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Sunday hunting in Virginia.
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Ah Rusty, you apparently updated you post. No, you weren't, and still aren't, working off my numbers. Or else you need to go back and once again check you math.

Again, you first told me that that extra day would increase your hunting opportunities by 33%, which would mean you were hunting 3 days per year. You then modified it to 50%, which would mean you hunt 2 days per year. Then you claim you actually hunt 11 (or however many said) days per year. You ought to slow down, think about it for a while, work it out on paper if necessary, and then present you case. Regardless, there is no way to make the 1-extra day vs. 92 extra days work out in your favor.

I don't know why these Fidel Castro-funded North Korean bowhunters care how I kill a deer (which they certainly do since I can't kill one with a rifle during bow season) but that’s the current situation. If these Appalachian Assholes, Beltway Buttholes, or Tidewater Tightasses really feel the need to kill a deer within 30 yards, well, they can still do that with a firearm, if they have to. And they can always use their bow at any time during any deer hunting season. But since they've apparently got the DGIF in their pocket, I can't use a rifle without their blessing.

The rule must be changed! These Khmer Rouge Bowhunters must be defeated! These string-pluckin' dictators must be deposed! And since, after all, the law under discussion is Virginia’s let’s remember the Old Dominion’s motto: Sic Semper Tyrannis! Thus always tyrants! In this case the tyrannical bowhunters and their mealy-mouthed minions. Free us from this enslavement! Remember the 92 days! The reign of the Berkeley-educated Socialist control-freak transplanted Californicators-in-Virginian clothing must end!
Posts: 358 | Registered: 15 September 2002Reply With Quote
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I always pray for stupid bucks during the season.

Please Dear Lord just one stupid buck with slow reflexes, that's all I ask.

LOL, I'll have to remember that
Posts: 15 | Location: Virginia | Registered: 08 March 2005Reply With Quote
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Here in MD we started off with 10 counties allowing 2 days of sunday hunting, 1 in bow season and 1 and gun season.

We have no added extra bow hunting sundays in some counties and have also added other counties, including Montgomery County which is the home of HSUS. Start small and work forward.

The current law allows sunday hunting on private land only so we framed it as a property rights issue. We are currently working on expanding it to certain public lands.

The danger of civilization, of course, is that you will piss away your life on nonsense
Posts: 782 | Location: Baltimore, MD | Registered: 22 July 2005Reply With Quote
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Hutty, I'm impressed that you MD'ers spent so much effort getting that passed. If you work that hard on firearms laws maybe some day you'll even be allowed to hunt with rifles or purchase a pistol in the People's Republik you've got up there.

A cynic might suggest that all that effort might have been better spent on working on laws that prevent you from owning or using weapons that make use of technology of more recent vintage than the stone age, but hey, you folks up there do whatever pleases you…as long as you afford me the same courtesy.

Speaking of which, this topic is about the hunting and weapons laws of Virginia. The day we have to worry about emulating the hunting and weapons laws of leftist Maryland is the day I'll consider moving to Wyoming or Idaho.
Posts: 358 | Registered: 15 September 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Wismon:
Originally posted by Ivan:

If hunting is so important to you.... Pick up a bow and stop whining!

Ivan, I've got one. You'll never see me carrying it during rifle season though. Butthole.

Which local chapter of PETA/HSUS do you belong to? Perhaps it is you who is the butthole and not a wise man.

Posts: 853 | Location: St. Thomas, Pennsylvania, USA | Registered: 08 January 2004Reply With Quote
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You apparently can’t read, Patsyass; my name in not Wiseman. And since you need reading lessons while we're at it we may as well get you some grammatical help. I think what you meant to write was, “To which local chapter of PETA/HSUS do you belong?â€

Ever heard of not finishing your sentence with a preposition? Or, since you seem to want to pick a fight with someone with whom you’ve never before communicated, perhaps you should be more concerned with not finishing your sentence with a proposition, as did Jeffery Dahmer. You can follow that can’t you, Patsyass? That’s when you get into a bar fight, get thrown in jail, ask you cellmate for anal sex, at which point he kills you. It happens all the time.

