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The worse use of our hunting licence money by fish and game !
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I just talked to one of the head biologist here in Ga.They are doing radio
Collar studies to see where coyotes go .They collared 150 coyotes after saying they
Didnt have any Money to pay for bounties on coyotes last year .The last coyote study they did $350,000
Determined coyotes only eat bugs and mice .They quit planting food plots because they say there is
No money for them and food plots don't work .This new study is over $500,000! WE lose 2000 fawns and 2000 turkeys from.This many coyotes in a year .
It's really weird that my trail cams show coyotes hunting fawns and does.They are trying to replace hunters with predators .If they can get the deer down to 10 per sq mile hunting
Is no longer needed to control the population .Here in the mountains
Bears and coyotes and red wolves have decimated the deer herd .They reinvented those
Red wolves by the way by crossing timber wolves with coyotes and calling them red wolves .They
Spent millions on that project .They run in packs and kill everything they can .
Most fish and game agencies are very out of touch with hunters these days .They told us
At meetings here we are only 3 percent of the population and they cater to the
Nonhunting 97 percent They even made a wonderful program to brainwash the general public
It's call Coyotes are our friends .Our hunting licence money pays for this crap and
It.won't take long to end hunting here .They are converting wildlife management areas
Which use to be for mostly hunting into General use parks with bike
And horse trails guess who bought those lands you and I hunters won't be long
Before we can not hunt them any more !
Posts: 2534 | Registered: 21 December 2003Reply With Quote
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I think a big issue with these agencies (Utah included), and I found this hard to believe when I heard about it
is the amount of non-hunters they hire for these agencies. I'd say many (as in the above case) are dumber than
a box of rocks.

Those coyotes should be shot, never heard of the cross breeds.....
Posts: 2648 | Location: Utah | Registered: 23 February 2011Reply With Quote
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DGR416, what are you and other hunters doing to address this? Are you talking with you're elected representatives to make your displeasure with the direction fish and game has gone known to them? Are you meeting with the director of fish and game about this? Those are the places you should be focusing your attention and efforts.
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Picture of crshelton
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More mistakes by bureaucrats.

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Picture of adamhunter
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The coyotes here in GA go straight to hell...the one's I shoot anyway.

But seriously, what a waste of sportmen's license fees. Who comes up with this stupidity?

30+ years experience tells me that perfection hit at .264. Others are adequate but anything before or after is wishful thinking.
Posts: 854 | Location: Atlanta, GA | Registered: 20 December 2007Reply With Quote
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Any local trappers being active on this?

Coyote calling and shooting is a hell of a lot of thrills and fun.
Get with it guys, rag hell out both the pols and coyotes or anything on 4 legs that resembles one or a wolf regardless of color.

IF you can find a source, those cyanide baits work wonders too. Illegal as hell, but, things have to be turned around somehow. Just sitting on your asses and bitching about it won't work.


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George L. Dwight
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Luckily here over a good part of Texas, pigs and coyotes are a "Shoot On Sight If Possible" target!

Even the rocks don't last forever.

