy:
We Tukians got to stick together...
Carolina is CLOSE to Tuky, aint it?
Close `nuff! Big Grin
Posts: 9920 | Location: Carolinas, USA | Registered: 22 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Hot Core:
Originally posted by BongoCongo:
...I don’t really care for your reputation ...

I originally thought that Doc is from Alabama and still is living there where there is liberal bag limits for deer in many parts and have the opportunity to harvest very many deer in a season with a rifle.

My train of thought is: When one has the opportunity to use a couple boxes of rifle shells on deer in a season, then it is unusual for one to go through a season without having stories about misses, tracking jobs, and wounded deer. I thought Doc, as a current Alabama native, was in this group so I was kind of surprised about him being able to harvest much deer with a rifle without tracking one. Since, I read his history that he wrote; I understand where he is coming from.

I never did beat him up for living where he currently calls home or in other states he has lived. I will not start to either. I don’t know where you got that from.

A very good friend of mine is a dentist (my dentist as well) and we hunt quail together every now and then. I also have a very good friend who is a dental hygienist. I didn’t know that Doc is a dentist by profession (his handle name makes sense now).

What I care about is the illusion that one gives that he/she has harvested such amount of deer and all of them were found within 25 yards. I have never met a hunter, with a rifle, that has not harvested at least 25 deer in a row without missing one completely.
Is that what you were refering to about Doc's "reputation"?

I believe you have read my last reply to Doc’s post, haven’t you?

That is why I was curious in your reply for my previous post.
Hey BongoCongo, I'm a bit curious myself concerning your background.

1. Where were you born and where did you live "before" moving to the Lowcountry?
2. What does your Father do for a living?
3. Why didn't you go into the military?
4. Have you ever heard of Earl Dukes or the Antley brothers?

For above four questions you asked me, they were rude and offensive questions. It does not take a rocket scientist to know what you were implying with those questions.

Unlike our rather rude kid BongoCongo (who seems to be reluctant to answer my questions), one thing I have is a lot of experience "killing Deer"(as opposed to the Ultra-Liberal harvesting he mentioned). Some of the Plantations I have access to has Unlimited Predation Permits where you are allowed to kill all the Deer you see 24/7/365.

I’m surprised that you would ask rude questions and if someone does not answer to you…You would think that person was rude.

As far as “a lot of experience ‘killing deer,†you think I have not? I have killed more than enough deer (that includes double digit numbers in a single season) that I got to the point where counting doesn’t matter (as hunters do when they get to a certain point). You point out that you visit plantations with unlimited predator permits where you can kill “all the deer†year round, so therefore are you implying that you have enough experience from killing deer by simply visiting the plantations? The reason I mention the liberal harvesting on deer in my area is because it was a reply to Doc’s deer regulations from his former home of Alabama. That reply was to indicate that we both came from an area where there are liberal limits on deer.

The word “kid†as you referred to me is one of the reasons I replied to your post. I’m very far from being a kid. Another reason I replied is because of the number 3 question you asked. I’ll answer that question for the sake of this. The answer is because I’m hearing impaired (since birth) and any military branch will not let me enlist due to that reason alone. One of my dreams as a boy was to join the military. After 9/11, I would have loved to join because that attack really got to me. Otherwise, I probably wouldn’t have replied to your post with those rude questions.

I hope that this is not going to get into a pissing match with you because it can be a waste of our time.
Posts: 64 | Location: Lowcountry, SC | Registered: 05 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by BongoCongo:
I’m surprised that you would ask rude questions and if someone does not answer to you…You would think that person was rude.
Hey BongoCongo, I certainly prefer being "civil" in a conversation - until someone decides to be "rude" and at that point I have the ability to return what is being handed out.

Your unwarranted attack on Doc could just have easily have been on thousands of people with real experience in hunting the SC Lowcountry, and especially me. Doc's only mistake was taking Pride in the number of Deer he has cleanly killed and then mentioning it so some "fool" would challenge him in a rude manner. If you take offense at that, you have only yourself to blame for your post. And if you choose to become upset with me for pointing it out, so be it. Your Father should have raised you better than for you to do such absolutely stupid stuff. Had you been born and raised in the Lowcountry, I seriously doubt it ever would have crossed your mind to do such a foolish thing.

I don't mention the numbers of Deer I've killed simply because of people like you. Since "you" have not done it, or have not seen it done, you then automatically assume the person that has done it must be a Lier. Pitiful!

Only two things really upset me, rudness and stupidity. I much prefer civility, but will respond to rude and stupid as I see fit. If that is a problem for you - tough.
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I do not hesitate to report the numbers of animals I put down because there are tons of folks that have collected much more than me. I admit I used to be about numbers. That was the thing when I started hunting back in the 80's. I learned quickly that it was more about purpose. We were killing so many deer, we really didn't know what to do with some of the meat, until a friend at the local archery shop recommended the Boys and Girls ranches, and Food for the Hungry.

Then we found out that no matter how much we donated, it was never enough. I certainly hope that the numbers didn't come across as bragging. That was certainly not the intent.

But I do admit, I enjoy the hunt, the kill, and the meat. Now that there are so many programs to donate meat to, and my seemingly endless supply of friends that do not hunt, I get to fill more tags. Big Grin

In recent years, while hunting, I have started to take careful note of kill records, and equipment performance. I have found that it has certainly been beneficial to compare others experiences here in AR.

I like testing bullets, rifles, new arrows and broadheads too. To a lesser degree, I like testing new muzzleloader products as well.

Soon I'll be testing the same powder that Jim Shockey uses, the Pioneer powder.

Incidently, I'm not a DMD or DDS, it is DC. Worked with Orthopaedic Spine Surgical Group for 2 years right after graduation, currently working on Diplomate in Neurology and chewing on Diplomate in Orthopaedics, but that means less hunting...hmmm.

Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than my guns
Posts: 7906 | Registered: 05 July 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Reloader:

I thought you were talking about the Ballistic Silver Tips. Now I see what you are talking about, those old Win Silver Tips were just "Plain Jane" cup and cores w/ a Big Pretty silver wash on 1/4 of the bullet. I've only shot those out of 30-30 w/ the exception of a few from my 270 at paper but, I would imagine they'd be pretty soft. They did work fine in the ole' Dirty-Thirty.

Hot Core,

I did see the White Box Win Silver tips in 30-30 about 6 or 8 years back at a shop but, I'm not sure when they quit producing them.

I've got over 100 of the .277s 140 grain Silver Tip Boat tails in the reloading room, I might have to load some up and slam a whitetail w/ em' to see how they do.


Winchester "Silver Tips" (the old ones) had an aluminum "tip" that was harder than the lead core and was supposed to drive into the core on impact causing immediate bullet expansion.

Remember Remington Bronze Points?
Same type of thing. I guess silver trumps bronze…

Winchester Ballistic Silver Tips are a Combined Technology Product (Basically a Nosler Ballistic Tip that is black with a silver plastic tip) and are completely different than the old product.
Winchester used the name for brand recognition I’m sure.

I know the handgun Silver Tips work very well even when compared against more modern technology. I have never hunted with the rifle variety although they group very well out of my old 99 Savage.


Definition of HOPLOPHOBIA

"I'm the guy that originally wrote the 'assault weapons' ban." --- Former Vice President Joe Biden

Posts: 1700 | Location: Lurking somewhere around SpringTucky Oregon | Registered: 18 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Doc:
... I certainly hope that the numbers didn't come across as bragging. That was certainly not the intent.
Hey Doc, It did not come across that way to me. Simply looked like you were saying it so people knew you were speaking from "experience".

Incidently, I'm not a DMD or DDS, it is DC. Worked with Orthopaedic Spine Surgical Group for 2 years right after graduation, currently working on Diplomate in Neurology and chewing on Diplomate in Orthopaedics, but that means less hunting...hmmm.
Could you translate that into Redneck for those of us that didn't take that language?

DC? We have BC for Ballistic Coefficent, is that Doctor Coefficent?
Posts: 9920 | Location: Carolinas, USA | Registered: 22 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Hot Core:
DC? We have BC for Ballistic Coefficent, is that Doctor Coefficent?

Doctor of Chiropractic?

I like Doctor of Coefficient...

Deciple of Coefficient?


Definition of HOPLOPHOBIA

"I'm the guy that originally wrote the 'assault weapons' ban." --- Former Vice President Joe Biden

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I was in the same situation as you were! I remember when in high school, us rednecks would get together and report our hunting endeavors, especially after a weekend. A lot of us hunted right after school ended for the day as well and I certainly did that. We kept a tally of the deer we shot and used the numbers to brag. We donated a lot of the meat to shelters and other places and that was gratifying. Nowdays, if you take the deer to a processing place, you can tell them to give however much of the deer to shelters. It’s become easier in the past few years, whew.

The shelters could take all the meat they need since they feed people on a daily basis, so they could use an endless supply of deer meat.

We used to brag, as youngsters, about the number of deer we took per day or consecutively over the weekend. Whew, when the season ended, it was number crunching time. Roll Eyes I remember by the time college rolled around, no one cared for the numbers, just more of how the hunts went.

Your numbers didn’t come as bragging, rather it indicates the experience you have. That is why I asked you about the tracking jobs after using a rifle. I was surprised that you never had to track a deer. If you say that you’ve never had to track a deer, then so be it. I wish I never had to track a deer since it can be a pain in the butt sometimes, but its all part of my experience. I will believe you now since you have written you hunting history. I apologize if I put too much of an effort in asking you about tracking.

I have a friend who went into medical school a few years back and he is still in medical school. I have hardly heard from him lately since he is so busy studying at MUSC, Charleston, SC. I'm not sure what he is studying though.

Good luck in your medical endeavors. I have one advice for you. If you want to keep a lot of the money you earn, stay away from Africa. I saw your questions in the African hunting posts. Once you touch the Dark Continent, you will always yearn to go back. You won’t even look at deer hunting in the same way again. But if you do go, I will encourage you. Big Grin
Posts: 64 | Location: Lowcountry, SC | Registered: 05 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Nice post BongoCongo, Welcome Aboard!
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Yes, Flippy got it. DC= Doctor of Chiropractic.

Not sure how someone thought I was a dentist. Even though that was on my list of interest since I managed a dental lab for 5 years.

Diplomate degrees in Neurology and Orthopaedics are 3-5 years of specialty education which qualify you as a state medical examiner, file reviewer, and independant medical exams. One of my friends has his Diplomate in Neurology and works with 3 neurosurgeons here. I may be joining the group in the near future performing needle EMG (electromyography) nerve conduction testing for presurgical cases.

I had an interesting case 3 years ago where a patient presented with very odd headache patterns and dizziness, vertigo, and aberant visual dysfunction. She had a long history of very high blood pressure.

I ordered a brain MRI and found an 8mm anterior communicating artery aneurysm. BAD. This artery is small enough on it's own and to expand beyond 7mm is NOT good. By the time she was in surgery, it had expanded to 10mm.

The meds she was on for high BP were not stabilizing the problem but this patient was a doctor hopper. If she didn't like what she heard or they didn't "serve" her to her liking, she would switch. Apparently she had tried a number of beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, ACE inhibitors, etc, but never got the right dose.

Oh, even though it is difficult to make the connection, her headaches went away as well as all other symptoms.

Now back to the topic at hand...bullet failure...where were we?

Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than my guns
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