But back to the topic: we should continue to fight the illiterate homo bowhunting girlie-men who resent our rifles and want our wieners! Tell those fags to go back to their gay bars and leave the woods to us! They no longer deceive us: the reason they want their four-month season yet only get one deer is not because of hunting. No, they and their butt-buddies apparently go out into the woods for other reasons. What with their discussion of shaft lengths, thrust, vibration, fletchings, wrist straps, etc. These degenerate deviants’ monopoly of the woods should be allowed no longer! Let us work to stop the depravity!
Posts: 358 | Registered: 15 September 2002Reply With Quote
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Damn, Wiseass!!! You sure must not have much to do with your time. I believe I must call the troll alert. Danger Will Robinson!!Troll allert. Troll alert!! I will make sure not to read any post you put up in the future. Shame we don't still have a blocking feature to this website.

Although cartridge selection is important there is nothing that will substitute for proper first shot placement. Good hunting, "D"
Posts: 1701 | Location: Western NC | Registered: 28 June 2000Reply With Quote
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It has been nice here in MD to have Sunday hunting. Sure wish VA goes that way. Will give me a bunch more Bowhunting days. Hoping to kill the deer that Wismon has his eye on. Im thinking he's the commie.
Posts: 180 | Registered: 31 December 2003Reply With Quote
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D Hunter, yeah, yeah, whatever Gomer Pyle. I'm sorry you're too stupid not be able to read posts you don't want to read. I hope you can manage without the blocking feature, dude. Shazaam!

Tracker, you won't get my deer; you're in commie Maryland and I'm in Virginia where we get to shoot deer with rifles and don't have to rely on Liberace pseudo weapons like bows if we don't want to. Try to follow along.
Posts: 358 | Registered: 15 September 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Wismon:
You apparently can’t read, Patsyass; my name in not Wiseman. And since you need reading lessons while we're at it we may as well get you some grammatical help. I think what you meant to write was, “To which local chapter of PETA/HSUS do you belong?â€

Ever heard of not finishing your sentence with a preposition? Or, since you seem to want to pick a fight with someone with whom you’ve never before communicated, perhaps you should be more concerned with not finishing your sentence with a proposition, as did Jeffery Dahmer. You can follow that can’t you, Patsyass? That’s when you get into a bar fight, get thrown in jail, ask you cellmate for anal sex, at which point he kills you. It happens all the time.

But back to the topic: we should continue to fight the illiterate homo bowhunting girlie-men who resent our rifles and want our wieners! Tell those fags to go back to their gay bars and leave the woods to us! They no longer deceive us: the reason they want their four-month season yet only get one deer is not because of hunting. No, they and their butt-buddies apparently go out into the woods for other reasons. What with their discussion of shaft lengths, thrust, vibration, fletchings, wrist straps, etc. These degenerate deviants’ monopoly of the woods should be allowed no longer! Let us work to stop the depravity!

So, basically what you are saying is that you have nothing intelligent to add to the thread, only insults. My analysis stands. You are the butthole, wisemon. TROLL ALERT!!!!!!!!!!

Posts: 853 | Location: St. Thomas, Pennsylvania, USA | Registered: 08 January 2004Reply With Quote
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stir troll


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Posts: 3517 | Location: Wyoming | Registered: 25 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Well, I'm from MA and we can't hunt Sundays. I am close enough to easily hunt ME, but no Sunday hunting there either. You *can* hunt in NH, however. Any guesses as to where I am on Sundays during hunting season?

Sunday hunting bans, IMO, are obscene. I don't care what the Pilgrims, or the Quakers, or any other early settlers or subsequent residents/religious zealots thought what was right or wrong to do (or not to do) on Sunday. For me, it's right to hunt. And besides, the mountains, woods, marshes and swamps *are* my church! Smiler



Hunting: I'd kill to participate.
Posts: 2897 | Location: Boston, MA | Registered: 04 January 2005Reply With Quote
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There are many people who cannot afford to take a day off from work to hunt. There are also people who should be in school Mon-Fri. This only leaves Sat/Sun for them, and only Sat. in some states. If Saturday ends up being a cruddy hunting day (weather, etc.), then that leaves no days.