Posts: 31014 | Location: Olney, Texas | Registered: 27 March 2006Reply With Quote
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I.raise total hell at them but it does no good .The worse thing is I went to college with them.
They were in.forestry and I was in Zoology and wildlife management .It's terrible they quit planting
Food plots because they say they don't work which is a bunch of bull .They are just to lazy to plow them .
They bought coyotes from trappers live for years took a while to find out what they Did with them .They were making the red wolves breeding timber wolves with coyotes .The red wolf was extinct but with fish and game funds and endangered species funds South Carolina and north Carolina rebreed red wolves or Invented them again .They kinda keep this crap quite but it slips out .They waste more management money on crap like this instead of real game manage ment !
Teddy Roosevelt would flip in his grave at this crap .They killed all the predators to bring back the
Game.Arizona is fixing to protect mountain lions and bobcat no.more hunting .British Columbia just banned trophy hunting for grizzlies bad there are a ton .They want the predators to.lower the game populations to remove hunting as a management tool.
WILD SHEEP are their money animal no longer a real game animal and predators wipe out about 86 percent of lambs born .Now wild sheep hunting is lifetime draw or governors tag most places .It's no longer considered a game animal but a research animal that people give alot of money too but your chance of hunting.them is very slim these days but if predators such as golden eagles who are a main predator were shot again the sheep population would double quick .I have seen lots of antihunting programs so called management paid for by hunters that result in hunting being stopped for certain species .
We have too many predators mountain lions ,black bears ,grizzly bears ,golden eagles ,wolves ,ravens yes ravens they peck out young animals eyes then get their brains saw then kill caribou calves in.s Alaska .
We can lose hunting before our eyes this kind of management .
Posts: 2534 | Registered: 21 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Outdoor Writer
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Originally posted by dgr416:
Arizona is fixing to protect mountain lions and bobcat no.more hunting

Are you suggesting "bunny huggers" in the game dept. are behind this?

Tony Mandile - Author "How To Hunt Coues Deer"
Posts: 3269 | Location: Glendale, AZ | Registered: 28 July 2003Reply With Quote
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These days they say the purpose for the fish and game is totally scientific and we today are just a side factor of their work but we pay most all of their salaries .I have heard the Same thing in many states
Happening but it's wolves instead of coyotes or red wolves .To bring back and reinvent a major predator as the red wolf is tells me they would rather work with red wolves and coyotes controlling the deer population than hunters .The same thing happened with wolves being reintroduced the wolves ate the elk instead of hunters .Their big picture is no hunters then you don't need guns either get the picture .Idaho got devastated by wolves being brought back in so did Yellowstone .Now it's alot of other states .The coyotes here were not killing deer fast enough so they brought back a pack animal the red wolf to do the job.They do this because of car insurance claims for the most parts less deer less wrecks .They had huge cow moose hunts in Alaska for that reason when I was there .They had left the wolves and grizzlys decimate the moose .Wrangle staint allis national refuge has no hunting and the wolves bad bears are up almost all the moose and caribou .It's a bigger picture than just bunny hunters it's totally replacing hunters in the future with predators .We don't usually live or hunt long.enough to see the big picture .I have hunted 50 years for Big game and I saw it in both Alaska ,Georgia and Nevada where I lived.We didn't have coyotes in Georgia till late 70s and Fox hunters were blamed for bringing them in when it was actually the fish and game brought in coyotes first then red wolves to control deer populations now they don't want to fool with us in the future and predators will be the only hunters one day !
Posts: 2534 | Registered: 21 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Outdoor Writer
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Yeah, I read all about that in your other posts, but you didn't answer the question I asked. Here it is again in case you missed it.

Originally posted by dgr416:
Arizona is fixing to protect mountain lions and bobcat no.more hunting

Are you suggesting "bunny huggers" in the game dept. are behind this?

Oh, and one other question: Is the GA DNR self sustaining (only money source from licenses, tags, etc.) or does it get revenue from the state's general funds, as well?

Tony Mandile - Author "How To Hunt Coues Deer"
Posts: 3269 | Location: Glendale, AZ | Registered: 28 July 2003Reply With Quote
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The last coyote study they did $350,000....This new study is over $500,000!

Curious - where did you hear that your license monies are paying for these studies? I ask because all my internet searches seem to indicate that the first study from 2015-18 was conducted by University of Georgia and I cannot find any reference to a new study. I also see that your "Georgia Coyote Challenge" is on this spring/summer and that program seems to encourage taking a lot of yotes.


