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Houston Chronicle article on Scimitar-horned Oryx, Addax, & Dama Gazelle

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31 March 2012, 17:23
Houston Chronicle article on Scimitar-horned Oryx, Addax, & Dama Gazelle


If we can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people, under the pretense of taking care of them, they must become happy. Thomas Jefferson, 1802
31 March 2012, 18:38
Bob in TX
Excellent summary. We lost this one.

There is room for all of God's creatures....right next to the mashed potatoes.
31 March 2012, 18:44
Is this the tip of the iceberg? I for one hope not. When an organization such as this one can spend untold $$ to get action they deem is humane, what is next. Feral was on 60 Minutes. She is a nutcase. Only interested in her views. Nothing else. The TX landowners/outfitters should sue her and other organizations that backed this foolishness. Too much government intrusion has nearly spelled the end of these species. MTG
01 April 2012, 04:26
Today's WSJ had a story on it as well. Made the first section.

Don't Ever Book a Hunt with Jeff Blair

04 April 2012, 03:10

Here's another one.Take all the animals and release them in Wash DC
04 April 2012, 03:34
I remember reading something about this a while ago. Terrible outcome, both for buisiness and animals. Also, another strike against the sport itself.
05 April 2012, 21:48
Idaho Sharpshooter
I liked what the bitch said, that she would rather they go extinct than see one hunted and killed.

In case you were wondering who the animals friends are...
07 April 2012, 09:01
John Chalmers
Mmmm.. Friends of Animals: With friends like these, they sure dont need any enemies.
Cant see the wood for the trees comes to mind.jc