Fewer hunting days lead to people becoming disinterested or discouraged, and eventually they stop hunting. Our young hunters are the ones who need the chance to spend as many days afield as they can. As most of us realize already, the less hunters afield, the less political clout the sportmen have - and we all know where that leads to.


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Posts: 705 | Location: near Albany, NY | Registered: 06 December 2002Reply With Quote
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erict, well stated.
I believe that the Sunday hunting debate needs to be expanded beyond deer hunting. Deer hunting is great, but its such a short season compared to small game, like groundhogs, coyotes, and rock pigons (barn pidgons). There are many lazy Sunday afternoons I'd like to nothing other that sit over a bean or hay feild and pop g'hogs; but I can't according to Va Game law. Its an antiquated law that needs to be amended to reflect current times and the majority of hunters needs.

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Posts: 863 | Location: Northern Neck Va | Registered: 14 December 2005Reply With Quote
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No patsyass, you are mistaken; you are the butthole. No really, it’s a scientific fact. And don’t blame me for it; blame the scientists. I was just trying to help you avoid trouble in the future.

Kamo Gari, I agree that you folks from MA can’t hunt but you neglected to state the reason. You’ve outlawed guns! To kill something in your state the locals prefer to drive the quarry off the bridge, from what I’ve read.

erict, I’m sorry you’re unable to take a day off from work; I hope you get a better job soon. But remember, those better jobs usually require candidates who realize that 94 days are more than one day.

Rusty, I agree! The game laws are antiquated! But they’re not just antiquated; there’s also a sinister aspect to it. A sneaky group of six apparently paid off the DGIF to protect their commercial interests. There's Mr. Matthews the construction worker, Mr. Jennings, the mustachioed policeman, Mr. Alpine the Indian Chief, Mr. PSE who’s in the Navy, Mr. Parker, who’s in the Army, and Mr. Reflex, the cowboy. And there are probably others involved as well. Anyway, these flaming dudes paid off the DGIF resulting in armies of camoed shaft-slingers who would otherwise never buy their products. Fight the good fight, my Northern Neckian cousin! Kill a deer with a rifle in protest! Oh wait, you’re probably not allowed to do that, are you? No wonder you don’t mind what the bowhunting village people have subjected us to; that’s all you have anyway.
Posts: 358 | Registered: 15 September 2002Reply With Quote
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Don't hold back, Wismon! Tell us what you really think.
Posts: 345 | Location: Dauphin Island, Alabama, USA | Registered: 01 July 2002Reply With Quote
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Proof that if you can't say something intelligent, insults and profanity will do just fine to make others think you are a tough guy.

Posts: 853 | Location: St. Thomas, Pennsylvania, USA | Registered: 08 January 2004Reply With Quote
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Wismon -

I speak for many fellow AR posters who truly feel sorry for someone like you who can only support a cause if it benefits them personally. We also feel bad that you have to attack everyone on a personal basis, not that you have likely met even one of us in person.

PS - I have the best job in the world, make good money at it, and I'm even taking three weeks off this deer season - that would be ARCHERY season, I might add.

Good luck this season.


"Listen more than you speak, and you will hear more stupid things than you say."
Posts: 705 | Location: near Albany, NY | Registered: 06 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Amazing, just totally amazing...
Posts: 190 | Location: Mountains of Virginia | Registered: 09 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Kamo Gari, I agree that you folks from MA can’t hunt but you neglected to state the reason. You’ve outlawed guns! To kill something in your state the locals prefer to drive the quarry off the bridge, from what I’ve read.

I didn't say we couldn't hunt. I said we couldn't hunt Sundays. I do just fine hunting the other six all season long. As well as my numerous hunting firearms, I also own a variety of pistols and revolvers, some of which I carry concealed--legally. Most of my friends, none of whom are LE or any other 'special circumstance' types, also hunt very seriously and carry legally. I don't what you've read, but I suggest to you that you don't always believe the hype.