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Posts: 705 | Location: near Albany, NY | Registered: 06 December 2002Reply With Quote
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What is this and does it relate. Hopefully adds to the discussion. Interested as we have seen similar here with intro of northern timber wolves, not native to the region.
Posts: 1145 | Location: Wyoming | Registered: 04 April 2009Reply With Quote
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posted Hide Post it straight from fish and game person I know .Hunters wanted a bounty for coyotes $25 each but
Fg did not want to pay for it they thought it was not a good use of money .We If you shoot a deer and have to pay for retrobution of the deer it's $1000-10000 per Deer so if a coyote eats 50 fawns a year thats $50,000 minimum damage to deer herd but fg does not see it that way .They don't see food plots beneficial to deer either which is total b.s.! The old school biologist retired and it's all computer models today .
They won't quit till there is no hunting .Me and several friends went to fg reg meeting and we were told hunters were only 3-present of the population and declining and fg is changing its management of game towards pleasing the other 97 percent of the people the general public who wants parks not wildlife management areas for hunters .They just dropped the wma stamps here because hunters were paying all the
Cost of managing wma areas now they are charging everyone that does not have a hunting of fishing licence a
Entry fee which sounds good at first but changes hands who pays for what goes on in wma in the state Then they add bike trails ,canoe lauches ,k
Hiking trails ,horse trails and the old food plots for hunting are gone they provided
Year around food for deer and tons of other wildlife .Turning wma areas into parks with no hunting won't
Take long .I have heard this happening with predators more and more and
Turning hunting wma into.parks for the general public to be common practice .I would put on here the most
Shocking waste of fg money but that's another story .
Posts: 2534 | Registered: 21 December 2003Reply With Quote
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The fish and game funds from.licence and Pittman Robertson act get put into the general fund and the fg does not get all the Money .They combines the state park system into the fg and the p
State park service steals away money for the state parks from
Th.Hunters are last on.The list .They cut game wardens here from 175 to 53 in the whole state
They also cut the biologist it's a mess .Mlk park gets a ton of fg money from the park system and the mlk family gets hundreds millions of dollars of profit from it and it's kinda run with fg money stolen from
Hunters and fisherman .It's the biggest mess you have ever seen .The insurance companies want the deer gone so they don't have to pay for accidents caused by them .The general assembly here sets deer limits and now we have 12 deer limit and 4 and a half month long season with four months of doe days and ten doe limit .
It won't take long for this and coyotes to eliminate the deer add habitat loss and it's not a good future for hunting here !-
Posts: 2534 | Registered: 21 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of erict
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by dgr416:
They cut game wardens here from 175 to 53 in the whole state[QUOTE]

Sir, I don't know you from Adam but please stop wasting our time if you can't post some facts to back up your claims, like the alleged $850,000 in hunter license monies being used for coyote studies in Georgia or this claim about Georgia Game Warden numbers which does not quite match up with THIS, which shows the number of wardens to be 187, not 53.


"Listen more than you speak, and you will hear more stupid things than you say."
Posts: 705 | Location: near Albany, NY | Registered: 06 December 2002Reply With Quote
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You must live in a different Georgia than I do.
Posts: 47 | Registered: 06 October 2014Reply With Quote
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Picture of Outdoor Writer
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Originally posted by erict:
... or this claim about Georgia Game Warden numbers which does not quite match up with THIS, which shows the number of wardens to be 187, not 53.

And not only that, but they are currently looking to hire more conservation rangers with apps now being accepted between Jan. 1, 2018 until May 5, 2018.

Tony Mandile - Author "How To Hunt Coues Deer"
Posts: 3269 | Location: Glendale, AZ | Registered: 28 July 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Outdoor Writer
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Originally posted by dgr416:
Arizona is fixing to protect mountain lions and bobcat no.more hunting

And this question still hasn't been answered.

Are you suggesting "bunny huggers" in the game dept. are behind this?

I'll try to help with suggested responses. Put an X next to the appropriate one.

