Many of you, I'm sure, are aware of our state's attempt to reintroduce elk to Kentucky. The area involved is the mountainous southeastern portion of the state. Last year we had our first elk hunt in 150 years. 6 permits were issued and all 6 hunters tagged out. There were a few very nice bulls taken! Here's the link to the state's web-site and review of the hunt: Rocky Mountain elk indeed!
Posts: 457 | Location: Kentucky | Registered: 25 February 2002
I have heard about these Kentucky Elk. I'm glad to see them re-establishing themselves throughout their historical range.
Some idiot poached a bull here in Pennslyvania that would have scored something like 35th largest of all time. The good news is the poacher was caught.
Posts: 6545 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: 28 August 2001
The elk have been imported into KY from South Dakota, Utah and Colorado. They have been introducing them since 1997 and over a ten year period they expect to release 1800 animals. Some of the land is indeed reclaimed strip mines and anyone who has hunted elk will tell you they will thrive on such land.
Posts: 457 | Location: Kentucky | Registered: 25 February 2002
Great program. I assume those tags are given out on a draw basis. Is it for residents only?(I think michigan is this way). Nice to see the strip mines re-used
[This message has been edited by rockhead (edited 03-20-2002).]
Posts: 562 | Location: Northern Wisconsin, USA | Registered: 22 May 2002
Those are very nice elk, I would be proud to have one. They have a few in the Wichita moutains north of me in Oklahoma, but I dont know about hunting them. Good luck and good shooting
Posts: 849 | Location: Between Doan's Crossing and Red River Station | Registered: 22 July 2001
Looks like the State of Oregon & Oregon Fish & Wildlife has been scamming elk hunters. Reasons why, they said that there weren't enough elk in La Grande area so they have to reduced the number of tags by almost half and then later Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife shipped alot of elk to Kentucky because there was too many elk in La Grande area. Does that makes sense? What did Oregon get in return? nothing, not even a thanksgiving turkey. I remember this very well because several years ago I was applying for that controlled hunt unit which I should have gotten very easily because I had 4 prefence points at the time. So I called ODFW and ask why I didn't get the tag and there responses were "not enough elk and bad drought conditions so therefore a reductions in controlled elk tags". I'm posting this to let Oregon hunters know whats goes on behind there backs. I was also told that Yamaha paid for this not "RMEF" and I cannot confirm this since ODFW refused to talk to me because I know too much and demanded a public hearing. Anyway, Kentucky Nimrod have fun with those elk.