Gentlemen: Does anyone know of a good reputable outfitter that does meat and trophy bison hunts for a reasonable price? I prefer a horseback hunt with a rifle. I would like a trophy bull and a buddy wants a meat bull.
If Randy doesn't work out for what you're seeking, you might want to check out Arnaud Outfitting. Rob Arnaud handles all the guiding on Ted Turner's ranches. Nobody has more bison. Prices are reasonable. I've got a trophy bull that was 12 or 13 years old from the Flying D, and also shot a yearling bull for the freezer. They are excellent eating!
Posts: 3996 | Location: California | Registered: 01 January 2009
Originally posted by DLS: If Randy doesn't work out for what you're seeking, you might want to check out Arnaud Outfitting. Rob Arnaud handles all the guiding on Ted Turner's ranches. Nobody has more bison. Prices are reasonable. I've got a trophy bull that was 12 or 13 years old from the Flying D, and also shot a yearling bull for the freezer. They are excellent eating!
Did the same a LONG time ago, but a younger bull. Ours was definitely a shoot vs. a hunt but we knew that going in, they needed three cranky bulls culled quickly and our group lives a 30 minute drive away. However, they'll set up a horseback hunt, pretty much anything you want. The meat was awesome!! So good that some of my family were purloining packages of buffalo out of my freezer.
Thanks to all of you for your input. I appreciate it. I am looking for a free range (or a ranch big enough to effectively be free range) hunt this fall or winter. Randy, I will give you a call and we can talk about options and see what we can come up with.
Below is a cow and a trophy bull that we just took a couple weeks ago. This is a 30,000 acre low fence ranch and the hunt is spot and stalk. We just don't drive-up and shoot them out of the pickup window.
Posts: 520 | Location: North West South Dakota | Registered: 26 October 2009
Originally posted by Bill/Oregon: Just looking around at prices, a meat bison has gotten awfully spendy over the dozen or so years since I first looked into it.
I first took a Bison in 2004 (12 years ago plus change).. prices have changed a little although I suppose you might have found a bull for maybe $3,500 vs say $5,000 and Meat Bulls and Cows were always much cheaper.... I guess you could argue that an increase of $1,000-$1,500 (Max on a trophy Bull) in value is a decent percentage but it seems to me pricing has been relatively flat over the last 10-15 years on Bison to me. Meat Bulls and cows have gone up what? $500-$1,000 maybe????
Posts: 931 | Location: Music City USA | Registered: 09 April 2013
Poyntman, I probably didn't look hard enough for meat hunts. Seemed to me there were quite a few for $1,500 - $2,000 back then, but I might not be remembering correctly. I never paid a lot of attention to the trophy bull hunts as I wanted best-quality meat and the experience more than big horns.
There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t. – John Green, author
Posts: 16745 | Location: Las Cruces, NM | Registered: 03 June 2000
Thanks again for the additional info., and the photos. Randy, I did call last Mon. and got some more specifics, and then I talked to my buddy and we have been working on some logistics on our end. Also, I have been working some OT this week, so haven't got back to you yet, but will.
It was about 3 or 4 years ago I was selling meat hunts for $1200 and trophy bulls for $2500, but they started going up each year to what they are today...
There is an outfit that just about borders that big Indian reservation that's known for monster mule deer around Dulce and/or cuba. they have bison and yak horse back hunts and its as real as a bison hunt can get...Sorry I can't recall the name of it..Let me check around and see if I can find out.
Originally posted by Pa.Frank: We are looking for one too. Primarily a meat hunt... as any bison is a trophy.
Looking for places that do it all... we don't want to have to coordinate with some 3rd party for meat processing
I would be happy to talk to you to see if what we offer is what you are looking for. If we can't provide it I well simply say so and we can both move on.
Posts: 520 | Location: North West South Dakota | Registered: 26 October 2009