Hunting: I'd kill to participate.
Posts: 2897 | Location: Boston, MA | Registered: 04 January 2005Reply With Quote
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patsyass, you insulted me first, butthole. Go back and read through the thread where you told me to quit whining. Why don’t you quit whining, butthole?

eriction, since you’re such a magnanimous soul that you support causes from which you do not benefit, why don’t you lobby in favor of the only group of people it is politically correct to attack, namely, church-goers? And who anointed you spokesman of AR, anyway? My so-called “attacks†are returned, not instigated. I shoot back. Here you are, in New York it appears, dictating to us how Virginia should arrange it’s hunting laws, yet you don’t have the courtesy to address the issue I brought up, the 92 days left on the table by the folks clamoring for one extra day. You deserved a shot across your bow. It was fascinating to learn of your job, by the way. Maybe you could tell us your favorite color, AR Spokesman?

Ken, I’ll tell you what’s amazing: that people pretend to want one extra day of hunting but refuse their fellow hunters 92 days of the same. That is amazing indeed! But even more amazing are the mental midgets who refuse to acknowledge this inconsistency. Such a position is untenable. One cannot fool any thinking person into believing one is justifiably outraged over the loss of one day of hunting whilst sanctioning the denial of 92 days to his fellow hunters.

Kamo Gari, you’ve got a long uphill battle ahead of you if you plan on convincing very many people that you can legally kill something in Massachusetts using anything other than an Oldsmobile and a bottle of whiskey. Or perhaps, in rare controlled circumstances, a shotgun.

Keep fighting the good fight Old Dominionites! The only other commonwealths we should plan on emulating are Kentucky and the western part of Pennsylvania. If we don’t act with vigilance now we too could be reduced to hunting deer on whatever is Virginia’s version of Nantucket Island, using a double barreled shotgun, crawling around on our bellies, ala their native son, old what’s-his-name.
Posts: 358 | Registered: 15 September 2002Reply With Quote
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wisemon, you really aren't very bright, are you. It wasn't me that accused you of whining. Go back and read for yourself. You are so busy puttin on an impression of a tough guy that you can't think straight.

Originally posted by Ivan:

If hunting is so important to you.... Pick up a bow and stop whining!

If you're man enough to admit when you're wrong, I'll accept your appology.

Posts: 853 | Location: St. Thomas, Pennsylvania, USA | Registered: 08 January 2004Reply With Quote
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Oh, you’re right. I apologize…to Ivan; that was a terrible insult to him to confuse him with you. That was below the belt to be sure.

Your introductory post to me was to ask to which chapter of PETA I belonged, though, as already noted, you finished your sentence with a preposition. And you told me I was not a wise man. Such mean words! Oh well, at least you didn’t call me you.

And perhaps you’re not a butthole but you’re certainly acting like an asshole.
Posts: 358 | Registered: 15 September 2002Reply With Quote
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Kamo Gari, you’ve got a long uphill battle ahead of you if you plan on convincing very many people that you can legally kill something in Massachusetts using anything other than an Oldsmobile and a bottle of whiskey. Or perhaps, in rare controlled circumstances, a shotgun.

Very frankly, it makes not a whit of difference to me what you believe, including the wide variety of hunting we do here. You've proved beyond the shadow of a doubt here on AR during this one thread that you're pretty much a shmuck, and a disagreeable and ignorant one at that.


Hunting: I'd kill to participate.
Posts: 2897 | Location: Boston, MA | Registered: 04 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Don't feed him.
Just dont read him. No answers no nothin. As far as I am cooncerned he aint there.

Although cartridge selection is important there is nothing that will substitute for proper first shot placement. Good hunting, "D"
Posts: 1701 | Location: Western NC | Registered: 28 June 2000Reply With Quote
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We have the same backwards laws here in NC that prohibit hunting on Sunday. Since I can legally fish, play golf, shoot skeet, or purchase smokes and alcoholic products on Sunday I fail to understand the logic behind these so-called blue laws.

I do not think that the NC Department of Wildlife should be in the soul saving business - nor should the bible belt be in the hunting rules and regulation business.

And I personally don't want rifle hunting during archery season. I like the idea of being able to hunt with primitive weapons without having to deal with the roadhunters and dog runners.
Posts: 1519 | Registered: 10 January 2001Reply With Quote
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Kamo Sutra, ah yes, the “wide variety†of hunting up there in Massachusetts! Hunting for the latest way to get federal funds for your billion dollar Big Dig boondoggles that you couldn’t possibly fund through your own socialist “economy.†Hunting for taxi drivers with falling slabs of precast concrete from same. Hunting in the water for the latest girl a Kennedy killed. I guess y’all, excuse me, youse guys do it your way and we do it ours.