NO =

Tony Mandile - Author "How To Hunt Coues Deer"
Posts: 3269 | Location: Glendale, AZ | Registered: 28 July 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Outdoor Writer
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Originally posted by dgr416:
Happening but it's wolves instead of coyotes or red wolves .To bring back and reinvent a major predator as the red wolf is tells me they would rather work with red wolves and coyotes controlling the deer population than hunters .The same thing happened with wolves being reintroduced the wolves ate the elk instead of hunters .Their big picture is no hunters then you don't need guns either get the picture .Idaho got devastated by wolves being brought back in so did Yellowstone .Now it's alot of other states .The coyotes here were not killing deer fast enough so they brought back a pack animal the red wolf to do the job.They do this because of car insurance claims for the most parts less deer less wrecks

I couldn't find anything where the GA DNR is linked to the red wolf introduction. Could it perhaps be the USFWS that is involved just as it was with the wolf introduction in the West where all of the game depts. were AGAINST it?

Tony Mandile - Author "How To Hunt Coues Deer"
Posts: 3269 | Location: Glendale, AZ | Registered: 28 July 2003Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Outdoor Writer:
Originally posted by erict:
... or this claim about Georgia Game Warden numbers which does not quite match up with THIS, which shows the number of wardens to be 187, not 53.

There are definitely more than 53 Wildlife LEO in Georgia. Not sure where the OP is getting his facts but definitely not from GADNR and appears to be just a position to raise a fuss.
And not only that, but they are currently looking to hire more conservation rangers with apps now being accepted between Jan. 1, 2018 until May 5, 2018.
Posts: 47 | Registered: 06 October 2014Reply With Quote
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Picture of Crazyhorseconsulting
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When I worked at the Fort Worth Zoo, one of the species I worked with was the Red Wolf.

Theory was that Red Wolves resulted from interbreeding between Grey Wolves and Coyotes. The assumption being that Grey Wolf numbers in the southeastern United States dropped to the point that mature animals were unable to find mates and began breeding with coyotes, thereby creating the "Red Wolf".

From my experience/research, Red Wolves behave and look more like coyotes than Grey Wolves. Their "Pack" structure, like that of the Mexican Grey Wolf, is the adult pair and their young of the year offspring.

Red wolves never wear that numerous from the records I have looked at and some people dispute their status as a species.

Even the rocks don't last forever.

Posts: 31014 | Location: Olney, Texas | Registered: 27 March 2006Reply With Quote
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The plan is to replace hunters with predators .They hunt all year long with no.limits .The fish and game says we can only hunt as long as there are enough surplus Animals to hunt .I have told a bunch of hunters and publications about this but no one will stop the fish and game .They just took away our wma stamps here because we were the only ones paying for manage ment of wildlife areas Now the general public pays a few to hike ,bike ride ,horse ride ,canoe on.These areas .The average age of hunters here is 65 which is terrible .These coyotes will take our place in ten years .It's a Shane what is going on .If we don't get kids to hunting and these coyotes stoped there will be no.deer to hunt .
I.take every kid I can but they get tired quick of no deer ! HUNTERS wanted a $25 country on.
Coyotes here the fg took the money and colkared 150 coyotes instead .I couldn't believe when they
Made the program coyotes are our friends .They only eat bugs bad nice according to this program then the
Genral public does not want coyotes shot because they are our friends till they eat their car or dog !
Posts: 2534 | Registered: 21 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Those packs of red wolves from North Carolina decimated the deer here .They run in huge packs .
It's not like the old coyotes we use to deal with .The red wolf came back from millions of dollars
Stolen from fg money under endangered species act .There deer in the north Georgia mountains got wiped
Out very quickly by these packs Cades cove in tenn use to have tons of deer now it's all bears ,coyotes a and red wolves .This inside plan to reintoduce them just like wolves in Yellowstone works well to the fg favor .They mainly these days just play with computer models not many field biologist like their use to be .
They kill me saying reducing coyotes dies not help deer increase .They also say food plots for deer don't work any more either they are just too lazy to plow them a by more ! We are losing hunting as we know it quickly and we are the minority now and get shoved under the rug !
Posts: 2534 | Registered: 21 December 2003Reply With Quote
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