D Hunter, well gowowowowoooolie! Shazam! What do nothin, cooncerned, and aint mean, by the way? Did you mean nothing, concerned, and ain’t, perchance? Or was “coon†some reference to last night’s roadkill casserole? Hey to Goober.

But the biggest laugh of all comes from crowrifle, who complains that its wrong for him to not be able to hunt on Sunday but that it’s right for him to stipulate that I can’t hunt with a rifle unless he says so. It’s all about him, apparently. I think he should only hunt crows with bows and quit wearing hose.
Posts: 358 | Registered: 15 September 2002Reply With Quote
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Hunting for taxi drivers with falling slabs of precast concrete from same.

That 'taxi driver' was a latina mother of two in her 30s on her way to the airport in her own car to pick up family, you ill-informed, self-righteous piss-ant. Perfect example that you know not a hell of a lot of what you speak, but simply spew forth rubbish you've heard, or read (though I doubt this second scenario).

Guys, I'm guilty myself of the sin, but let's stop feeding the troll. Once left alone, he'll get bored and make it to his high school classes, I think. Asssuming he hasn't dropped out yet, of course...


Hunting: I'd kill to participate.
Posts: 2897 | Location: Boston, MA | Registered: 04 January 2005Reply With Quote
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It would take a Masshole to brag about killing a woman. The Kennedys apparently consider that to be a rite of passage; I didn’t realize the rest of the state emulated them to that degree.

Virginians: see what kind of sicko thinking is out there trying to influence us? Eschew the carpetbagger Yankees who are trying to tell us how to kill deer and women.
Posts: 358 | Registered: 15 September 2002Reply With Quote
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But the biggest laugh of all comes from crowrifle, who complains that its wrong for him to not be able to hunt on Sunday but that it’s right for him to stipulate that I can’t hunt with a rifle unless he says so. It’s all about him, apparently.

We could all sit here and sling sh!t at you in response to the remarks you've made. But I think you just being you is worse than anything we could offer.
Posts: 1519 | Registered: 10 January 2001Reply With Quote
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Except for you being you, pantyhose wearer.

Bros, it just goes to shows: say no’s to crow bows and his hose!
Posts: 358 | Registered: 15 September 2002Reply With Quote
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I smell "cats" in the room. Another famous asshole on AR.

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Posts: 2789 | Location: Bucks County, Pennsylvania | Registered: 08 June 2005Reply With Quote
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I don’t know what you’re talking about 577NitroExpress, or what you’re doing sniffing cats’ assholes, or whatever it is you’re doing with them, but some of the folks here have some nerve.

A legitimate topic was brought up and under discussion. Having stated my position no end of people start showing up proclaiming my position to be backwards, stupid, etc. At that point any such poster is no longer legitimately contributing to the discussion. Such posters are the disingenuous trolls, not me, and as such they deserve disingenuous responses, which I’m doing my best to provide.

Furthermore, I saw what some of the cats’ assholes here did to this board’s greatest former asset, Ray Atkinson, and those involved ought to be ashamed of themselves. That’s neither here nor there I suppose, but suffice it to say I know just what a cesspool this place can become and I’m not real interested in offering a whole lot of courtesy to folks who aren’t offering it to me.
Posts: 358 | Registered: 15 September 2002Reply With Quote
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For the most part, this is the best forum site on the web. I know we can get a little carried away and caught up in an issue. I hope when it's all said and done we can shake hands and walk away as friends of some sort. I have posted on other sites and gored someones sacred ox in the past. I was then insulted and threatened by unfriendly individuals. I'm not suggesting we shouldn't disagree but lets not get too carried away. I would like to see this site stay at the top where it and all of us belong. As hunting season is here in the states once again, I hope I get to meet you at the local cafe and share a cup of coffee with you, I'm buying.

You can borrow money, but you can't borrow time. Don't wait, go now.
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Well thank you Brian1, I appreciate that.
Posts: 358 | Registered: 15 September 2002Reply With Quote
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